Class AggregationResultIterator (2.10.0)

    aggregation_query, client, eventual=False, retry=None, timeout=None, read_time=None

Represent the state of a given execution of a Query.


aggregation_query AggregationQuery

AggregationQuery object holding permanent configuration (i.e. things that don't change on with each page in a results set).

client Client

The client used to make a request.

eventual bool

(Optional) Defaults to strongly consistent (False). Setting True will use eventual consistency, but cannot be used inside a transaction or with read_time, otherwise will raise ValueError.

retry google.api_core.retry.Retry

A retry object used to retry requests. If None is specified, requests will be retried using a default configuration.

timeout float

Time, in seconds, to wait for the request to complete. Note that if retry is specified, the timeout applies to each individual attempt.

read_time datetime

(Optional) Runs the query with read time consistency. Cannot be used with eventual consistency or inside a transaction, otherwise will raise ValueError. This feature is in private preview.