Class ListDatasetsRequest (2.8.1)

ListDatasetsRequest(mapping=None, *, ignore_unknown_fields=False, **kwargs)

Request message for AutoMl.ListDatasets.


parent str
Required. The resource name of the project from which to list datasets.
filter str
An expression for filtering the results of the request. - ``dataset_metadata`` - for existence of the case (e.g. ``image_classification_dataset_metadata:*``). Some examples of using the filter are: - ``translation_dataset_metadata:*`` --> The dataset has ``translation_dataset_metadata``.
page_size int
Requested page size. Server may return fewer results than requested. If unspecified, server will pick a default size.
page_token str
A token identifying a page of results for the server to return Typically obtained via ListDatasetsResponse.next_page_token of the previous AutoMl.ListDatasets call.


builtins.object > proto.message.Message > ListDatasetsRequest