Configure Network Connectivity Gateway

This document shows how to configure Network Connectivity Gateway for a cluster in Google Distributed Cloud.

Sometimes you have Pods running in a cluster that must communicate with workloads running in a Virtual Private Cloud (VPC). This communication must be secure. And perhaps you need this communication to occur over a flat network without using a proxy server. Network Connectivity Gateway enables this kind of communication.

Network Connectivity Gateway runs as a Pod in your cluster. As shown in the following diagram, this solution provides IPsec tunnels for traffic from Pods in your cluster to VMs in a VPC. When the gateway Pod receives prefixes for VPC subnets over a Border Gateway Protocol (BGP) session, it sets up forwarding by using Dataplane V2. When other Pods send traffic to an address with one of those prefixes, the traffic is steered to the gateway Pod. Then the gateway Pod routes the traffic over an IPsec tunnel toward Google Cloud.

Network Connectivity Gateway diagram for Google Distributed Cloud

Network Connectivity Gateway doesn't support the following features and capabilities:

  • IPv6 for HA VPN (and BGP)
  • MD5 for BGP
  • Bidirectional Forwarding Detection (BFD) for BGP

Create Google Cloud resources

Before you enable Network Connectivity Gateway in a cluster, you must have the following Google Cloud resources:

  • A Cloud Router

  • An HA VPN gateway

  • A peer VPN gateway: one interface

  • Two VPN tunnels

  • Two BGP sessions: one for each of your VPN tunnels

For information on how to create and configure these resources, see Creating an HA VPN gateway to a peer VPN gateway.

As you create these resources, gather the following information, and have it available for later:

  • The two external IP addresses that Google Cloud assigned to your HA VPN gateway.

  • The public IP address for IPsec/VPN traffic that leaves your organization. This address might be the result of a network address translation (NAT).

  • Your pre-shared key.

  • The autonomous system number (ASN) that you assigned to your Cloud Router for BGP sessions.

  • The ASN you've chosen to use in your on-premises cluster for BGP sessions.

  • For each BGP session, the link-local address, such as, to be used by your Cloud Router and the link-local address to be used in your on-premises cluster.

For information on how to find the details for your BGP session configuration, see View BGP session configuration.

Cluster requirements

The Network Connectivity Gateway command-line tool download, ncgctl-v1.12.0-linux-amd64.tar.gz is compatible with version 1.12 of Google Distributed Cloud only. If you are creating a new version 1.12.0 cluster, you enable Network Connectivity Gateway with an annotation in the cluster configuration file.

To enable Network Connectivity Gateway during cluster creation:

  1. In the cluster configuration file, add the "true" annotation.

    kind: Cluster
      annotations: "true"
      name: my-cluster
      namespace: cluster-my-cluster
      anthosBareMetalVersion: 1.12.0
  2. Use bmctl create to create the cluster:

    bmctl create cluster -c CLUSTER_NAME

    Replace CLUSTER_NAME with the name you that specified when you created the cluster configuration file. For more information about creating clusters, see Cluster creation overview.


To download ncgctl, the Network Connectivity Gateway command-line tool, follow these steps:

  1. Download the Network Connectivity Gateway components and custom resource definitions:

    gcloud storage cp gs://ncg-release/anthos-baremetal/ncgctl-v1.12.0-linux-amd64.tar.gz .
  2. Extract the archive:

    tar -xvzf ncgctl-v1.12.0-linux-amd64.tar.gz


To install ncgctl, follow these steps:

  1. Run preflight checks to make sure the cluster satisfies the prerequisites. For example, make sure that Dataplane V2 is enabled.

    ./bin/ncgctl --verify --kubeconfig CLUSTER_KUBECONFIG

    Replace CLUSTER_KUBECONFIG with the path of your cluster kubeconfig file.

  2. Install Network Connectivity Gateway.

    ./bin/ncgctl --install --kubeconfig CLUSTER_KUBECONFIG
  3. If you have an existing version 1.12.0 cluster, you can use the following ncgctl command to enable Network Connectivity Gateway:

    ./bin/ncgctl --enable-ncg-on-existing-cluster

    The ncgctl command accepts -e as a shortened version of the enable flag.

  4. To see additional shortcuts and other command help, use the following command:

    ./bin/ncgctl --help

Create a Secret for your pre-shared key

The gateways at either end of the IPsec tunnels use a Secret containing your pre-shared key for authentication.

To create the Secret, follow these steps:

  1. Create a file named psk-secret.yaml with the following Secret manifest details:

    apiVersion: v1
    kind: Secret
      name: "ike-key"
      namespace: "kube-system"
      psk: PRE_SHARED_KEY

    Replace PRE_SHARED_KEY with a base64-encoded pre-shared key. If you have a key in plaintext, encode the key to base64 format before you create this Secret. For example, if the Google Cloud console generated a key for you, it is in plaintext, and you must encode it. To base64 encode a key:

    echo -n PLAINTEXT_KEY | base64
  2. Create the Secret:

    kubectl --kubeconfig CLUSTER_KUBECONFIG apply -f psk-secret.yaml

Create two OverlayVPNTunnel custom resources

To start two IPsec sessions, create two OverlayVPNTunnel custom resources.

  1. Create a file named overlay-vpn-tunnels.yaml with the following OverlayVPNTunnel manifest details:

    kind: OverlayVPNTunnel
      namespace: "kube-system"
      name: TUNNEL_1_NAME
        name: "ike-key"
        namespace: "kube-system"
        publicIP: PEER_PUBLIC_IP_1
        publicIP: SELF_PUBLIC_IP
      localTunnelIP: SELF_LOCAL_TUNNEL_IP_1
    kind: OverlayVPNTunnel
      namespace: "kube-system"
      name: TUNNEL_2_NAME
        name: "ike-key"
        namespace: "kube-system"
        publicIP: PEER_PUBLIC_IP_2
        publicIP: SELF_PUBLIC_IP
      localTunnelIP: SELF_LOCAL_TUNNEL_IP_2

    Replace the following:

    • TUNNEL_NAME_1: a name of your choice for the first OverlayVPNTunnel.

    • TUNNEL_NAME_2: a name of your choice for the second OverlayVPNTunnel.

    • PEER_PUBLIC_IP_1: the public IP address of one interface on your HA VPN gateway. You specified this interface when you created your first VPN tunnel.

    • PEER_PUBLIC_IP_2: the public IP address of the other interface on your HA VPN gateway. You specified this interface when you created your second VPN tunnel.

    • SELF_LOCAL_TUNNEL_IP_1: the link-local address to be used in your cluster for BGP sessions over the first tunnel.

    • SELF_LOCAL_TUNNEL_IP_2: the link-local address to be used in your cluster for BGP sessions over the second tunnel.

    • SELF_PUBLIC_IP: the public IP address for IPsec/VPN traffic that leaves your organization. This address might be the result of a network address translation (NAT).

  2. Create the two OverlayVPNTunnels:

    kubectl --kubeconfig CLUSTER_KUBECONFIG apply -f overlay-vpn-tunnels.yaml
  3. Check the status of the tunnels:

    kubectl --kubeconfig CLUSTER_KUBECONFIG get OverlayVPNTunnel \
        --namespace kube-system --output yaml

Create two OverlayBGPPeer custom resources

To start a BGP session over each of the tunnels, create two OverlayBGPPeer custom resources.

  1. Create a file named overlay-bgp-peers.yaml with the following OverlayBGPPeer manifest details.

    kind: OverlayBGPPeer
      namespace: "kube-system"
      name: BGP_PEER_1_NAME
      localASN: LOCAL_ASN
      localIP: LOCAL_IP
      peerIP: PEER_IP_1
      peerASN: PEER_ASN
      vpnTunnel: TUNNEL_1_NAME
    kind: OverlayBGPPeer
      namespace: "kube-system"
      name: BGP_PEER_2_NAME
      localASN: LOCAL_ASN
      localIP: LOCAL_IP
      peerIP: PEER_IP_2
      peerASN: PEER_ASN
      vpnTunnel: TUNNEL_2_NAME

    Replace the following:

    • BGP_PEER_1_NAME: a name of your choice for the first OverlayBGPPeer.

    • BGP_PEER_2_NAME: a name of your choice for the second OverlayBGPPeer.

    • LOCAL_ASN: the ASN to be used in your cluster for BGP sessions.

    • LOCAL_IP: the public IP address for IPsec/VPN traffic that leaves your organization. This address might be the result of a network address translation (NAT).

    • PEER_IP_1: the public IP address of one interface on your HA VPN gateway. You specified this interface when you created your first VPN tunnel.

    • PEER_IP_2: the public IP address of the other interface on your HA VPN gateway. You specified this interface when you created your second VPN tunnel.

    • PEER_ASN: the ASN assigned to your Cloud Router for BGP sessions.

    • TUNNEL_1_NAME: the name of the first OverlayVPNTunnel that you created previously.

    • TUNNEL_2_NAME: the name of the second OverlayVPNTunnel that you created previously.

  2. Create the OverlayBGPPeer custom resources:

    kubectl --kubeconfig CLUSTER_KUBECONFIG apply -f overlay-bgp-peers.yaml
  3. Check the status of the BGP sessions:

    kubectl --kubeconfig CLUSTER_KUBECONFIG get OverlayBGPPeer --namespace kube-system \
        --output yaml

Check the status of Network Connectivity Gateway

The installation created a NetworkConnectivityGateway custom resource.

  • View the NetworkConnectivityGateway custom resource:

    kubectl --kubeconfig CLUSTER_KUBECONFIG get NetworkConnectivityGateway --namespace kube-system \
        --output yaml

    The output is similar to the following. Verify that you see Status: Healthy:

    kind: NetworkConnectivityGateway
      namespace: kube-system
      name: default
        CurrNode: worker1-node
        CreatedTime: 2021-09-07T03:18:15Z
        LastReportTime: 2021-09-21T23:57:54Z
        Status:  Healthy

Check the Network Connectivity Gateway logs

The gateway Pod belongs to a DaemonSet named ncgd, so the Pod name begins with ncgd.

To view the Network Connectivity Gateway logs, follow these steps:

  1. Find the name of the gateway Pod:

    kubectl --kubeconfig CLUSTER_KUBECONFIG pods --namespace kube-system | grep ncgd
  2. View the logs from the gateway Pod:

    kubectl --kubeconfig CLUSTER_KUBECONFIG logs GATEWAY_POD --namespace kube-system \
        --output yaml

    Replace GATEWAY_POD with the name of the gateway Pod.


To uninstall Network Connectivity Gateway from a cluster:

./bin/ncgctl –-uninstall --kubeconfig CLUSTER_KUBECONFIG


For troubleshooting tips related to Network Connectivity Gateway, see Troubleshooting Network Connectivity Gateway.