Supported commands

This page provides information about the Google Cloud CLI and PowerShell scripts used with Immersive Stream for XR from Google Cloud.

gcloud CLI

To make sure that the gcloud CLI is up to date, use the update command:

gcloud components update

For long running commands such as create, delete, and build, run these asynchronously with the --async flag. If you want to run them synchronously, omit the flag. In both cases, the command prints out the operation ID that corresponds to the long-running operation. In the synchronous case, the command automatically polls and waits for the operation to complete.

If you cancel the command with Ctrl+C, it only cancels the wait for operation, not the actual command. You can query the status of the operation by using the operation's describe and wait commands listed in the following table.

Description Commands
Create a Content resource that points to the specified bucket. gcloud immersive-stream xr contents create my-content --bucket=my-gcs-bucket --async
Describe a specific Content resource.

gcloud immersive-stream xr contents describe my-content

List all Contents resources created. gcloud immersive-stream xr contents list
Build a versioned Content resource using the current source files in the bucket. gcloud immersive-stream xr contents build my-content --version=my-version-tag --async
Deletes a Content resource. This does not remove any source files in the bucket. gcloud immersive-stream xr contents delete my-content --async
Update a Content resource to use a different Cloud Storage bucket. gcloud immersive-stream xr contents update my-content --bucket=my-gcs-bucket --async
Create an Instance to serve a given Content in specific regions. This enables streaming of the content with the specific Content version. gcloud immersive-stream xr instances create my-instance --content=my-content --version=my-version-tag --add-region="region=region1,capacity=capacity1" --add-region="region=region2,capacity=capacity2" --fallback-url="" --async
Describe a specific Instance. gcloud immersive-stream xr instances describe my-instance
List all Instances created. gcloud immersive-stream xr instances list
Update an Instance with a specific Content version. This updates the content build deployed without needing to create a new Instance. gcloud immersive-stream xr instances update my-instance --version=my-version-tag --async
Update an Instance with a new custom fallback URL. gcloud immersive-stream xr instances update my-instance --fallback-url="" --async
Update an Instance in one region with a different capacity. Only one region may be updated at a time. The new capacity may not be 0 and may not exceed the capacity limit. gcloud immersive-stream xr instances update my-instance --update-region="region=existing-region,capacity=new-capacity" --async
Add a new region to an instance. Only one region may be added at a time. gcloud immersive-stream xr instances update my-instance --add-region="region=new-region,capacity=capacity" --async
Remove an existing region from an instance. Only one region may be removed at a time. gcloud immersive-stream xr instances update my-instance --remove-region=existing-region --async
Deletes an Instance. This releases all compute resources reserved for streaming. gcloud immersive-stream xr instances delete my-instance --async
Synchronously wait for a long running operation to complete. gcloud immersive-stream xr operations wait operation-id
Describe the status of a long running operation. gcloud immersive-stream xr operations describe operation-id
List all operations created in the past seven days. gcloud immersive-stream xr operations list
Description Commands
Create an Instance that uses NVIDIA L4 GPUs and supports 3D-only mode. AR mode won't be supported by this instance. gcloud immersive-stream xr instances create my-instance --content=my-content --version=my-version-tag --add-region="region=region1,capacity=capacity1" --mode=3d --gpu-class=l4 --async
Create an Instance that has autoscaling enabled. The capacity of the region is considered as the maximum capacity for autoscaling. The autoscaling_min_capacity is the minimum value of capacity the autoscaler will maintain. The autoscaling_buffer is the value of available capacity (not occupied by an active streaming session) the autoscaler will scale to maintain. These three parameters must be configured such that the autoscaling_buffer is less than or equal to the autoscaling_min_capacity and both are less than the capacity (maximum), all three must be greater than zero. gcloud immersive-stream xr instances create my-instance --content=my-content --version=my-version-tag --add-region="region=region1,capacity=capacity,enable_autoscaling=true,autoscaling_buffer=buffer,autoscaling_min_capacity=min-capacity" --async
Update autoscaling config in a region. The values for capacity, autoscaling_buffer, and autoscaling_min_capacity can all be updated individually or multiple/all in one command. gcloud immersive-stream xr instances update my-instance --update-region="region=existing-region,capacity=new-capacity,enable_autoscaling=true,autoscaling_buffer=new-buffer,autoscaling_min_capacity=new-min-capacity" --async
Disable autoscaling in a region. gcloud immersive-stream xr instances update my-instance --update-region="region=existing-region,capacity=capacity,enable_autoscaling=false" --async

PowerShell scripts

The following table describes the PowerShell scripts in the template project XR_Actions folder.

Description Scripts
Uploads the contents of the Unreal® Engine project to the Cloud Storage bucket by copying the necessary files from the local files system to the Cloud Storage bucket. This doesn't create a new version or update the version served on the instance. .\XR_Actions\SyncContent.ps1 -gcs_bucket my-gcs_bucket