How to setup BigQuery export from the Admin console


How can you run a BigQuery export from the Admin Console?


  • Chrome browser


  1. Log in to the Admin console as a Super Administrator.
  2. Go to Menu > Reporting > BigQuery Export. (Requires having the Reports administrator privilege).
  3. Point to the BigQuery Export card and click Edit.
  4. To activate BigQuery logs, check the Enable Google Workspace data export to Google BigQuery box.
  5. Under BigQuery project ID, select the project where you want to store the logs. Choose a project with write access. If you don't see the project, you need to set it up in BigQuery. For details, go to Quickstart using the Google Cloud console.
  6. Under New dataset within project, enter the name of the dataset to use for storing the logs in the project. Dataset names must be unique for each project. For details, go to Creating datasets.
  7. Click Save.
    • Note: If you can't save the project, go to the Google Cloud console, delete the new dataset, then save it again in the Admin console.