Class Protocol (1.12.0)


The protocol this BackendService uses to communicate with backends. Possible values are HTTP, HTTPS, HTTP2, TCP, SSL, UDP or GRPC. depending on the chosen load balancer or Traffic Director configuration. Refer to the documentation for the load balancers or for Traffic Director for more information. Must be set to GRPC when the backend service is referenced by a URL map that is bound to target gRPC proxy.

Values: UNDEFINED_PROTOCOL (0): A value indicating that the enum field is not set. GRPC (2196510): gRPC (available for Traffic Director). HTTP (2228360): No description available. HTTP2 (69079210): HTTP/2 with SSL. HTTPS (69079243): No description available. SSL (82412): TCP proxying with SSL. TCP (82881): TCP proxying or TCP pass-through. UDP (83873): UDP. UNSPECIFIED (526786327): If a Backend Service has UNSPECIFIED as its protocol, it can be used with any L3/L4 Forwarding Rules.