Google Cloud Discovery Engine V1 Client - Class ChatEngineConfig (1.4.0)

Reference documentation and code samples for the Google Cloud Discovery Engine V1 Client class ChatEngineConfig.

Configurations for a Chat Engine.

Generated from protobuf message


Google \ Cloud \ DiscoveryEngine \ V1 \ Engine




Name Description
data array

Optional. Data for populating the Message object.

↳ agent_creation_config ChatEngineConfig\AgentCreationConfig

The configurationt generate the Dialogflow agent that is associated to this Engine. Note that these configurations are one-time consumed by and passed to Dialogflow service. It means they cannot be retrieved using EngineService.GetEngine or EngineService.ListEngines API after engine creation.

↳ dialogflow_agent_to_link string

The resource name of an exist Dialogflow agent to link to this Chat Engine. Customers can either provide agent_creation_config to create agent or provide an agent name that links the agent with the Chat engine. Format: projects/<Project ID>/locations/<Location ID>/agents/<Agent ID>. Note that the dialogflow_agent_to_link are one-time consumed by and passed to Dialogflow service. It means they cannot be retrieved using EngineService.GetEngine or EngineService.ListEngines API after engine creation. Use ChatEngineMetadata.dialogflow_agent for actual agent association after Engine is created.


The configurationt generate the Dialogflow agent that is associated to this Engine.

Note that these configurations are one-time consumed by and passed to Dialogflow service. It means they cannot be retrieved using EngineService.GetEngine or EngineService.ListEngines API after engine creation.

Type Description




The configurationt generate the Dialogflow agent that is associated to this Engine.

Note that these configurations are one-time consumed by and passed to Dialogflow service. It means they cannot be retrieved using EngineService.GetEngine or EngineService.ListEngines API after engine creation.

Name Description
var ChatEngineConfig\AgentCreationConfig
Type Description

The resource name of an exist Dialogflow agent to link to this Chat Engine. Customers can either provide agent_creation_config to create agent or provide an agent name that links the agent with the Chat engine.

Format: projects/<Project ID>/locations/<Location ID>/agents/<Agent ID>. Note that the dialogflow_agent_to_link are one-time consumed by and passed to Dialogflow service. It means they cannot be retrieved using EngineService.GetEngine or EngineService.ListEngines API after engine creation. Use ChatEngineMetadata.dialogflow_agent for actual agent association after Engine is created.

Type Description

The resource name of an exist Dialogflow agent to link to this Chat Engine. Customers can either provide agent_creation_config to create agent or provide an agent name that links the agent with the Chat engine.

Format: projects/<Project ID>/locations/<Location ID>/agents/<Agent ID>. Note that the dialogflow_agent_to_link are one-time consumed by and passed to Dialogflow service. It means they cannot be retrieved using EngineService.GetEngine or EngineService.ListEngines API after engine creation. Use ChatEngineMetadata.dialogflow_agent for actual agent association after Engine is created.

Name Description
var string
Type Description