Class ListBreakpointsRequest (1.6.1)

ListBreakpointsRequest(mapping=None, *, ignore_unknown_fields=False, **kwargs)

Request to list breakpoints.


debuggee_id str
Required. ID of the debuggee whose breakpoints to list.
include_all_users bool
When set to true, the response includes the list of breakpoints set by any user. Otherwise, it includes only breakpoints set by the caller.
include_inactive bool
When set to true, the response includes active and inactive breakpoints. Otherwise, it includes only active breakpoints.
When set, the response includes only breakpoints with the specified action.
strip_results bool
This field is deprecated. The following fields are always stripped out of the result: stack_frames, evaluated_expressions and variable_table.
wait_token str
A wait token that, if specified, blocks the call until the breakpoints list has changed, or a server selected timeout has expired. The value should be set from the last response. The error code google.rpc.Code.ABORTED (RPC) is returned on wait timeout, which should be called again with the same wait_token.
client_version str
Required. The client version making the call. Schema: domain/type/version (e.g.,



BreakpointActionValue(mapping=None, *, ignore_unknown_fields=False, **kwargs)

Wrapper message for Breakpoint.Action. Defines a filter on the action field of breakpoints.