Google Cloud Asset V1 Client - Class EffectiveIamPolicy (1.16.4)

Reference documentation and code samples for the Google Cloud Asset V1 Client class EffectiveIamPolicy.

The effective IAM policies on one resource.

Generated from protobuf message


Google \ Cloud \ Asset \ V1 \ BatchGetEffectiveIamPoliciesResponse




Name Description
data array

Optional. Data for populating the Message object.

↳ full_resource_name string

The full_resource_name for which the policies are computed. This is one of the BatchGetEffectiveIamPoliciesRequest.names the caller provides in the request.

↳ policies array<Google\Cloud\Asset\V1\BatchGetEffectiveIamPoliciesResponse\EffectiveIamPolicy\PolicyInfo>

The effective policies for the full_resource_name. These policies include the policy set on the full_resource_name and those set on its parents and ancestors up to the BatchGetEffectiveIamPoliciesRequest.scope. Note that these policies are not filtered according to the resource type of the full_resource_name. These policies are hierarchically ordered by PolicyInfo.attached_resource starting from full_resource_name itself to its parents and ancestors, such that policies[i]'s PolicyInfo.attached_resource is the child of policies[i+1]'s PolicyInfo.attached_resource, if policies[i+1] exists.


The full_resource_name for which the policies are computed. This is one of the BatchGetEffectiveIamPoliciesRequest.names the caller provides in the request.

Type Description


The full_resource_name for which the policies are computed. This is one of the BatchGetEffectiveIamPoliciesRequest.names the caller provides in the request.

Name Description
var string
Type Description


The effective policies for the full_resource_name.

These policies include the policy set on the full_resource_name and those set on its parents and ancestors up to the BatchGetEffectiveIamPoliciesRequest.scope. Note that these policies are not filtered according to the resource type of the full_resource_name. These policies are hierarchically ordered by PolicyInfo.attached_resource starting from full_resource_name itself to its parents and ancestors, such that policies[i]'s PolicyInfo.attached_resource is the child of policies[i+1]'s PolicyInfo.attached_resource, if policies[i+1] exists.

Type Description


The effective policies for the full_resource_name.

These policies include the policy set on the full_resource_name and those set on its parents and ancestors up to the BatchGetEffectiveIamPoliciesRequest.scope. Note that these policies are not filtered according to the resource type of the full_resource_name. These policies are hierarchically ordered by PolicyInfo.attached_resource starting from full_resource_name itself to its parents and ancestors, such that policies[i]'s PolicyInfo.attached_resource is the child of policies[i+1]'s PolicyInfo.attached_resource, if policies[i+1] exists.

Name Description
var array<Google\Cloud\Asset\V1\BatchGetEffectiveIamPoliciesResponse\EffectiveIamPolicy\PolicyInfo>
Type Description