Billing questions

Policy Intelligence features are offered at no additional charge for all Google Cloud customers. You will be charged only for use of other Google Cloud services. For information about the pricing of other Google Cloud services, see the Google Cloud pricing calculator.


Policy Analyzer for Organization Policy at scale (above 20 queries per organization per day) is only available for customers with organization-level activations of the Premium tier of Security Command Center.

Quota for Policy Analyzer for Organization Policy is shared among all Policy Analyzer tools. However, queries to Policy Analyzer for IAM allow policies won't count towards the quota until April 29, 2024.

Upcoming pricing changes

After April 29, 2024, the following Policy Intelligence features will only be available for customers with organization-level activations of the Premium tier of Security Command Center:

  • Advanced IAM recommender features, including the following:

    • Role recommendations for non-basic roles
    • Recommendations for custom roles
    • Recommendation for Cloud Storage buckets
    • Policy insights
    • Lateral movement insights

    Project-level, folder-level, and organization-level role recommendations for basic roles (Owner, Editor, and Viewer) will continue to be available at no charge.

  • IAM allow policy analysis at scale (above 20 queries per organization per day). This limit is shared among all Policy Analyzer tools.

All other Policy Intelligence features will continue to be available at no charge.


To get help with billing questions, use the following resources: