Customize migration plan for WebSphere traditional workloads

Before you begin

This topic assumes that you've already created a migration and have the migration plan file.

Edit the migration plan

After you have copied the file system and analyzed it, you can find the migration plan in the new directory that is created in the specified output path: ANALYSIS_OUTPUT_PATH/config.yaml.

Edit the migration plan as necessary and save the changes.

Review your migration plan's details and guiding comments to add information as needed.

Specifically, consider edits around the following sections.

Select applications

On the migration plan, the application field represents the applications to migrate. If you do not want to migrate all applications, you can remove them.

- appName: hello-world-servlet-ear
  - httpPort: 9080
    httpsPort: 9443
    id: defaulthttpendpoint
    name: hello-world-servlet-ear
  path: /opt/IBM/WebSphere/AppServer/profiles/AppSrv01/config/cells/m4a-twas-ndNode01Cell/applications/Hello-World-Servlet.ear
- appName: commons-ejb-ear-provided-ear
  - httpPort: 9080
    httpsPort: 9443
    id: defaulthttpendpoint
    name: commons-ejb-ear-provided-ear
  path: /opt/IBM/WebSphere/AppServer/profiles/AppSrv01/config/cells/m4a-twas-ndNode01Cell/applications/commons-ejb-ear-provided.ear
  - /opt/IBM/WebSphere/AppServer/sharedJars/commons-io-2.8.0.jar

Set the scanner options

In the migration plan, the scannerOptions field represents the argument to pass to the IBM WebSphere Application Server Migration Toolkit for Application Binaries. You can edit the arguments.

  # Setting 'includeSensitiveData: true' will upload sensitive data, if exists, such as private keys, to the artifacts repository
  includeSensitiveData: false
  sourceAppServer: was90

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