This document lists the AWS resources created and managed by GKE on AWS.
AWS resources created by GKE on AWS are easy to identify because
their names are generally prefixed with gke-
. In addition, you can attach tags
to your
AWSCluster, and
AWSNodePool resources to
make them easier to find and manage.
Startup Resources
- AWS EC2 Instances (taggable)
- AWS EC2 launch templates (taggable)
- Nodeagent objects stored in S3 (taggable)
Security Resources
- AWS KMS key pairs (taggable)
- AWS IAM roles (taggable)
- AWS IAM role policies (non-taggable)
- AWS IAM instance profiles (non-taggable)
- AWS VPC security groups (taggable)
- AWS VPC security group rules (non-taggable)
Networking Resources
- AWS Elastic IP addresses (taggable)
- AWS internet gateways (taggable)
- AWS NAT gateways (taggable)
- AWS subnets (taggable)
- AWS VPCs (taggable)
- AWS VPC route tables (taggable)
- AWS VPC route table associations (non-taggable)
- AWS VPC routes (non-taggable)
- AWS elastic network interfaces (taggable)
Storage Resources
- AWS S3 buckets
- AWS EBS volumes (taggable)
- AWS EBS snapshots (non-taggable)
Workload management resources
- AWS Elastic load balancers (ELB) (taggable)
- AWS ELB listeners (non-taggable)
- AWS ELB target groups (taggable)
- AWS EC2 auto scaling groups (taggable)