
Helper functions for dealing with Cloud Datastore’s Protobuf API.

The non-private functions are part of the API.

class, longitude)

Bases: object

Simple container for a geo point value.

  • Parameters

    • latitude (float) – Latitude of a point.

    • longitude (float) – Longitude of a point.


Compare two geo points for equality.

  • Return type


  • Returns

    True if the points compare equal, else False.


Compare two geo points for inequality.

  • Return type


  • Returns

    False if the points compare equal, else True.


Convert the current object to protobuf.

  • Return type


  • Returns

    The current point as a protobuf.

Factory method for creating an entity based on a protobuf.

The protobuf should be one returned from the Cloud Datastore Protobuf API.

Converts an entity into a protobuf., transaction_id, read_time=None, new_transaction_options=None)

Validate rules for read options, and assign to the request.

Helper method for lookup() and run_query.

  • Parameters

    • eventual (bool) – Flag indicating if EVENTUAL or STRONG consistency should be used.

    • transaction_id (bytes) – A transaction identifier (may be null).

    • read_time (datetime) – Read data from the specified time (may be null). This feature is in private preview.

    • new_transaction_options ( – Options for a new transaction.

  • Return type


  • Returns

    The read options corresponding to the inputs.

  • Raises

    ValueError if more than one of eventual==True, transaction_id, read_time, and new_transaction_options is specified.

Get the transaction_id or new_transaction_options field from an active transaction object, for use in get_read_options

These are mutually-exclusive fields, so one or both will be None.

  • Return type

    Tuple[Optional[bytes], Optional[]]

  • Returns

    The transaction_id and new_transaction_options fields from the transaction object.

Factory method for creating a key based on a protobuf.

The protobuf should be one returned from the Cloud Datastore Protobuf API., database_id=None)

Set the “database_id” field to the request only if it was provided.