Class Question (0.9.0)

Question(mapping=None, *, ignore_unknown_fields=False, **kwargs)

The question resource represents a natural language query, its settings, understanding generated by the system, and answer retrieval status. A question cannot be modified.


name str
Output only. Immutable. The unique identifier for the Question. The ID is server-generated. Example: projects/foo/locations/bar/questions/123
scopes MutableSequence[str]
Required. Immutable. Scopes to be used for the question. A scope defines the relevant data set scope. It can be a reference to a specific data source or a collection of data sources. Currently, support is limited to a single BigQuery table. There must be exactly one scopes element. Example: //
query str
Required. Immutable. The query in natural language.
data_source_annotations MutableSequence[str]
A list of annotations to use instead of the default annotation of a data source (set in the data source reference resource). There must not be more than one annotation with the same data source reference.
An error field explaining why interpretation failed. This is only populated if the interpretation failed. Note: This is different from getting a status error on the request itself. This is not a client or server error and the Question resource is still persisted, but the service could not interpret the question. Clients should present the error to the user so the user can rephrase the question.
interpretations MutableSequence[]
A list of interpretations for this question.
create_time google.protobuf.timestamp_pb2.Timestamp
Time when the question was created.
user_email str
Output only. The e-mail address of the user that created this question.
Input only. Immutable. Flags to request additional information for debugging purposes.
debug_info google.protobuf.any_pb2.Any
Top level debug information. This will be stored as the type DebugInformation. Using Any so clients don't need to pull in anything inside the debug message.