Access control

This page explains the Identity and Access Management roles available for Memorystore for Valkey, and the associated permissions for those roles.

To learn how to grant the role to a user in your project, see Grant or revoke a single role.

Predefined roles

The following predefined roles are available for Memorystore for Valkey. If you update a role for an Identity and Access Management principal, the change takes several minutes to take effect.

Role Name Memorystore permissions Description




Full access and control for all Google Cloud resources; manage user access


Editor All memorystore permissions except for *.getIamPolicy & .setIamPolicy Read-write access to all Google Cloud and Valkey resources (full control except for the ability to modify permissions)



memorystore.*.get memorystore.*.list

Read-only access to all Google Cloud resources, including Valkey resources


Memorystore Admin


Full control for all Memorystore for Valkey resources.


Memorystore Editor All memorystore permissions except for

memorystore.instances.create memorystore.instances.delete memorystore.instances.connect

Manage Memorystore for Valkey instances. Can't create or delete instances.


Memorystore Viewer All memorystore permissions except for

memorystore.instances.create memorystore.instances.delete memorystore.instances.update memorystore.instances.connect memorystore.operations.delete

Read-only access to all Memorystore for Valkey resources.


Memorystore Database Connection User


A role that you can assign to users who need to authenticate with IAM Auth

Permissions and their roles

The following table lists each permission that Memorystore for Valkey supports and the Memorystore for Valkey roles that include it:

Permission Memorystore role Basic role


Memorystore Admin
Memorystore Editor
Memorystore Viewer


Memorystore Admin
Memorystore Editor
Memorystore Viewer


Memorystore Admin Owner


Memorystore Admin
Memorystore Editor


Memorystore Admin
Memorystore Database Connection User

Custom roles

If the predefined roles do not address your unique business requirements, you can define your own custom roles with permissions that you specify. To support this, IAM offers custom roles. When you create custom roles for Memorystore for Valkey, make sure that you include both resourcemanager.projects.get and resourcemanager.projects.list. Otherwise, the Google Cloud console will not function correctly for Memorystore for Valkey. For more information, see Permission dependencies. To learn how to create a custom role, see Creating a custom role.

In-transit encryption permissions

The table below shows permissions required for enabling and managing In-transit encryption for Memorystore for Valkey.

Permissions needed Create a Memorystore instance with in-transit encryption Download the Certificate Authority
memorystore.instances.create X
memorystore.instances.get X

Network connectivity policy creation role

The permissions described in this section are needed for the Network Admin who is establishing a service connection policy for Memorystore for Valkey, as described in the Networking page.

To establish the policy required for Memorystore for Valkey instance creation, the Network Admin must have the role, which grants the following permissions:

  • networkconnectivity.serviceconnectionpolicies.create
  • networkconnectivity.serviceconnectionpolicies.list
  • networkconnectivity.serviceconnectionpolicies.get
  • networkconnectivity.serviceconnectionpolicies.delete
  • networkconnectivity.serviceconnectionpolicies.update