Class InputConfig (0.7.1)

Input configuration for ImportData Action.

The format of input depends on dataset_metadata the Dataset into which the import is happening has. As input source the [gcs_source][] is expected, unless specified otherwise. Additionally any input .CSV file by itself must be 100MB or smaller, unless specified otherwise. If an "example" file (that is, image, video etc.) with identical content (even if it had different GCS_FILE_PATH) is mentioned multiple times, then its label, bounding boxes etc. are appended. The same file should be always provided with the same ML_USE and GCS_FILE_PATH, if it is not, then these values are nondeterministically selected from the given ones.

Errors: If any of the provided CSV files can't be parsed or if more than certain percent of CSV rows cannot be processed then the operation fails and nothing is imported. Regardless of overall success or failure the per-row failures, up to a certain count cap, is listed in Operation.metadata.partial_failures.

The Google Cloud Storage location for the input content. In ImportData, the gcs_source points to a csv with structure described in the comment.



API documentation for automl_v1.types.InputConfig.ParamsEntry class.