Stackdriver Logging Client - Class LoggingClient (1.31.0)

Reference documentation and code samples for the Stackdriver Logging Client class LoggingClient.

Google Stackdriver Logging allows you to store, search, analyze, monitor, and alert on log data and events from Google Cloud Platform and Amazon Web Services. Find more information at the Google Stackdriver Logging docs.

This client supports transport over REST or gRPC.

In order to enable gRPC support please make sure to install and enable the gRPC extension through PECL:

$ pecl install grpc

NOTE: Support for gRPC is currently at an Alpha quality level, meaning it is still a work in progress and is more likely to get backwards-incompatible updates.

When using gRPC in production environments, it is highly recommended that you make use of the Protobuf PHP extension for improved performance. Protobuf can be installed via PECL.

$ pecl install protobuf


use Google\Cloud\Logging\LoggingClient;

= new LoggingClient();


Google \ Cloud \ Logging



Create a Logging client.

Name Description
config array

Configuration options.

↳ projectId string

The project ID from the Google Developer's Console.

↳ authCache CacheItemPoolInterface

A cache for storing access tokens. Defaults to a simple in memory implementation.

↳ authCacheOptions array

Cache configuration options.

↳ authHttpHandler callable

A handler used to deliver Psr7 requests specifically for authentication.

↳ credentialsFetcher FetchAuthTokenInterface

A credentials fetcher instance.

↳ httpHandler callable

A handler used to deliver Psr7 requests. Only valid for requests sent over REST.

↳ keyFile array

The contents of the service account credentials .json file retrieved from the Google Developer's Console. Ex: json_decode(file_get_contents($path), true).

↳ keyFilePath string

The full path to your service account credentials .json file retrieved from the Google Developers Console.

↳ requestTimeout float

Seconds to wait before timing out the request. Defaults to 0 with REST and 60 with gRPC.

↳ retries int

Number of retries for a failed request. Defaults to 3.

↳ scopes array

Scopes to be used for the request.

↳ quotaProject string

Specifies a user project to bill for access charges associated with the request.

↳ transport string

The transport type used for requests. May be either grpc or rest. Defaults to grpc if gRPC support is detected on the system.


Name Description
name string

The name of the sink.

destination string

The export destination. Please see Exporting Logs With Sinks for more information and examples.

options array

Configuration options.

↳ filter string

An advanced logs filter.

↳ outputVersionFormat string

The log entry version to use for this sink's exported log entries. This version does not have to correspond to the version of the log entry when it was written to Stackdriver Logging. May be either V1 or V2. Defaults to V2.

Type Description


Lazily instantiates a sink. There are no network requests made at this point. To see the operations that can be performed on a sink please see Google\Cloud\Logging\Sink.


$sink = $logging->sink('my-sink');
echo $sink
Name Description
name string

The name of the sink.

Type Description


Name Description
options array

Configuration options.

↳ pageSize int

The maximum number of results to return per request.

↳ resultLimit int

Limit the number of results returned in total. Defaults to 0 (return all results).

↳ pageToken string

A previously-returned page token used to resume the loading of results from a specific point.

Type Description


Name Description
name string

The name of the metric.

filter string

An advanced logs filter.

options array

Configuration Options.

↳ description string

A description of the metric.

Type Description


Lazily instantiates a metric. There are no network requests made at this point. To see the operations that can be performed on a metric please see Google\Cloud\Logging\Metric.


$metric = $logging->metric('my-metric');
echo $metric
Name Description
name string

The name of the metric.

Type Description


Name Description
options array

Configuration options.

↳ pageSize int

The maximum number of results to return per request.

↳ resultLimit int

Limit the number of results returned in total. Defaults to 0 (return all results).

↳ pageToken string

A previously-returned page token used to resume the loading of results from a specific point.

Type Description


Name Description
options array

Configuration options.

↳ projectIds string[]

A list of projectIds to fetch entries from in addition to entries found in the project bound to this client.

↳ resourceNames string[]

One or more cloud resources from which to retrieve log entries. Projects listed in projectIds are added to this list. Example: "projects/my-project-1A", "projects/1234567890".

↳ filter string

An advanced logs filter.

↳ orderBy string

How the results should be sorted. Presently, the only permitted values are timestamp asc and timestamp desc. Defaults to "timestamp asc".

↳ pageSize int

The maximum number of results to return per request.

↳ resultLimit int

Limit the number of results returned in total. Defaults to 0 (return all results).

↳ pageToken string

A previously-returned page token used to resume the loading of results from a specific point.

Type Description


Fetches a logger which will write log entries to Stackdriver Logging and implements the PSR-3 specification.


$psrLogger = $logging->psrLogger('my-log');
// Write entries with background batching.
= $logging->psrLogger('my-log', [
'batchEnabled' => true
Name Description
name string

The name of the log to write entries to.

options array

Configuration options.

↳ messageKey string

The key in the jsonPayload used to contain the logged message. Defaults to message.

↳ resource array

The monitored resource to associate log entries with. Defaults to type global.

↳ labels array

A set of user-defined (key, value) data that provides additional information about the log entry.

↳ metadataProvider MetadataProviderInterface

Defaults to An automatically chosen provider, based on detected environment settings.

↳ batchEnabled bool

Determines whether or not to use background batching. Defaults to false.

↳ debugOutput bool

Whether or not to output debug information. Please note debug output currently only applies in CLI based applications. Defaults to false. Applies only when batchEnabled is set to true.

↳ debugOutputResource resource

A resource to output debug output to. Applies only when batchEnabled is set to true.

↳ batchOptions array

A set of options for a BatchJob. Google\Cloud\Core\Batch\BatchJob::__construct() for more details. Defaults to ['batchSize' => 1000, 'callPeriod' => 2.0, 'numWorkers' => 2]. Applies only when batchEnabled is set to true. Note that this option is currently considered experimental and is subject to change.

↳ clientConfig array

Configuration options for the Logging client used to handle processing of batch items. For valid options please see Google\Cloud\Logging\LoggingClient::__construct(). Defaults to the options provided to the current client. Applies only when batchEnabled is set to true.

↳ batchRunner BatchRunner

A BatchRunner object. Mainly used for the tests to inject a mock. Defaults to a newly created BatchRunner. Applies only when batchEnabled is set to true.

↳ closureSerializer ClosureSerializerInterface

An implementation responsible for serializing closures used in the $clientConfig. This is especially important when using the batch daemon. Defaults to Google\Cloud\Core\Batch\OpisClosureSerializer if the opis/closure library is installed.

Type Description


Fetches a logger which will write log entries to Stackdriver Logging.


$logger = $logging->logger('my-log');
Name Description
name string

The name of the log to write entries to.

options array

Configuration options.

↳ resource array

The monitored resource to associate log entries with. Defaults to type global.

↳ labels array

A set of user-defined (key, value) data that provides additional information about the log entry.

Type Description


Create a PsrLogger with batching enabled.

Name Description
name string

The name of the log to write entries to.

options array

Configuration options.

↳ apiEndpoint string

A hostname with optional port to use in place of the service's default endpoint.

↳ messageKey string

The key in the jsonPayload used to contain the logged message. Defaults to message.

↳ resource array

The monitored resource to associate log entries with. Defaults to type global.

↳ labels array

A set of user-defined (key, value) data that provides additional information about the log entry.

↳ metadataProvider MetadataProviderInterface

Defaults to An automatically chosen provider, based on detected environment settings.

↳ debugOutput bool

Whether or not to output debug information. Please note debug output currently only applies in CLI based applications. Defaults to false.

↳ batchOptions array

A set of options for a BatchJob. Google\Cloud\Core\Batch\BatchJob::__construct() for more details. Defaults to ['batchSize' => 1000, 'callPeriod' => 2.0, 'numWorkers' => 2].

↳ clientConfig array

Configuration options for the Logging client used to handle processing of batch items. For valid options please see Google\Cloud\Logging\LoggingClient::__construct().

↳ batchRunner BatchRunner

A BatchRunner object. Mainly used for the tests to inject a mock. Defaults to a newly created BatchRunner.

↳ closureSerializer ClosureSerializerInterface

An implementation responsible for serializing closures used in the $clientConfig. This is especially important when using the batch daemon. Defaults to Google\Cloud\Core\Batch\OpisClosureSerializer if the opis/closure library is installed.

Type Description



Value: '1.31.0'


Value: ''


Value: ''


Value: ''