Class InstanceStatus (1.15.0rc0)


[Output Only] The status of the instance. This field is empty when the instance does not exist. Additional supported values which may be not listed in the enum directly due to technical reasons: STOPPING SUSPENDING

Values: UNDEFINED_INSTANCE_STATUS (0): A value indicating that the enum field is not set. DEPROVISIONING (428935662): The instance is halted and we are performing tear down tasks like network deprogramming, releasing quota, IP, tearing down disks etc. PROVISIONING (290896621): Resources are being allocated for the instance. REPAIRING (413483285): The instance is in repair. RUNNING (121282975): The instance is running. STAGING (431072283): All required resources have been allocated and the instance is being started. STOPPED (444276141): The instance has stopped successfully. STOPPING (350791796): No description available. SUSPENDED (51223995): The instance has suspended. SUSPENDING (514206246): No description available. TERMINATED (250018339): The instance has stopped (either by explicit action or underlying failure).