Google Cloud Service Control V1 Client - Class ReportResponse (2.0.3)

Reference documentation and code samples for the Google Cloud Service Control V1 Client class ReportResponse.

Response message for the Report method.

Generated from protobuf message google.api.servicecontrol.v1.ReportResponse


Google \ Cloud \ ServiceControl \ V1




Name Description
data array

Optional. Data for populating the Message object.

↳ report_errors array<ReportResponse\ReportError>

Partial failures, one for each Operation in the request that failed processing. There are three possible combinations of the RPC status: 1. The combination of a successful RPC status and an empty report_errors list indicates a complete success where all Operations in the request are processed successfully. 2. The combination of a successful RPC status and a non-empty report_errors list indicates a partial success where some Operations in the request succeeded. Each Operation that failed processing has a corresponding item in this list. 3. A failed RPC status indicates a general non-deterministic failure. When this happens, it's impossible to know which of the 'Operations' in the request succeeded or failed.

↳ service_config_id string

The actual config id used to process the request.

↳ service_rollout_id string

The current service rollout id used to process the request.


Partial failures, one for each Operation in the request that failed processing. There are three possible combinations of the RPC status:

  1. The combination of a successful RPC status and an empty report_errors list indicates a complete success where all Operations in the request are processed successfully.

  2. The combination of a successful RPC status and a non-empty report_errors list indicates a partial success where some Operations in the request succeeded. Each Operation that failed processing has a corresponding item in this list.

  3. A failed RPC status indicates a general non-deterministic failure. When this happens, it's impossible to know which of the 'Operations' in the request succeeded or failed.
Type Description


Partial failures, one for each Operation in the request that failed processing. There are three possible combinations of the RPC status:

  1. The combination of a successful RPC status and an empty report_errors list indicates a complete success where all Operations in the request are processed successfully.

  2. The combination of a successful RPC status and a non-empty report_errors list indicates a partial success where some Operations in the request succeeded. Each Operation that failed processing has a corresponding item in this list.

  3. A failed RPC status indicates a general non-deterministic failure. When this happens, it's impossible to know which of the 'Operations' in the request succeeded or failed.
Name Description
var array<ReportResponse\ReportError>
Type Description


The actual config id used to process the request.

Type Description


The actual config id used to process the request.

Name Description
var string
Type Description


The current service rollout id used to process the request.

Type Description


The current service rollout id used to process the request.

Name Description
var string
Type Description