Assessment and Migration

This document describes how to perform an assessment of your existing Cloud Foundry (CF) Foundation, and how to migrate the CF Foundation, Organization, Space, or App to Kf.

Migration fit assessment

Use the kf migrate scan-cf-cluster command to generate a report containing an assessment of the migration readiness of a CF Foundation. You can format the report as a spreadsheet (recommended) or text file.


Perform an assessment

  1. Validate the Foundation to be targeted.

    cf curl /v2/info
  2. Run the command to generate a spreadsheet containing the assessment report.

    kf migrate scan-cf-cluster report.xlsx
  3. Review the assessment.

    If you plan to share the assessment, you can redact any information that you do not want to share.


Perform the following steps to migrate entities from CF:

  1. Create migration plan that describes the migration.

  2. Edit the migration plan to customize your migration.

  3. Apply the migration plan to perform the migration.

The following sections describe these steps in more detail.

Migration scopes

Your first decision when performing a migration is to decide on the migration scope. The scope determines the CF entity you want to migrate and the privileges you need to perform the migration:

  • Entire Foundation or Organization: You must have admin read-only privileges or higher on the CF Foundation.

  • Single Space or App: You must have Space Developer privileges or higher.


To perform a migration, you require:

  • To create the migration plan: The Kf CLI. See Install Kf CLI for the installation instructions.
  • To apply the migration plan: A GKE cluster running Kf. See Install Kf for the installation instructions.
  • Access to a cluster with a Cloud Foundry installation.
  • CF CLI that has targeted the CF Foundation.
  • The privileges on the CF Foundation required by your desired migration scope, as shown above.

Create a migration plan

Use the kf migrate plan command to create the migration plan.

By default, the command writes the migration plan to standard out. You typically redirect the output to a yaml file so that you can customize the plan before applying it. For example, the following command writes the output to standard out:

kf migrate plan

Redirect the output to a yaml file:

kf migrate plan > plan.yaml

When you run the kf migrate plan command, you should see output in the command window in the form below listing the steps performed by the command and any warning or migration issues:

kf migrate plan > plan.yaml

    Checking CF CLI is available
    Checking CF CLI is authenticated

    WARNING: plan has issues
    Issues with domain "apps.internal" in space "kf-team-acceptance":
        E04 - internal domains are not supported

    Issues with application "spring-music" in space "kf-team-app":
        E14 - app manifest must have a single process

    Issues with service instance "logspinner-1" in space "kf-team-app":
        E10 - syslog drain configuration is not supported

To generate a migration plan:

  1. Ensure that you have logged in to your CF Foundation by using the CF CLI.

  2. Perform the migration based on your desired migration scope, where:

    • MY_ORG specifies the name of the Organization.
    • MY_SPACE specifies the name of the Space.
    • MY_APP specifies the name of the App.
    1. Generate a migration plan for an entire CF Foundation.

      kf migrate plan > plan.yaml
    2. Generate a migration plan for an Org.

      kf migrate plan --cf-org MY_ORG > plan.yaml
    3. Generate a migration plan for a Space

      kf migrate plan --cf-org MY_ORG --cf-space MY_SPACE > plan.yaml
    4. Generate a migration plan for an App.

      kf migrate plan --cf-org MY_ORG --cf-space MY_SPACE --cf-app MY_APP > plan.yaml

If you see the following error after running any of these commands:

You are not authorized to perform the requested action CF-NotAuthorized 10003

You do not have required privileges to read the necessary CAPI endpoints.

Edit the migration plan

Review and optionally modify the generated migration plan to resolve any errors.

Apply the migration plan

Use the kf migrate apply command to apply the migration plan and migrate the CF entity.

To apply a migration:

  1. Ensure that you have set .kubeconfig to target your Kf cluster.

  2. Ensure that you have access to a GKE cluster running a full Kf installation. That means you have run the following command to connect to the cluster:

    gcloud container clusters get-credentials CLUSTER_NAME \
       --project=CLUSTER_PROJECT_ID \
  3. Ensure that there are no existing Space names on your Kf cluster that will collide with a Space referenced in the migration plan.

    Space names are of the form cf-org-cf-space. For example, if the Org name is myorg and the Space name is myspace, then the Kf space will be myorg-myspace.

  4. Apply the migration plan.

    kf migrate apply -v --plan plan.yaml

    The verbose flag -v is recommended but not required. This flag causes the command to output the Kf commands used to perform the migration.