Class InstanceTemplate (0.1.0)

InstanceTemplate(mapping=None, *, ignore_unknown_fields=False, **kwargs)

Represents an Instance Template resource.

You can use instance templates to create VM instances and managed instance groups. For more information, read Instance Templates. (== resource_for {$api_version}.instanceTemplates ==)


creation_timestamp str
[Output Only] The creation timestamp for this instance template in RFC3339 text format.
description str
An optional description of this resource. Provide this property when you create the resource.
id str
[Output Only] A unique identifier for this instance template. The server defines this identifier.
kind str
[Output Only] The resource type, which is always compute#instanceTemplate for instance templates.
name str
Name of the resource; provided by the client when the resource is created. The name must be 1-63 characters long, and comply with RFC1035. Specifically, the name must be 1-63 characters long and match the regular expression [a-z]([-a-z0-9]*[a-z0-9])? which means the first character must be a lowercase letter, and all following characters must be a dash, lowercase letter, or digit, except the last character, which cannot be a dash.
The instance properties for this instance template.
self_link str
[Output Only] The URL for this instance template. The server defines this URL.
source_instance str
The source instance used to create the template. You can provide this as a partial or full URL to the resource. For example, the following are valid values: - - projects/project/zones/zone/instances/instance
The source instance params to use to create this instance template.