
This topic describes the configuration options of the AWSCluster Custom Resource Definition.

Defining an AWSCluster

AWSCluster is a Kubernetes custom resource defined by GKE on AWS. This resource represents a GKE on AWS control plane.

To create a cluster from this template, copy the following YAML and complete the highlighted values defined in the spec.networking and spec.controlPlane field definitions. Then, apply the resource manifest to your management service.

kind: AWSCluster
  region: AWS_REGION
    vpcID: VPC_ID
    serviceLoadBalancerSubnetIDs: SERVICE_LOAD_BALANCER_SUBNETS
    version: GKE_VERSION # Latest version is 1.25.5-gke.2100
    instanceType: AWS_INSTANCE_TYPE
    keyName: SSH_KEY_NAME
    iamInstanceProfile: CONTROL_PLANE_IAM_ROLE
      kmsKeyARN: ARN_OF_KMS_KEY
      membershipName: ANTHOS_CONNECT_NAME
    cloudOperations: # Optional
      projectID: YOUR_PROJECT
      location: GCP_LOCATION
      enableLogging: ENABLE_LOGGING
      enableMonitoring: ENABLE_MONITORING
    proxySecretName: PROXY_SECRET_NAME
      oidcDiscoveryGCSBucket: WORKLOAD_IDENTITY_BUCKET
    rootVolume:  # Optional
      volumeType: ROOT_VOLUME_TYPE
      iops: ROOT_VOLUME_IOPS
    etcd:  # Optional
        sizeGiB: ETCD_VOLUME_SIZE
        volumeType: ETCD_VOLUME_TYPE
        iops: ETCD_VOLUME_IOPS
        kmsKeyARN: ETCD_VOLUME_KEY
      adminIdentityARNs: ADMIN_IAM_ARN
    oidc: # Optional
    - certificateAuthorityData: CERTIFICATE_STRING
      clientID: CLIENT_ID
      clientSecret: CLIENT_SECRET
      extraParams:  EXTRA_PARAMS
      groupsClaim:  GROUPS_CLAIM
      groupPrefix:  GROUP_PREFIX
      issuerURI:  ISSUER_URL
      kubectlRedirectURI:  KUBECTL_REDIRECT_URL
      scopes:  SCOPES
      userClaim:  USER_CLAIM
      userPrefix:  USER_PREFIX

The subfields under spec are described in the following sections.


This object defines cluster-wide networking configuration.

Name Description Type Example Required
vpcID The ID of the VPC where your cluster runs. A user cluster's control plane and node pools run in a single VPC. string vpc-0814934042d983118 yes
podAddressCIDRBlocks Range of IPv4 addresses used by the cluster's pods. Currently only a single range is supported. The range must not overlap with any subnets reachable from your network. It is safe to use the same range across multiple different AWSCluster objects. list(string) [] yes
serviceAddressCIDRBlocks Range of IPv4 addresses used by the cluster's services. Currently only a single range is supported. The range must not overlap with any subnets reachable from your network. It is safe to use the same range across multiple different AWSCluster objects. list(string) [] yes
serviceLoadBalancerSubnetIDs Subnet IDs where GKE on AWS can create public or private load balancers. GKE on AWS applies tags to each of these subnets to support load balancing. ALB support requires more than one specified subnet. list(string) [subnet-abcdefg, subnet-12345678]


This object includes common parameters for the cluster's control plane.

Name Description Type Example Required
version The control plane's GKE version. See Versioning and upgrades and upgrading a user cluster for more information. string 1.25.5-gke.2100 yes
instanceType An AWS EC2 instance type for each control plane replica. See Supported instance types. string m5.large yes
keyName The AWS EC2 key pair assigned to each control plane replica. string my-key-pair yes
subnetIDs A list of VPC Subnets for control plane replicas. list(string) [subnet-06a004869a1eae947] yes
securityGroupIDs GKE on AWS automatically creates security groups with minimum rules needed for a functioning cluster. If you would like to add additional security groups with access to control plane replicas, add their IDs to securityGroupIDs. list(string) [sg-0ec06559d997a796f] no
iamInstanceProfile The name of the AWS EC2 instance profile assigned to control plane replicas. string my-control-plane-profile yes
databaseEncryption.kmsKeyARN The Amazon resource name (ARN) of the AWS KMS key that GKE on AWS uses to encrypt application-layer secrets in clusters. string arn:aws:kms:us-west-1:123456789:key/aaaaaaaa-bbbb-cccc-dddd-eeeeeeeeeeee
hub.membershipName The Connect membership name used to register your cluster. string projects/YOUR_PROJECT/locations/global/memberships/CLUSTER_NAME
cloudOperations The Cloud Logging and Cloud Monitoring configuration for control plane nodes. object {projectID: YOUR_PROJECT, location: us-central1, enableLogging: true, enableMonitoring: true} no
tags Key/value metadata assigned to each AWS resource supporting the AWSCluster. For more information, see Tagging best practices map(string) {Environment: Production, Team: Analytics} no
proxySecretName User-chosen name of a Secret used to define cluster-specific network proxies string proxy-secret-0 no
workloadIdentity Cloud Storage bucket for workload identity configuration. Contains a single field: oidcDiscoveryGCSBucket. object {oidcDiscoveryGCSBucket: my-bucket} no
rootVolume Parameters for control plane replica root volumes. Contains an object defined in the following section. object {sizeGiB: 10} yes
etcd Parameters for etcd volumes. Contains an object defined in the following section. object {sizeGiB: 10} yes

spec.controlPlane.rootVolume and spec.etcd.rootVolume

These fields apply to both spec.controlPlane.rootVolume and spec.etcd.mainVolume.

Name Description Type Example Required
sizeGiB Size of the root volume in Gigabytes. integer 10 yes
volumeType The control plane node's AWS EBS volume type. Can be gp2 (default) or gp3. string gp2 no
iops The amount of provisioned IO operations per second (IOPS) for volumes. Only valid when volumeType is GP3. For more information, see General Purpose SSD volumes (gp3). integer 5000 no
kmsKeyARN The ARN of the AWS KMS key used to encrypt the EBS volume. For more information, see Using a customer managed CMK to encrypt volumes. string arn:aws:kms:us-west-1:123456789:key/aaaaaaaa-bbbb-cccc-dddd-eeeeeeeeeeee no


This object specifies roles granted cluster administrator access with AWS IAM.

Name Description Type Example Required
adminIdentityARNs ARN of AWS IAM users or roles granted cluster administrator access. string arn:aws:iam::123456789012:user/admin Only required if using AWS IAM authentication.


You can specify more than one oidc object. The oidc object is defined below. For more information, see Authenticating with OIDC.

Field Required Description Format
certificateAuthorityData No A base64-encoded PEM-encoded certificate for the OIDC provider. To create the string, encode the certificate, including headers, into base64. Include the resulting string in certificateAuthorityData as a single line. Example: certificateAuthorityData: LS0tLS1CRUdJTiBDRVJUSUZJQ0FURS0tLS0tC...k1JSUN2RENDQWFT== String
clientID Yes ID for the client application that makes authentication requests to the OpenID provider. String
clientSecret No Shared secret between OIDC client application and OIDC provider. String
extraParams No Additional key-value parameters to send to the OpenID provider. If you are authorizing a group, pass in resource=token-groups-claim.

If your authorization server prompts for consent, for authentication with Microsoft Azure and Okta, set extraParams to prompt=consent. For Google Cloud Identity, set extraParams to prompt=consent,access_type=offline.

Comma-delimited list
groupsClaim No JWT claim that the provider uses to return your security groups. String
groupPrefix No Prefix prepended to group claims to prevent clashes with existing names. For example, given a group foobar and a prefix gid-, gid-foobar. String
issuerURI Yes URL where authorization requests are sent to your OpenID, such as The Kubernetes API server uses this URL to discover public keys for verifying tokens. The URI must use HTTPS. URL String
kubectlRedirectURI Yes The redirect url `kubectl` uses for authorization. URL String
scopes Yes Additional scopes to send to the OpenID provider. Microsoft Azure and Okta require the offline_access scope. Comma-delimited list
userClaim No JWT claim to use as the username. The default is `sub`, which is expected to be a unique identifier of the end user. You can choose other claims, such as email or name, depending on the OpenID provider. However, claims other than email are prefixed with the issuer URL to prevent naming clashes. String
userPrefix No Prefix prepended to username claims to prevent clashes with existing names. If you do not provide this field, and the username is a value other than an email address, the prefix defaults to issuerurl#. When you set userPrefix to -, prefixing is disabled. String