Google Cloud Backup Dr V1 Client - Class StandardSchedule (0.4.0)

Reference documentation and code samples for the Google Cloud Backup Dr V1 Client class StandardSchedule.

StandardSchedule defines a schedule that run within the confines of a defined window of days. We can define recurrence type for schedule as HOURLY, DAILY, WEEKLY, MONTHLY or YEARLY.

Generated from protobuf message


Google \ Cloud \ BackupDR \ V1




Name Description
data array

Optional. Data for populating the Message object.

↳ recurrence_type int

Required. Specifies the RecurrenceType for the schedule.

↳ hourly_frequency int

Optional. Specifies frequency for hourly backups. A hourly frequency of 2 means jobs will run every 2 hours from start time till end time defined. This is required for recurrence_type, HOURLY and is not applicable otherwise. A validation error will occur if a value is supplied and recurrence_type is not HOURLY. Value of hourly frequency should be between 6 and 23. Reason for limit : We found that there is bandwidth limitation of 3GB/S for GMI while taking a backup and 5GB/S while doing a restore. Given the amount of parallel backups and restore we are targeting, this will potentially take the backup time to mins and hours (in worst case scenario).

↳ days_of_week array

Optional. Specifies days of week like, MONDAY or TUESDAY, on which jobs will run. This is required for recurrence_type, WEEKLY and is not applicable otherwise. A validation error will occur if a value is supplied and recurrence_type is not WEEKLY.

↳ days_of_month array

Optional. Specifies days of months like 1, 5, or 14 on which jobs will run. Values for days_of_month are only applicable for recurrence_type, MONTHLY and YEARLY. A validation error will occur if other values are supplied.

↳ week_day_of_month Google\Cloud\BackupDR\V1\WeekDayOfMonth

Optional. Specifies a week day of the month like, FIRST SUNDAY or LAST MONDAY, on which jobs will run. This will be specified by two fields in WeekDayOfMonth, one for the day, e.g. MONDAY, and one for the week, e.g. LAST. This field is only applicable for recurrence_type, MONTHLY and YEARLY. A validation error will occur if other values are supplied.

↳ months array

Optional. Specifies the months of year, like FEBRUARY and/or MAY, on which jobs will run. This field is only applicable when recurrence_type is YEARLY. A validation error will occur if other values are supplied.

↳ backup_window Google\Cloud\BackupDR\V1\BackupWindow

Required. A BackupWindow defines the window of day during which backup jobs will run. Jobs are queued at the beginning of the window and will be marked as NOT_RUN if they do not start by the end of the window. Note: running jobs will not be cancelled at the end of the window.

↳ time_zone string

Required. The time zone to be used when interpreting the schedule. The value of this field must be a time zone name from the IANA tz database. See for the list of valid timezone names. For e.g., Europe/Paris.


Required. Specifies the RecurrenceType for the schedule.

Type Description


Required. Specifies the RecurrenceType for the schedule.

Name Description
var int
Type Description


Optional. Specifies frequency for hourly backups. A hourly frequency of 2 means jobs will run every 2 hours from start time till end time defined.

This is required for recurrence_type, HOURLY and is not applicable otherwise. A validation error will occur if a value is supplied and recurrence_type is not HOURLY. Value of hourly frequency should be between 6 and 23. Reason for limit : We found that there is bandwidth limitation of 3GB/S for GMI while taking a backup and 5GB/S while doing a restore. Given the amount of parallel backups and restore we are targeting, this will potentially take the backup time to mins and hours (in worst case scenario).

Type Description


Optional. Specifies frequency for hourly backups. A hourly frequency of 2 means jobs will run every 2 hours from start time till end time defined.

This is required for recurrence_type, HOURLY and is not applicable otherwise. A validation error will occur if a value is supplied and recurrence_type is not HOURLY. Value of hourly frequency should be between 6 and 23. Reason for limit : We found that there is bandwidth limitation of 3GB/S for GMI while taking a backup and 5GB/S while doing a restore. Given the amount of parallel backups and restore we are targeting, this will potentially take the backup time to mins and hours (in worst case scenario).

Name Description
var int
Type Description


Optional. Specifies days of week like, MONDAY or TUESDAY, on which jobs will run.

This is required for recurrence_type, WEEKLY and is not applicable otherwise. A validation error will occur if a value is supplied and recurrence_type is not WEEKLY.

Type Description


Optional. Specifies days of week like, MONDAY or TUESDAY, on which jobs will run.

This is required for recurrence_type, WEEKLY and is not applicable otherwise. A validation error will occur if a value is supplied and recurrence_type is not WEEKLY.

Name Description
var int[]
Type Description


Optional. Specifies days of months like 1, 5, or 14 on which jobs will run.

Values for days_of_month are only applicable for recurrence_type, MONTHLY and YEARLY. A validation error will occur if other values are supplied.

Type Description


Optional. Specifies days of months like 1, 5, or 14 on which jobs will run.

Values for days_of_month are only applicable for recurrence_type, MONTHLY and YEARLY. A validation error will occur if other values are supplied.

Name Description
var int[]
Type Description


Optional. Specifies a week day of the month like, FIRST SUNDAY or LAST MONDAY, on which jobs will run. This will be specified by two fields in WeekDayOfMonth, one for the day, e.g. MONDAY, and one for the week, e.g. LAST.

This field is only applicable for recurrence_type, MONTHLY and YEARLY. A validation error will occur if other values are supplied.

Type Description




Optional. Specifies a week day of the month like, FIRST SUNDAY or LAST MONDAY, on which jobs will run. This will be specified by two fields in WeekDayOfMonth, one for the day, e.g. MONDAY, and one for the week, e.g. LAST.

This field is only applicable for recurrence_type, MONTHLY and YEARLY. A validation error will occur if other values are supplied.

Name Description
var Google\Cloud\BackupDR\V1\WeekDayOfMonth
Type Description


Optional. Specifies the months of year, like FEBRUARY and/or MAY, on which jobs will run.

This field is only applicable when recurrence_type is YEARLY. A validation error will occur if other values are supplied.

Type Description


Optional. Specifies the months of year, like FEBRUARY and/or MAY, on which jobs will run.

This field is only applicable when recurrence_type is YEARLY. A validation error will occur if other values are supplied.

Name Description
var int[]
Type Description


Required. A BackupWindow defines the window of day during which backup jobs will run. Jobs are queued at the beginning of the window and will be marked as NOT_RUN if they do not start by the end of the window.

Note: running jobs will not be cancelled at the end of the window.

Type Description




Required. A BackupWindow defines the window of day during which backup jobs will run. Jobs are queued at the beginning of the window and will be marked as NOT_RUN if they do not start by the end of the window.

Note: running jobs will not be cancelled at the end of the window.

Name Description
var Google\Cloud\BackupDR\V1\BackupWindow
Type Description


Required. The time zone to be used when interpreting the schedule.

The value of this field must be a time zone name from the IANA tz database. See for the list of valid timezone names. For e.g., Europe/Paris.

Type Description


Required. The time zone to be used when interpreting the schedule.

The value of this field must be a time zone name from the IANA tz database. See for the list of valid timezone names. For e.g., Europe/Paris.

Name Description
var string
Type Description