Package Classes (1.16.0)

Summary of entries of Classes for bigqueryreservation.



This API allows users to manage their BigQuery reservations.

A reservation provides computational resource guarantees, in the form of slots <>__, to users. A slot is a unit of computational power in BigQuery, and serves as the basic unit of parallelism. In a scan of a multi-partitioned table, a single slot operates on a single partition of the table. A reservation resource exists as a child resource of the admin project and location, e.g.: projects/myproject/locations/US/reservations/reservationName.

A capacity commitment is a way to purchase compute capacity for BigQuery jobs (in the form of slots) with some committed period of usage. A capacity commitment resource exists as a child resource of the admin project and location, e.g.: projects/myproject/locations/US/capacityCommitments/id.


This API allows users to manage their BigQuery reservations.

A reservation provides computational resource guarantees, in the form of slots <>__, to users. A slot is a unit of computational power in BigQuery, and serves as the basic unit of parallelism. In a scan of a multi-partitioned table, a single slot operates on a single partition of the table. A reservation resource exists as a child resource of the admin project and location, e.g.: projects/myproject/locations/US/reservations/reservationName.

A capacity commitment is a way to purchase compute capacity for BigQuery jobs (in the form of slots) with some committed period of usage. A capacity commitment resource exists as a child resource of the admin project and location, e.g.: projects/myproject/locations/US/capacityCommitments/id.


A pager for iterating through list_assignments requests.

This class thinly wraps an initial ListAssignmentsResponse object, and provides an __aiter__ method to iterate through its assignments field.

If there are more pages, the __aiter__ method will make additional ListAssignments requests and continue to iterate through the assignments field on the corresponding responses.

All the usual ListAssignmentsResponse attributes are available on the pager. If multiple requests are made, only the most recent response is retained, and thus used for attribute lookup.


A pager for iterating through list_assignments requests.

This class thinly wraps an initial ListAssignmentsResponse object, and provides an __iter__ method to iterate through its assignments field.

If there are more pages, the __iter__ method will make additional ListAssignments requests and continue to iterate through the assignments field on the corresponding responses.

All the usual ListAssignmentsResponse attributes are available on the pager. If multiple requests are made, only the most recent response is retained, and thus used for attribute lookup.


A pager for iterating through list_capacity_commitments requests.

This class thinly wraps an initial ListCapacityCommitmentsResponse object, and provides an __aiter__ method to iterate through its capacity_commitments field.

If there are more pages, the __aiter__ method will make additional ListCapacityCommitments requests and continue to iterate through the capacity_commitments field on the corresponding responses.

All the usual ListCapacityCommitmentsResponse attributes are available on the pager. If multiple requests are made, only the most recent response is retained, and thus used for attribute lookup.


A pager for iterating through list_capacity_commitments requests.

This class thinly wraps an initial ListCapacityCommitmentsResponse object, and provides an __iter__ method to iterate through its capacity_commitments field.

If there are more pages, the __iter__ method will make additional ListCapacityCommitments requests and continue to iterate through the capacity_commitments field on the corresponding responses.

All the usual ListCapacityCommitmentsResponse attributes are available on the pager. If multiple requests are made, only the most recent response is retained, and thus used for attribute lookup.


A pager for iterating through list_reservations requests.

This class thinly wraps an initial ListReservationsResponse object, and provides an __aiter__ method to iterate through its reservations field.

If there are more pages, the __aiter__ method will make additional ListReservations requests and continue to iterate through the reservations field on the corresponding responses.

All the usual ListReservationsResponse attributes are available on the pager. If multiple requests are made, only the most recent response is retained, and thus used for attribute lookup.


A pager for iterating through list_reservations requests.

This class thinly wraps an initial ListReservationsResponse object, and provides an __iter__ method to iterate through its reservations field.

If there are more pages, the __iter__ method will make additional ListReservations requests and continue to iterate through the reservations field on the corresponding responses.

All the usual ListReservationsResponse attributes are available on the pager. If multiple requests are made, only the most recent response is retained, and thus used for attribute lookup.


A pager for iterating through search_all_assignments requests.

This class thinly wraps an initial SearchAllAssignmentsResponse object, and provides an __aiter__ method to iterate through its assignments field.

If there are more pages, the __aiter__ method will make additional SearchAllAssignments requests and continue to iterate through the assignments field on the corresponding responses.

All the usual SearchAllAssignmentsResponse attributes are available on the pager. If multiple requests are made, only the most recent response is retained, and thus used for attribute lookup.


A pager for iterating through search_all_assignments requests.

This class thinly wraps an initial SearchAllAssignmentsResponse object, and provides an __iter__ method to iterate through its assignments field.

If there are more pages, the __iter__ method will make additional SearchAllAssignments requests and continue to iterate through the assignments field on the corresponding responses.

All the usual SearchAllAssignmentsResponse attributes are available on the pager. If multiple requests are made, only the most recent response is retained, and thus used for attribute lookup.


A pager for iterating through search_assignments requests.

This class thinly wraps an initial SearchAssignmentsResponse object, and provides an __aiter__ method to iterate through its assignments field.

If there are more pages, the __aiter__ method will make additional SearchAssignments requests and continue to iterate through the assignments field on the corresponding responses.

All the usual SearchAssignmentsResponse attributes are available on the pager. If multiple requests are made, only the most recent response is retained, and thus used for attribute lookup.


A pager for iterating through search_assignments requests.

This class thinly wraps an initial SearchAssignmentsResponse object, and provides an __iter__ method to iterate through its assignments field.

If there are more pages, the __iter__ method will make additional SearchAssignments requests and continue to iterate through the assignments field on the corresponding responses.

All the usual SearchAssignmentsResponse attributes are available on the pager. If multiple requests are made, only the most recent response is retained, and thus used for attribute lookup.


An assignment allows a project to submit jobs of a certain type using slots from the specified reservation.


Types of job, which could be specified when using the reservation.


Assignment will remain in PENDING state if no active capacity commitment is present. It will become ACTIVE when some capacity commitment becomes active.


Represents a BI Reservation.


Capacity commitment is a way to purchase compute capacity for BigQuery jobs (in the form of slots) with some committed period of usage. Annual commitments renew by default. Commitments can be removed after their commitment end time passes.

In order to remove annual commitment, its plan needs to be changed to monthly or flex first.

A capacity commitment resource exists as a child resource of the admin project.


Commitment plan defines the current committed period. Capacity commitment cannot be deleted during it's committed period.


Capacity commitment can either become ACTIVE right away or transition from PENDING to ACTIVE or FAILED.


The request for ReservationService.CreateAssignment. Note: "bigquery.reservationAssignments.create" permission is required on the related assignee.


The request for ReservationService.CreateCapacityCommitment.


The request for ReservationService.CreateReservation.


The request for ReservationService.DeleteAssignment. Note: "bigquery.reservationAssignments.delete" permission is required on the related assignee.


The request for ReservationService.DeleteCapacityCommitment.


The request for ReservationService.DeleteReservation.


The type of editions. Different features and behaviors are provided to different editions Capacity commitments and reservations are linked to editions.


The request for ReservationService.FailoverReservation.


A request to get a singleton BI reservation.


The request for ReservationService.GetCapacityCommitment.


The request for ReservationService.GetReservation.


The request for ReservationService.ListAssignments.


The response for ReservationService.ListAssignments.


The request for ReservationService.ListCapacityCommitments.


The response for ReservationService.ListCapacityCommitments.


The request for ReservationService.ListReservations.


The response for ReservationService.ListReservations.


The request for ReservationService.MergeCapacityCommitments.


The request for ReservationService.MoveAssignment.

Note: "bigquery.reservationAssignments.create" permission is required on the destination_id.

Note: "bigquery.reservationAssignments.create" and "bigquery.reservationAssignments.delete" permission are required on the related assignee.


A reservation is a mechanism used to guarantee slots to users.


Auto scaling settings.


The request for ReservationService.SearchAllAssignments. Note: "" permission is required on the related assignee.


The response for ReservationService.SearchAllAssignments.


The request for ReservationService.SearchAssignments. Note: "" permission is required on the related assignee.


The response for ReservationService.SearchAssignments.


The request for ReservationService.SplitCapacityCommitment.


The response for ReservationService.SplitCapacityCommitment.


Fully qualified reference to BigQuery table. Internally stored as


The request for ReservationService.UpdateAssignment.


A request to update a BI reservation.


The request for ReservationService.UpdateCapacityCommitment.


The request for ReservationService.UpdateReservation.



API documentation for module.