Referencia de funciones de bloqueo
En esta página, se describen las interfaces AdditionalUserInfo
y AuthCredential
que están disponibles cuando se usan las funciones de bloqueo de Identity Platform.
interface AdditionalUserInfo {
// The provider ID, such as saml.provider, oidc.provider,,
//, etc.
providerId: string;
// Raw user info. This is the raw user info also returned in client SDK.
profile?: any;
// This is the Twitter screen_name.
username?: string;
// Whether the user is new or existing.
// This is true for beforeCreate, false for others.
isNewUser: boolean;
Consulta Datos y credenciales de OAuth admitidos para obtener más información.
interface AuthCredential {
// All user SAML or OIDC claims. These are in plain object format but should
// be verified and parsed from SAML response, IdP ID token, etc.
// This is empty for all other providers.
claims?: {[key: string]: any};
// Optional OAuth ID token if available and enabled in the project config.
idToken?: string;
// Optional OAuth access token if available and enabled in the project config.
accessToken?: string;
// Optional OAuth refresh token if available and enabled in the project config.
refreshToken?: string;
// Optional OAuth expiration if available and enabled in the project config.
expirationTime?: string;
// Optional OAuth token secret if available and enabled in the project config.
secret?: string;
// eg. saml.provider, oidc.provider,,, etc.
providerId: string;