Install the Knative serving fleet component

Install Knative serving as a GKE Enterprise fleet component.

Before you begin


Installing Knative serving as a fleet component includes:

  1. Enabling fleets in your Google Cloud project.
  2. Copying the gke-system-gateway Gateway over to the knative-ingress-gateway Gateway.
  3. Installing the Knative serving custom resource in your cluster.

Note that during this process, your existing Knative serving services continue to service traffic uninterrupted.

Install the Knative serving fleet component

In this section, the migration script is used to install Knative serving as a fleet component.

  1. Run the following command to start the migration script:

    ./ --command install-cloud-run-v2

    Note that if you have any issues with this step or want to change something, you can re-run this migration script command.

  2. In the terminal, the migration script prompts you for your confirmation to perform each action. Enter y at each prompt to proceed.

    The prompts during the process of installing the Knative serving fleet component look similar to the following:

    In the process of installing the Knative serving fleet component, the
    script performs the following:
    1. Enabling the fleet in your Google Cloud project.
    2. Copy gke-system-gateway Gateway to knative-ingress-gateway Gateway
    3. Installing the Knative serving custom resource in your cluster.
    Continue? [Y/n] y
    1. Enabling Anthos services?
    Continue? [Y/n] y
    Operation "operations/acf.p2-625914735451-10d4b6ff-68e1-4a09-97c4-79b209be5031" finished successfully.
    2. Copying gke-system-gateway Gateway to knative-ingress-gateway Gateway
    configmap/original-knative-ingress-gateway-spec unchanged patched (no
    configmap/config-istio patched
    configmap/config-istio patched "gke-system-gateway" deleted
    3. Install the Knative serving custom resource in your cluster?
    Continue? [Y/n] y
    Waiting for Knative serving feature to be enabled
    Knative serving feature is enabled.
    The YAML file for the new operator appdevexperience-operator was created at
    condition met
    kubeconfig entry generated for my-gke-cluster.
    Added the custom resource for Knative serving
    Waiting for Knative serving serving to be ready...
    Knative serving serving is not ready yet.
    Knative serving serving is ready.
    Removing the ValidatingWebhookConfiguration used to prevent deletion
    "prevent-deletion-cloud-run-resources" deleted
    Knative serving has been installed as an Anthos fleet component

    Known issue for private clusters

    If your installation of Knative serving is on a private cluster on Google Cloud, you might receive a timeout error from:

    Waiting for CRD to be created

    To work around the timeout error, run the following command:

    cat <<EOF | kubectl apply -f -
    kind: CloudRun
      name: cloud-run
  3. Verify that the Knative serving feature component is enabled:


    View if the Knative serving component is Enabled in the Google Cloud console:

    Go to Feature Manager

    Command line

    View if the appdevexperience state is ACTIVE:

    gcloud alpha container hub features list  --project=PROJECT_ID

    Replace PROJECT_ID with the ID of your Google Cloud project.

    For details and additional options, see the gcloud alpha container hub features list reference.

What's next

Now that Cloud Service Mesh and Knative serving are installed, you can begin to migrate and roll-out traffic to your new resources.


If you need to rollback the changes that you made through the steps above, you can use the migration script to:

  • Remove control of your Knative serving resources from the operator appdevexperience-operator.
  • Delete the Knative serving custom resource and uninstall the operator appdevexperience-operator.
  • Optional: Disable Knative serving in the fleet of your Google Cloud project.

To begin the rollback process:

  1. Run the following command to start the migration script:

    ./ --command rollback-install-cloud-run-v2
  2. In the terminal, the migration script prompts you for your confirmation to perform each action. Enter y to at each prompt to proceed.

    The prompts during the process of uninstalling the fleet component look similar to the following:

    In the step of rolling back the Knative serving fleet installation, the
    script performs the following:
    1. Remove control of Knative serving resources from the operator
    2. Delete the Knative serving custom resource and uninstall the operator
    3. Revert the changes installed by the Knative serving fleet component.
    4. Optional: Disable Knative serving in the GKE Enterprise fleet of your
       Google Cloud project.
    Continue? [Y/n] y
    1. Removing control of Knative serving resources from the operator
    Creating a ValidatingWebhookConfiguration to prevent the deletion of the
    resources under the following namespaces:
    knative-serving, cloud-run-system, and gke-system
    waiting for OwnerReferences of Knative serving resources to be deleted
    OwnerReferences of Knative serving resources are deleted
    Waiting for Knative serving serving to be ready...
    Knative serving serving is ready.
    2. Delete the Knative serving custom resource and uninstall the operator
    Continue? [Y/n] y "cloud-run" deleted patched
    waiting for appdevexperience namespace to be deleted
    3. Revert the changes installed by the fleet component?
    configmap/config-observability patched
    4. Optional: Disable Knative serving in the Anthos fleet of your
       Google Cloud project?
       You can choose to skip this step and keep the feature enable within your
       Anthos fleet. For example, you might want to keep the
       Knative serving fleet component enabled because it was enabled prior to
       this migration.
    Continue (or Skip)? [Y/n] n