Class ProvisioningConfig (1.6.0)

ProvisioningConfig(mapping=None, *, ignore_unknown_fields=False, **kwargs)

A provisioning configuration.


name str
Output only. The system-generated name of the provisioning config. This follows the UUID format.
instances MutableSequence[]
Instances to be created.
networks MutableSequence[]
Networks to be created.
volumes MutableSequence[]
Volumes to be created.
ticket_id str
A generated ticket id to track provisioning request.
handover_service_account str
A service account to enable customers to access instance credentials upon handover.
email str
Email provided to send a confirmation with provisioning config to. Deprecated in favour of email field in request messages.
Output only. State of ProvisioningConfig.
location str
Optional. Location name of this ProvisioningConfig. It is optional only for Intake UI transition period.
update_time google.protobuf.timestamp_pb2.Timestamp
Output only. Last update timestamp.
cloud_console_uri str
Output only. URI to Cloud Console UI view of this provisioning config.
vpc_sc_enabled bool
If true, VPC SC is enabled for the cluster.
status_message str
Optional status messages associated with the FAILED state.
custom_id str
Optional. The user-defined identifier of the provisioning config.




The possible states for this ProvisioningConfig.

Values: STATE_UNSPECIFIED (0): State wasn't specified. DRAFT (1): ProvisioningConfig is a draft and can be freely modified. SUBMITTED (2): ProvisioningConfig was already submitted and cannot be modified. PROVISIONING (3): ProvisioningConfig was in the provisioning state. Initially this state comes from the work order table in big query when SNOW is used. Later this field can be set by the work order API. PROVISIONED (4): ProvisioningConfig was provisioned, meaning the resources exist. VALIDATED (5): ProvisioningConfig was validated. A validation tool will be run to set this state. CANCELLED (6): ProvisioningConfig was canceled. FAILED (7): The request is submitted for provisioning, with error return.