Class ListGroupStatsRequest (0.34.0)

Specifies a set of ErrorGroupStats to return.

[Optional] List all ErrorGroupStats with these IDs.

[Optional] List data for the given time range. If not set a default time range is used. The field time_range_begin in the response will specify the beginning of this time range. Only ErrorGroupStats with a non-zero count in the given time range are returned, unless the request contains an explicit group_id list. If a group_id list is given, also ErrorGroupStats with zero occurrences are returned.

[Optional] The alignment of the timed counts to be returned. Default is ALIGNMENT_EQUAL_AT_END.

[Optional] The sort order in which the results are returned. Default is COUNT_DESC.

[Optional] A next_page_token provided by a previous response. To view additional results, pass this token along with the identical query parameters as the first request.