Melakukan analisis sentimen menggunakan alat gcloud
Halaman ini menunjukkan cara memulai Cloud Natural Language API menggunakan Google Cloud SDK.
Jika ingin mengikuti panduan langkah demi langkah untuk tugas ini langsung di Konsol Google Cloud, klik Pandu saya:
Sebelum memulai
Sign in to your Google Account.
If you don't already have one, sign up for a new account.
- Install the Google Cloud CLI.
To initialize the gcloud CLI, run the following command:
gcloud init
Create or select a Google Cloud project.
Create a Google Cloud project:
gcloud projects create
with a name for the Google Cloud project you are creating. -
Select the Google Cloud project that you created:
gcloud config set project
with your Google Cloud project name.
Make sure that billing is enabled for your Google Cloud project.
Enable the Cloud Natural Language API:
gcloud services enable
Membuat permintaan analisis entity
untuk memanggil perintah analyze-entities
dan gunakan flag --content
menentukan teks yang akan dianalisis.
gcloud ml language analyze-entities --content="Michelangelo Caravaggio, Italian painter, is known for 'The Calling of Saint Matthew'."
untuk membuat permintaan POST
ke metode documents:analyzeEntities
dan berikan isi permintaan yang sesuai seperti yang ditunjukkan dalam contoh berikut.
Contoh ini menggunakan perintah gcloud auth application-default print-access-token
untuk mendapatkan token akses untuk akun layanan yang Anda buat saat menyiapkan project.
curl -X POST \ -H "Authorization: Bearer "$(gcloud auth application-default print-access-token) \ -H "Content-Type: application/json; charset=utf-8" \ "" \ --data "{ 'document':{ 'type':'PLAIN_TEXT', 'content':'Michelangelo Caravaggio, Italian painter, is known for \'The Calling of Saint Matthew\'.' }, 'encodingType':'UTF8' }"
Anda akan melihat respons seperti berikut:
{ "entities": [ { "name": "Michelangelo Caravaggio", "type": "PERSON", "metadata": { "wikipedia_url": "", "mid": "/m/020bg" }, "salience": 0.83047235, "mentions": [ { "text": { "content": "Michelangelo Caravaggio", "beginOffset": 0 }, "type": "PROPER" }, { "text": { "content": "painter", "beginOffset": 33 }, "type": "COMMON" } ] }, { "name": "Italian", "type": "LOCATION", "metadata": { "mid": "/m/03rjj", "wikipedia_url": "" }, "salience": 0.13870546, "mentions": [ { "text": { "content": "Italian", "beginOffset": 25 }, "type": "PROPER" } ] }, { "name": "The Calling of Saint Matthew", "type": "EVENT", "metadata": { "mid": "/m/085_p7", "wikipedia_url": "" }, "salience": 0.030822212, "mentions": [ { "text": { "content": "The Calling of Saint Matthew", "beginOffset": 69 }, "type": "PROPER" } ] } ], "language": "en" }
- In the Google Cloud console, go to the Manage resources page.
- In the project list, select the project that you want to delete, and then click Delete.
- In the dialog, type the project ID, and then click Shut down to delete the project.
Langkah selanjutnya
Mulai Natural Language API dalam bahasa pilihan Anda menggunakan Library Klien Cloud Natural Language.
Lihat Dasar-Dasar Natural Language untuk mengetahui informasi konseptual tentang cara membuat permintaan Natural Language API dan menangani respons.
Coba Tutorial Analisis Sentimen dan jelajahi Contoh Aplikasi.