Class LinearRegression (1.21.0)

    optimize_strategy: typing.Literal[
        "auto_strategy", "batch_gradient_descent", "normal_equation"
    ] = "auto_strategy",
    fit_intercept: bool = True,
    l1_reg: typing.Optional[float] = None,
    l2_reg: float = 0.0,
    max_iterations: int = 20,
    warm_start: bool = False,
    learning_rate: typing.Optional[float] = None,
    learning_rate_strategy: typing.Literal["line_search", "constant"] = "line_search",
    tol: float = 0.01,
    ls_init_learning_rate: typing.Optional[float] = None,
    calculate_p_values: bool = False,
    enable_global_explain: bool = False

Ordinary least squares Linear Regression.

LinearRegression fits a linear model with coefficients w = (w1, ..., wp) to minimize the residual sum of squares between the observed targets in the dataset, and the targets predicted by the linear approximation.


Name Description
optimize_strategy str, default "auto_strategy"

The strategy to train linear regression models. Possible values are "auto_strategy", "batch_gradient_descent", "normal_equation". Default to "auto_strategy".

fit_intercept bool, default True

Default True. Whether to calculate the intercept for this model. If set to False, no intercept will be used in calculations (i.e. data is expected to be centered).

l1_reg float or None, default None

The amount of L1 regularization applied. Default to None. Can't be set in "normal_equation" mode. If unset, value 0 is used.

l2_reg float, default 0.0

The amount of L2 regularization applied. Default to 0.

max_iterations int, default 20

The maximum number of training iterations or steps. Default to 20.

warm_start bool, default False

Determines whether to train a model with new training data, new model options, or both. Unless you explicitly override them, the initial options used to train the model are used for the warm start run. Default to False.

learning_rate float or None, default None

The learn rate for gradient descent when learning_rate_strategy='constant'. If unset, value 0.1 is used. If learning_rate_strategy='line_search', an error is returned.

learning_rate_strategy str, default "line_search"

The strategy for specifying the learning rate during training. Default to "line_search".

tol float, default 0.01

The minimum relative loss improvement that is necessary to continue training when EARLY_STOP is set to true. For example, a value of 0.01 specifies that each iteration must reduce the loss by 1% for training to continue. Default to 0.01.

ls_init_learning_rate float or None, default None

Sets the initial learning rate that learning_rate_strategy='line_search' uses. This option can only be used if line_search is specified. If unset, value 0.1 is used.

calculate_p_values bool, default False

Specifies whether to compute p-values and standard errors during training. Default to False.

enable_global_explain bool, default False

Whether to compute global explanations using explainable AI to evaluate global feature importance to the model. Default to False.




Print the estimator's constructor with all non-default parameter values.


    X: typing.Union[bigframes.dataframe.DataFrame, bigframes.series.Series],
    y: typing.Union[bigframes.dataframe.DataFrame, bigframes.series.Series],
) ->

Fit linear model.

Name Description
X bigframes.dataframe.DataFrame or bigframes.series.Series

Series or DataFrame of shape (n_samples, n_features). Training data.

y bigframes.dataframe.DataFrame or bigframes.series.Series

Series or DataFrame of shape (n_samples,) or (n_samples, n_targets). Target values. Will be cast to X's dtype if necessary.

Type Description
LinearRegression Fitted estimator.


get_params(deep: bool = True) -> typing.Dict[str, typing.Any]

Get parameters for this estimator.

Name Description
deep bool, default True

Default True. If True, will return the parameters for this estimator and contained subobjects that are estimators.

Type Description
Dictionary A dictionary of parameter names mapped to their values.


    X: typing.Union[bigframes.dataframe.DataFrame, bigframes.series.Series]
) -> bigframes.dataframe.DataFrame

Predict using the linear model.

Name Description
X bigframes.dataframe.DataFrame or bigframes.series.Series

Series or DataFrame of shape (n_samples, n_features). Samples.

Type Description
bigframes.dataframe.DataFrame DataFrame of shape (n_samples, n_input_columns + n_prediction_columns). Returns predicted values.


register(vertex_ai_model_id: typing.Optional[str] = None) ->

Register the model to Vertex AI.

After register, go to the Google Cloud console ( to manage the model registries. Refer to for more options.

Name Description
vertex_ai_model_id Optional[str], default None

Optional string id as model id in Vertex. If not set, will default to 'bigframes_{bq_model_id}'. Vertex Ai model id will be truncated to 63 characters due to its limitation.


    X: typing.Union[bigframes.dataframe.DataFrame, bigframes.series.Series],
    y: typing.Union[bigframes.dataframe.DataFrame, bigframes.series.Series],
) -> bigframes.dataframe.DataFrame

Calculate evaluation metrics of the model.

Name Description
X bigframes.dataframe.DataFrame or bigframes.series.Series

Series or DataFrame of shape (n_samples, n_features). Test samples. For some estimators this may be a precomputed kernel matrix or a list of generic objects instead with shape (n_samples, n_samples_fitted), where n_samples_fitted is the number of samples used in the fitting for the estimator.

y bigframes.dataframe.DataFrame or bigframes.series.Series

Series or DataFrame of shape (n_samples,) or (n_samples, n_outputs). True values for X.

Type Description
bigframes.dataframe.DataFrame A DataFrame of the evaluation result.


    model_name: str, replace: bool = False
) ->

Save the model to BigQuery.

Name Description
model_name str

The name of the model.

replace bool, default False

Determine whether to replace if the model already exists. Default to False.

Type Description
LinearRegression Saved model.