Class Type (1.16.1)


The type of commitment, which affects the discount rate and the eligible resources. Type MEMORY_OPTIMIZED specifies a commitment that will only apply to memory optimized machines. Type ACCELERATOR_OPTIMIZED specifies a commitment that will only apply to accelerator optimized machines.

Values: UNDEFINED_TYPE (0): A value indicating that the enum field is not set. ACCELERATOR_OPTIMIZED (280848403): No description available. ACCELERATOR_OPTIMIZED_A3 (158574526): No description available. COMPUTE_OPTIMIZED (158349023): No description available. COMPUTE_OPTIMIZED_C2D (383246453): No description available. COMPUTE_OPTIMIZED_C3 (428004784): No description available. COMPUTE_OPTIMIZED_C3D (383246484): No description available. COMPUTE_OPTIMIZED_H3 (428004939): No description available. GENERAL_PURPOSE (299793543): No description available. GENERAL_PURPOSE_E2 (301911877): No description available. GENERAL_PURPOSE_N2 (301912156): No description available. GENERAL_PURPOSE_N2D (232471400): No description available. GENERAL_PURPOSE_T2D (232477166): No description available. GRAPHICS_OPTIMIZED (68500563): No description available. MEMORY_OPTIMIZED (281753417): No description available. MEMORY_OPTIMIZED_M3 (276301372): No description available. TYPE_UNSPECIFIED (437714322): No description available.