Class BackupRule (0.2.1)

BackupRule(mapping=None, *, ignore_unknown_fields=False, **kwargs)

BackupRule binds the backup schedule to a retention policy.

.. _oneof:


Name Description
rule_id str
Required. Immutable. The unique id of this BackupRule. The rule_id is unique per BackupPlan.The rule_id must start with a lowercase letter followed by up to 62 lowercase letters, numbers, or hyphens. Pattern, /a-z][a-z0-9-]{,62}/.
backup_retention_days int
Required. Configures the duration for which backup data will be kept. It is defined in “days”. The value should be greater than or equal to minimum enforced retention of the backup vault. Minimum value is 1 and maximum value is 90 for hourly backups. Minimum value is 1 and maximum value is 90 for daily backups. Minimum value is 7 and maximum value is 186 for weekly backups. Minimum value is 30 and maximum value is 732 for monthly backups. Minimum value is 365 and maximum value is 36159 for yearly backups.
Required. Defines a schedule that runs within the confines of a defined window of time. This field is a member of oneof_ backup_schedule_oneof.