Instal Knative yang berfungsi sebagai komponen fleet GKE Enterprise.
Sebelum memulai
Anda harus meninjau dan memastikan bahwa Anda memenuhi persyaratan untuk mengupgrade terlebih dahulu.
Perintah di halaman ini menggunakan variabel lingkungan dan skrip migrasi dari langkah persiapan upgrade.
Anda harus melakukan setiap langkah proses ini dalam urutan yang ditentukan.
Menginstal penayangan Knative sebagai komponen fleet mencakup:
- Mengaktifkan fleet di project Google Cloud Anda.
- Menyalin Gateway
ke Gatewayknative-ingress-gateway
. - Menginstal resource kustom penayangan Knative di cluster Anda.
Perhatikan bahwa selama proses ini, layanan penayangan Knative yang ada akan terus melayani traffic tanpa gangguan.
Menginstal komponen fleet layanan Knative
Di bagian ini, skrip migrasi digunakan untuk menginstal penayangan Knative sebagai komponen fleet.
Jalankan perintah berikut untuk memulai skrip migrasi:
./ --command install-cloud-run-v2
Perhatikan bahwa jika mengalami masalah dengan langkah ini atau ingin mengubah sesuatu, Anda dapat menjalankan kembali perintah skrip migrasi ini.
Di terminal, skrip migrasi akan meminta konfirmasi Anda untuk melakukan setiap tindakan. Masukkan
pada setiap perintah untuk melanjutkan.Perintah selama proses penginstalan komponen fleet layanan Knative terlihat mirip dengan berikut:
In the process of installing the Knative serving fleet component, the script performs the following: 1. Enabling the fleet in your Google Cloud project. 2. Copy gke-system-gateway Gateway to knative-ingress-gateway Gateway 3. Installing the Knative serving custom resource in your cluster. Continue? [Y/n] y 1. Enabling Anthos services? Continue? [Y/n] y Operation "operations/acf.p2-625914735451-10d4b6ff-68e1-4a09-97c4-79b209be5031" finished successfully. 2. Copying gke-system-gateway Gateway to knative-ingress-gateway Gateway configmap/original-knative-ingress-gateway-spec unchanged patched (no change) configmap/config-istio patched configmap/config-istio patched "gke-system-gateway" deleted 3. Install the Knative serving custom resource in your cluster? Continue? [Y/n] y Waiting for Knative serving feature to be enabled Knative serving feature is enabled. The YAML file for the new operator appdevexperience-operator was created at /tmp/tmp.bI7H1qagGa/cloudrun.yaml condition met kubeconfig entry generated for my-gke-cluster. Added the custom resource for Knative serving Waiting for Knative serving serving to be ready... Knative serving serving is not ready yet. Knative serving serving is ready. Removing the ValidatingWebhookConfiguration used to prevent deletion "prevent-deletion-cloud-run-resources" deleted Knative serving has been installed as an Anthos fleet component
Masalah umum untuk cluster pribadi
Jika penginstalan penayangan Knative Anda berada di cluster pribadi di Google Cloud, Anda mungkin menerima error waktu tunggu dari:
Waiting for CRD to be created
Untuk mengatasi error waktu tunggu habis, jalankan perintah berikut:
cat <<EOF | kubectl apply -f - apiVersion: kind: CloudRun metadata: name: cloud-run EOF
Pastikan komponen fitur penayangan Knative telah diaktifkan:
Lihat apakah komponen penayangan Knative Diaktifkan di konsol Google Cloud:
Command line
Lihat apakah status
:gcloud alpha container hub features list --project=PROJECT_ID
Ganti PROJECT_ID dengan ID project Google Cloud Anda.
Untuk mengetahui detail dan opsi tambahan, lihat referensi daftar fitur container hub gcloud alpha.
Langkah selanjutnya
Setelah Cloud Service Mesh dan penayangan Knative diinstal, Anda dapat mulai memigrasikan dan meluncurkan traffic ke resource baru.
Jika perlu melakukan rollback pada perubahan yang Anda buat melalui langkah-langkah di atas, Anda dapat menggunakan skrip migrasi untuk:
- Hapus kontrol resource penayangan Knative Anda dari operator
. - Hapus resource kustom penayangan Knative dan uninstal operator
. - Opsional: Nonaktifkan penayangan Knative di fleet project Google Cloud Anda.
Untuk memulai proses rollback:
Jalankan perintah berikut untuk memulai skrip migrasi:
./ --command rollback-install-cloud-run-v2
Di terminal, skrip migrasi akan meminta konfirmasi Anda untuk melakukan setiap tindakan. Masukkan
pada setiap perintah untuk melanjutkan.Perintah selama proses meng-uninstal komponen armada terlihat mirip dengan berikut ini:
In the step of rolling back the Knative serving fleet installation, the script performs the following: 1. Remove control of Knative serving resources from the operator `appdevexperience-operator`. 2. Delete the Knative serving custom resource and uninstall the operator `appdevexperience-operator`. 3. Revert the changes installed by the Knative serving fleet component. 4. Optional: Disable Knative serving in the GKE Enterprise fleet of your Google Cloud project. Continue? [Y/n] y 1. Removing control of Knative serving resources from the operator `appdevexperience-operator`. Creating a ValidatingWebhookConfiguration to prevent the deletion of the resources under the following namespaces: knative-serving, cloud-run-system, and gke-system waiting for OwnerReferences of Knative serving resources to be deleted OwnerReferences of Knative serving resources are deleted Waiting for Knative serving serving to be ready... Knative serving serving is ready. 2. Delete the Knative serving custom resource and uninstall the operator `appdevexperience-operator`? Continue? [Y/n] y "cloud-run" deleted patched waiting for appdevexperience namespace to be deleted 3. Revert the changes installed by the fleet component? configmap/config-observability patched 4. Optional: Disable Knative serving in the Anthos fleet of your Google Cloud project? You can choose to skip this step and keep the feature enable within your Anthos fleet. For example, you might want to keep the Knative serving fleet component enabled because it was enabled prior to this migration. Continue (or Skip)? [Y/n] n