Attribute reference for IAM Conditions

This document describes supported attributes in a condition expression.

Supported condition attributes

The following sections summarize the supported attributes and indicate which Google Cloud services recognize each attribute.

Resource attributes

The following attributes relate to the resource that is the subject of the request.

Attribute Usage summary Supported Google Cloud services
Resource service attribute

Manage access based on the Google Cloud service being used.

You can use this attribute in allow policy role bindings.

  • Apigee
  • Application Integration
  • Backup and DR Service
  • BigQuery
  • BigQuery Reservation API
  • Bigtable
  • Binary Authorization
  • Cloud Deploy
  • Cloud Key Management Service
  • Cloud Logging
  • Cloud SQL
  • Cloud Storage
  • Compute Engine
  • Dataform
  • Google Kubernetes Engine
  • Identity-Aware Proxy
  • Integration Connectors
  • Google Cloud Managed Service for Apache Kafka
  • Pub/Sub Lite
  • Resource Manager
  • Secret Manager
  • Spanner
Resource type attribute

Manage access based on the resource type.

You can use this attribute in allow policy role bindings.

  • Apigee
  • Application Integration
  • BigQuery
  • BigQuery Reservation API
  • Bigtable
  • Binary Authorization
  • Cloud Key Management Service
  • Cloud Logging
  • Cloud SQL
  • Cloud Storage
  • Compute Engine
  • Dataform
  • Google Kubernetes Engine
  • Identity-Aware Proxy
  • Integration Connectors
  • Google Cloud Managed Service for Apache Kafka
  • Pub/Sub Lite
  • Resource Manager
  • Secret Manager
  • Spanner
Resource name attribute

Manage access based on the name of the resource.

You can use this attribute in allow policy role bindings.

  • Apigee
  • Application Integration
  • Backup and DR Service
  • BigQuery
  • BigQuery Reservation API
  • Bigtable
  • Binary Authorization
  • Cloud Deploy
  • Cloud Key Management Service
  • Cloud Logging
  • Cloud SQL
  • Cloud Storage
  • Compute Engine
  • Dataform
  • Google Kubernetes Engine
  • Integration Connectors
  • Google Cloud Managed Service for Apache Kafka
  • Pub/Sub Lite
  • Secret Manager
  • Spanner
Resource tags

Manage access based on the tags attached to the resource.

You can use this attribute in the following places:

  • Allow policy role bindings
  • Deny policy deny rules
All Google Cloud services (see Support for inherited conditions)

For more details about resource attributes, see Resource attributes on this page.

Principal attributes

The following attributes relate to the principal making the request.

Attribute Usage summary Supported principal types

Principal type attribute

Apply policies based on the type of principal in the request.

You can use this attribute in policy bindings for principal access boundary policies.

  • Google Accounts
  • Workforce identity pool identities
  • Workload identity pool identities
  • Service accounts

Principal subject attribute

Apply policies based on the identity of the principal in the request.

You can use this attribute in policy bindings for principal access boundary policies.

  • Google Accounts
  • Workforce identity pool identities
  • Workload identity pool identities
  • Service accounts

For more details about principal attributes, see Principal attributes on this page.

Request attributes

The following attributes relate to the details of the request.

Attribute Usage summary Supported Google Cloud services

Access levels attribute

Manage access based on specific access level(s).

An access level is a calculated attribute based on raw attributes about the request and requester, such as the origin IP address, device attributes, and time of day. For example, an onNetwork access level might require that the device making the request originates from a particular IP address range. Access levels are defined by an organization's administrators.

You can use this attribute in allow policy role bindings.

Identity-Aware Proxy

API attributes

Manage access based on data provided by a specific Google Cloud API or service.

You can use this attribute in allow policy role bindings.

  • Identity and Access Management
  • API Gateway
  • AutoML
  • Certificate Authority Service
  • Cloud Run functions
  • Cloud Healthcare API
  • Cloud IoT
  • Cloud Key Management Service
  • Cloud Run
  • Cloud Runtime Configuration API
  • Cloud Storage
  • Compute Engine
  • Artifact Analysis
  • Dataproc
  • Earth Engine
  • Game Servers
  • Identity and Access Management
  • Identity-Aware Proxy
  • Managed Service for Microsoft Active Directory
  • User-managed notebooks
  • Resource Manager
  • Secret Manager
  • Service Management

Date/time attributes

Set expirable, scheduled, or limited-duration access to Google Cloud resources.

You can use these attributes in allow policy role bindings.

All Google Cloud services (see Support for inherited conditions)

Destination IP/port attributes

Manage access based on the destination IP address and/or port of a request. For example, a Compute Engine virtual machine (VM) instance might expose an external IP, such as, but port 22 might be exposed for administrative usage only.

Used for Identity-Aware Proxy TCP forwarding.

You can use these attributes in allow policy role bindings.

Identity-Aware Proxy

Forwarding rule attributes

Specify the types of forwarding rules that a principal can create. For example, you could allow a principal to create forwarding rules for internal Google Cloud load balancers, which handle traffic that originates inside a Google Cloud network, but not for external Google Cloud load balancers, which handle traffic that originates from the internet.

You can use these attributes in allow policy role bindings.

URL path/host attributes

Manage access based on the URL path and/or host of a request. For example, a condition could specify that is the main application accessible by a general domain of users, while is used to access a page in the application that only Human Resources admins can access.

You can use these attributes in allow policy role bindings.

  • Identity-Aware Proxy
  • Cloud Run

For more details about request attributes, see Request attributes on this page.

Support for inherited conditions

Some types of Google Cloud resources don't allow conditions in their allow policies. However, you can add conditional role bindings at the organization, folder, or project level, and other resources will inherit those role bindings through the resource hierarchy. For details, see Resource types that accept conditional role bindings.

When you use attributes at the organization, folder, or project level, keep in mind that most attributes are available only for specific resource types. If part of a condition uses an attribute that is not available, then that part of the condition is never interpreted as granting access. For example, the condition destination.port == 21 will never grant access to any BigQuery resource, because BigQuery resources don't provide the destination IP/port attributes.

To prevent this issue, use the resource type and resource service attributes described on this page to limit the scope of the condition. For example, the following condition evaluates to true for all resource types other than Identity-Aware Proxy tunnel instances; in contrast, for Identity-Aware Proxy tunnel instances, the condition checks the destination port:

resource.type != '' ||
    destination.port == 21

You don't need to limit the scope of conditions that check the tags attached to a resource. When a condition checks tag keys and values, it cannot check any other attributes, including the resource type and resource service.

Resource attributes

The resource service, resource type, and resource name attributes are typically used to change the scope of an access grant provided by the role binding. When a role contains permissions that apply to different resource-specific attributes, resource-based conditions can be used to grant a subset of the role's permissions for specific type(s) or for specific service(s).

resource.service attribute

The resource.service attribute lets you set a condition based on the Google Cloud service being used. For example, you could set a condition limiting a user's access to resources that use the service. For a list of supported values, see Resource service values.

You can use the resource.service attribute in allow policy role bindings.

Attribute variable resource.service
Attribute type


For a list of supported values, see Resource service values.

Supported operators ,
Details When you use the resource.type attribute in conditions, check for exact equality () or exact inequality () with the attribute. Other comparisons, such as checking for a prefix or suffix, might give you unexpected results.

Returns true for Compute Engine resources:

resource.service == ""
Supported services
  • Apigee
  • Application Integration
  • Backup and DR Service
  • BigQuery
  • BigQuery Reservation API
  • Bigtable
  • Binary Authorization
  • Cloud Deploy
  • Cloud Key Management Service
  • Cloud Logging
  • Cloud SQL
  • Cloud Storage
  • Compute Engine
  • Dataform
  • Google Kubernetes Engine
  • Identity-Aware Proxy
  • Integration Connectors
  • Google Cloud Managed Service for Apache Kafka
  • Pub/Sub Lite
  • Resource Manager
  • Secret Manager
  • Spanner

resource.type attribute

The resource.type attribute lets you set a condition based on the resource's type. For example, you could set a condition limiting a user's access to resources of the type For a list of supported values, see Resource type values.

If your condition uses the attribute, we strongly recommend that you use the resource.type attribute to control which resource types the condition applies to. For details, see attribute on this page.

You can use the resource.type attribute in allow policy role bindings.

Attribute variable resource.type
Attribute type


For a list of supported values, see Resource type values.

Supported operators ,
Details When you use the resource.type attribute in conditions, check for exact equality () or exact inequality () with the attribute. Other comparisons, such as checking for a prefix or suffix, might give you unexpected results.

Returns true unless the resource is a Compute Engine image:

resource.type != ""

Returns true only if the resource is a Compute Engine image or persistent disk:

(resource.type == "" ||
 resource.type == "")
Supported resource types
  • API product attributes
  • API products
  • API proxies
  • API proxy key-value map entries
  • API proxy key-value maps
  • API proxy revisions
  • Caches
  • Developer app attributes
  • Developer apps
  • Developer attributes
  • Developers
  • Environment key-value map entries
  • Environment key-value maps
  • Exports
  • Flow hooks
  • Keystore aliases
  • Keystores
  • Queries
  • Rate plans
  • References
  • Shared flow revisions
  • Shared flows
  • Target servers
  • Trace (debug) sessions
Backup and DR Service
  • Backup vaults
  • Datasets
  • Models
  • Routines
  • Tables
BigQuery Reservation API
  • Assignments
  • BI reservations
  • Capacity commitments
  • Locations
  • Reservations
Application Integration
  • Auth configs
  • Executions
  • Integration versions
  • Integrations
  • Locations
  • Suspensions
Binary Authorization
  • Attestors
  • Continuous Validation configs
  • Policies
  • Clusters
  • Instances
  • Tables
Cloud Key Management Service
  • Crypto key versions
  • Crypto keys
  • Key rings
Cloud Logging
  • Log buckets
  • Log views
  • Backups
  • Databases
  • Instances
Cloud SQL
  • Backup runs
  • Instances
Cloud Storage
  • Buckets
  • Managed folders
  • Objects
Compute Engine
  • Backend services (global and regional)
  • Firewalls
  • Forwarding rules (global and regional)
  • Images
  • Instance templates
  • Instances
  • Persistent disks (regional and zonal)
  • Snapshots
  • Target HTTP(S) proxies (global and regional)
  • Target SSL proxies
  • Target TCP proxies
  • Compilation results
  • Locations
  • Release configs
  • Repositories
  • Workflow configs
  • Workflow invocations
  • Workspaces
Google Cloud
  • Locations1
Google Kubernetes Engine
  • Clusters
  • Databases
Identity-Aware Proxy
  • All backend services and App Engine apps
  • All tunnel resources
  • All tunnel zones
  • All web services
  • App Engine app service versions
  • App Engine app services
  • Compute Engine backend services
  • Tunnel instances
Integration Connectors
  • Connections
  • Connection schema metadata
  • Endpoint attachments
  • Event subscriptions
  • Managed zones
Google Cloud Managed Service for Apache Kafka
  • Clusters
  • Consumer groups
  • Operations
  • Topics
Pub/Sub Lite
  • Locations
  • Subscriptions
  • Topics
Resource Manager
  • Projects
Secret Manager
  • Secret versions
  • Secrets

1 Cloud Key Management Service uses this resource type as the parent of key ring resources. attribute

The attribute lets you set a condition based on all or part of a resource name. For a list of resource name formats, see Resource name format.

The attribute is available only for specific resource types, which are listed in the table in this section. We strongly recommend that you limit the applicability of the condition to the intended resource type. If a role contains permissions for a resource type that does not provide the attribute, you should ensure that those permissions are not restricted by the part of the condition that checks

The following example shows how to ensure this behavior. In this example, the condition allows access to all resource types except Cloud Storage buckets and objects. In contrast, for buckets and objects, the condition only allows access to the bucket example-bucket and the objects it contains:

(resource.type != '' &&
 resource.type != '') ||'projects/_/buckets/example-bucket')

Note that the first part of the condition checks whether the resource is neither a bucket nor an object. If the resource has a different type, then the entire condition evaluates to true, regardless of the resource name.

Also, note that the condition checks the resource.type attribute, not the resource.service attribute. There are a few benefits of checking the resource.type attribute:

  • It limits the check to the appropriate set of resources. For example, if you want to grant access to Compute Engine instances with a specific name, it makes sense to exclude all resource types other than Compute Engine instances.
  • It prevents the scope of the condition from changing if a service adds new resource types in the future.

Finally, note that the condition uses the startsWith() function to evaluate the resource name, rather than checking for equality with the operator. Because the condition looks at the start of the resource name, it matches a bucket as well as the objects in that bucket. If it checked for equality, it would only match the bucket.

You cannot use wildcard characters such as * to match multiple resource names. Consider these alternatives:

  • Use the extract() function to extract a value from a resource name. For example, you can extract a project ID from the resource name of a Compute Engine VM instance, then write a condition expression that refers to the project ID.

    For details, see Extracting values from attributes on this page.

  • Use the startsWith() or endsWith() function to write a condition that evaluates the start or end of the resource name.

You can use the attribute in allow policy role bindings.

Attribute variable
Attribute type


Each resource type uses a specific format for the resource name. For a list of formats, see Resource name format.

Supported functions and operators startsWith(), endsWith(), extract(), ,

The contains the relative resource name for the target resource in the request. The relative resource name is a URI path without a leading forward slash (/).

The startsWith() function takes the prefix string literal to be evaluated against

The endsWith() function takes the suffix string literal to be evaluated against

The extract() function uses an extraction template to extract part of For details, see Extracting values from resource names on this page.

The and operators are for comparison with the entire, or an extracted portion of the


Returns true unless the resource name identifies a Cloud Storage bucket named secret-bucket-123: != "projects/_/buckets/secret-bucket-123"

Returns true if the resource name starts with the specified prefix, in the format used by Compute Engine VM instances:"projects/project-123/zones/us-east1-b/instances/prod-")

Returns true if the resource name starts with the specified prefix, in the format used by Cloud Storage buckets:"projects/_/buckets/my_bucket/objects/test-object-")

Returns true if the resource name ends with the specified suffix—for example, the file extension of a Cloud Storage object:".jpg")

Returns the project name or number if it's present:"projects/{project}/")
Supported resource types
  • API product attributes
  • API products
  • API proxies
  • API proxy key-value map entries
  • API proxy key-value maps
  • API proxy revisions
  • Caches
  • Developer app attributes
  • Developer apps
  • Developer attributes
  • Developers
  • Environment key-value map entries
  • Environment key-value maps
  • Exports
  • Flow hooks
  • Keystore aliases
  • Keystores
  • Queries
  • Rate plans
  • References
  • Shared flow revisions
  • Shared flows
  • Target servers
  • Trace (debug) sessions
Backup and DR Service
  • Backup vaults
  • Datasets
  • Models
  • Routines
  • Tables
BigQuery Reservation API
  • Assignments
  • BI reservations
  • Capacity commitments
  • Locations
  • Reservations
Application Integration
  • Auth configs
  • Executions
  • Integration versions
  • Integrations
  • Locations
  • Suspensions
Binary Authorization
  • Attestors
  • Continuous Validation configs
  • Policies
  • Clusters
  • Instances
  • Tables
Cloud Deploy
  • Automation runs
  • Automations
  • Custom target types
  • Delivery pipelines
  • Job runs
  • Releases
  • Rollouts
  • Targets
Cloud Key Management Service
  • Crypto keys
  • Crypto key versions
  • Key rings
Cloud Logging
  • Log buckets
  • Log views
  • Backups
  • Databases
  • Instances
Cloud SQL
  • Backup runs
  • Instances
Cloud Storage
  • Buckets
  • Managed folders
  • Objects
Compute Engine
  • Backend services (global and regional)
  • Firewalls
  • Forwarding rules (global and regional)
  • Images
  • Instance templates
  • Instances
  • Persistent disks (regional and zonal)
  • Snapshots
  • Target HTTP(S) proxies (global and regional)
  • Target SSL proxies
  • Target TCP proxies
Google Kubernetes Engine
  • Clusters
  • Databases
  • Compilation results
  • Locations
  • Release configs
  • Repositories
  • Workflow configs
  • Workflow invocations
  • Workspaces
Integration Connectors
  • Connections
  • Connection schema metadata
  • Endpoint attachments
  • Event subscriptions
  • Managed zones
Google Cloud Managed Service for Apache Kafka
  • Clusters
  • Consumer groups
  • Operations
  • Topics
Pub/Sub Lite
  • Locations
  • Subscriptions
  • Topics
Secret Manager
  • Secret versions
  • Secrets

Resource tags

The functions for resource tags let you set a condition based on the tags that are attached to, or inherited by, a resource. For example, you could set a condition that grants a role only for resources that have the tag env: prod attached. To learn more about controlling access with tags, see Tags and access control.

Each tag consists of a key and a value. There are a few different types of identifiers for each key and value:

  • A permanent ID, which is globally unique and can never be reused. For example, a tag key could have the permanent ID tagKeys/123456789012, and a tag value could have the permanent ID tagValues/567890123456.
  • A short name. The short name for each key must be unique within the project or organization under which the key is defined, and the short name for each value must be unique for its associated key. For example, a tag key could have the short name env, and a tag value could have the short name prod.
  • A namespaced name, which adds your organization's numeric ID or project's ID to the short name of a tag key. For example, a tag key created for an organization could have the namespaced name 123456789012/env. To learn how to get your organization ID, see Getting your organization resource ID. A tag key created for a project could have the namespaced name myproject/env. To learn how to get your project ID, see Identifying projects.

For guidance on choosing which type of identifier to use in your conditions, see Tag definitions and identifiers.

You can use tag-based conditions to conditionalize access to any resource. This includes resources with their own tags, as well as resources that inherit tags from other resources. To learn more about how tags are inherited through the resource hierarchy, see Tag inheritance.

You can use tag-based conditions in the following:

  • Allow policy role bindings
  • Deny policy deny rules

You can use the following functions to set conditions based on tags:

Function Description
  keyName: string

Checks whether the resource for the request has a tag with the specified key. The tag key is looked up by its namespaced name. To check for a tag key using its permanent ID, use the function resource.hasTagKeyId().

keyName: The namespaced name of the tag key, with the organization's numeric ID and a forward slash as a prefix. For example, 123456789012/env.

Returns true if the resource for the request has a tag with the key env:

  keyId: string

Checks whether the resource for the request has a tag with the specified key. The tag key is looked up by its permanent ID. To check for a tag key using its namespaced name, use the function resource.hasTagKey().

keyId: The permanent ID for the tag key. For example, tagKeys/123456789012.

Returns true if the resource for the request has a tag with the key tagKeys/123456789012:

  keyName: string,
  valueShortName: string

Checks whether the resource for the request has a tag with the specified key and value. The key is looked up by its namespaced name, and the value is looked up by its short name. To check for a tag key and value using their permanent IDs, use the function resource.matchTagId().

  • keyName: The namespaced name for the tag key, with the organization's numeric ID and a forward slash as a prefix. For example, 123456789012/env.
  • valueShortName: The short name for the tag value. For example, prod.

Returns true if the resource for the request has a tag with the key 123456789012/env and the value prod:

resource.matchTag('123456789012/env', 'prod')
  keyId: string,
  valueId: string

Checks whether the resource for the request has a tag with the specified key and value. The key and value are looked up by their permanent IDs. To check for a tag key using its namespaced name and a value using its short name, use the function resource.matchTag().

  • keyId: The permanent ID for the tag key. For example, tagKeys/123456789012.
  • valueId: The permanent ID for the tag value. For example, tagValues/567890123456.

Returns true if the resource for the request has a tag with the key tagKeys/123456789012 and the value tagValues/567890123456:

resource.matchTagId('tagKeys/123456789012', 'tagValues/567890123456')

Principal attributes

The principal attributes let you write conditions based on the principal that issued the request. With these attributes, you can refine the principals that a policy is enforced for.

You can use principal attributes in policy bindings for principal access boundary policies.

principal.type attribute

The principal.type attribute lets you set a condition based on the type of principal issuing the request. For example, you could add a condition to a policy binding for a principal access boundary policy to ensure that the policy is only enforced for service accounts.

You can use principal attributes in policy bindings for principal access boundary policies.

Attribute variable principal.type
Attribute type


Supported operators , , in
Supported principal types
Google Accounts
Workforce identity pool identities
Workload identity pool identities
Service accounts

Evaluates to true if the principal in the request is a service account:

principal.type == ""

Evaluates to true if the principal in the request is a Google Workspace identity or workforce identity pool identity:

principal.type in ["", ""]

principal.subject attribute

The principal.subject attribute lets you set a condition based on the principal issuing the request. For example, you could add a condition to a policy binding for a principal access boundary policy to ensure that the policy is only enforced for principals whose email addresses end with

If you use the principal.subject attribute in a condition, we recommend also using the principal.type attribute to control which types of principals the condition applies to. This is because principal identifiers aren't necessarily unique across principal types. For example, the identifier could identify a Google Account or a user in a workforce identity pool.

By using the principal.type attribute in addition to the principal.subject attribute, you can ensure that the condition only matches principals with the intended type. For example, the following expression matches Google Accounts whose email addresses end with

principal.type == '' &&

You can use principal attributes in policy bindings for principal access boundary policies.

Attribute variable principal.subject
Attribute type


Supported operators

, , in, startsWith(), endsWith()

Supported principal subjects
Google Accounts
Identifier: user's email address
Workforce identity pool identities
Identifier: identity's subject attribute value
Workload identity pool identities
Identifier: identity's subject attribute value
Service accounts
Identifier: service account's email address

Evaluates to true if the principal in the request ends with


Evaluates to true if the principal in the request is

principal.subject == ""

Request attributes

Request attributes enable you to create conditions that evaluate details about the request, such as its access level, its date/time, the destination IP address and port (for IAP TCP tunneling), or the expected URL path/host (for IAP and Cloud Run).

Access levels attribute

The access levels attribute enables users to set a condition requiring that a request meets one or more access levels in order to be authorized. You can use the access levels attribute in allow policy role bindings.

The access levels attribute is derived from attributes of the request, such as the origin IP address, device attributes, and the time of day. For example, an access level named fullyTrusted might require that the device making the request is owned by the company and has a screen lock. An onNetwork access level might require that the device making the request originates from a particular IP address range. See the Access Context Manager documentation for more information about access levels.

The access levels attribute is available only when you use Identity-Aware Proxy to access a tunnel instance, or to access a web application running on App Engine or Compute Engine backend services. More specifically, the access levels attribute is available only for requests that check one of these permissions:

  • iap.tunnelInstances.accessViaIAP
  • iap.webServiceVersions.accessViaIAP

You can use the access levels attribute when you conditionally grant the following predefined roles:

  • IAP-secured Tunnel User (roles/iap.tunnelResourceAccessor)

    Contains a single permission, iap.tunnelInstances.accessViaIAP.

  • IAP-secured Web App User (roles/iap.httpsResourceAccessor)

    Contains a single permission, iap.webServiceVersions.accessViaIAP.

You can also use the access levels attribute to conditionally grant a custom role that contains these permissions. The custom role must not contain any other permissions.

request.auth.access_levels attribute

Attribute variable request.auth.access_levels
Attribute type list<string>
Supported operators in

To check whether a request meets a specific access level, use the in operator:

ACCESS_LEVEL_FULL_NAME in request.auth.access_levels

The full name of an access level uses the following format:


Returns true if the request meets the CorpNet access level:

    in request.auth.access_levels
Supported resource types Available for requests that use Identity-Aware Proxy to access a tunnel instance, tunnel destination group, web application running on Google Cloud load balancing, or web application running on App Engine.

API attributes

API attributes help you manage access based on data provided by a specific Google Cloud API or service. You can use API attributes in allow policy role bindings.

For example, when you use Cloud Storage to list the objects in a bucket, you can use the prefix parameter in the request to include only objects whose names begin with a specific prefix. If you use Credential Access Boundaries to downscope short-lived credentials, you can create a Credential Access Boundary that limits permissions to list objects by checking the API attribute This API attribute contains the value of the prefix parameter from the request.

For examples of when you might need to use API attributes in a condition, see the following pages:

Not all services recognize API attributes. The following sections indicate which services recognize each API attribute.

Functions for API attributes

You can use the following function to work with API attributes:

Function Description
  attributeName: string,
  defaultValue: V<T>

Gets the requested API attribute.

  • attributeName: The API attribute to get. For supported values, see Cloud Storage API attributes and IAM API attributes on this page.
  • defaultValue: The default value (V) to use if the API attribute is not available. The value V is of type T, where T is the same type as the API attribute's value. For example, if the API attribute's value is a string, you can use an empty string, or a placeholder string such as undefined.


Returns one of the following:

  • For requests to list objects in a Cloud Storage bucket, if the request includes the prefix parameter, the function returns its value.
  • For requests to list objects that omit the prefix parameter, and for all other types of requests, the function returns an empty string.
api.getAttribute("", "")
  items: list<T>

Checks that a list contains only the allowed items, or a subset of those items. You can call the function on a list returned by api.getAttribute().

items: A list of items with type T. Each item is a value that the API attribute is allowed to contain.

Checks whether the request would grant or revoke any roles other than Pub/Sub Editor (roles/pubsub.editor) or Pub/Sub Publisher (roles/pubsub.publisher):

api.getAttribute('', [])
    .hasOnly(['roles/pubsub.editor', 'roles/pubsub.publisher'])

The following shows the result for different request values:

Granted/revoked roles Result


If no roles are modified, then api.getAttribute() returns the default value. For this attribute, the default value is always an empty list. By definition, an empty list does not contain values that are not on the allowlist.



The role is on the allowlist.



Both roles are on the allowlist.



The role is not on the allowlist.



One role is on the allowlist, but the other is not.

Cloud Storage API attributes

Cloud Storage provides the following API attribute.

Attribute variable
Attribute type string

For a request to list objects in a bucket, contains the value of the prefix parameter from the request. If the request omits the prefix parameter, the attribute is not defined.

For other types of requests, the attribute is not defined.

Services that recognize this attribute Cloud Storage

IAM API attributes

IAM provides the following API attribute:

Attribute variable
Attribute type list<string>

For a request to set the allow policy of a resource, this attribute contains the role names from the role bindings that the request modifies.

For other types of requests, the attribute is not defined.

Resource types that accept this attribute

The following resource types accept conditions with the modifiedGrantsByRole attribute in their allow policies:

  • Projects
  • Folders
  • Organizations
Services that recognize this attribute

The following services recognize the modifiedGrantsByRole attribute:

  • API Gateway
  • AutoML
  • Certificate Authority Service
  • Cloud Run functions
  • Cloud Healthcare API
  • Cloud IoT
  • Cloud Key Management Service
  • Cloud Run
  • Cloud Runtime Configuration API
  • Cloud Storage
  • Compute Engine
  • Artifact Analysis
  • Dataproc
  • Earth Engine
  • Game Servers
  • Identity and Access Management
  • Identity-Aware Proxy
  • Managed Service for Microsoft Active Directory
  • User-managed notebooks
  • Resource Manager
  • Secret Manager
  • Service Management

Date/time attribute

The date/time attribute is used to set expirable, scheduled, or limited-duration access to Google Cloud resources. You can use date/time attributes in allow policy role bindings.

This attribute is supported for all Google Cloud services and resource types. To learn how to apply date/time conditions to resources that don't directly support them, see Support for inherited conditions on this page.

The request.time attribute contains the timestamp for the request. You can compare this timestamp to another timestamp, or to a duration of time.

The following sections list the functions that you can use to set conditions based on timestamps and durations.

Create, compare, and modify timestamps and durations

Function or operator Description
  value: string

Converts a date from a string to a Timestamp.

value: A date in the format YYYY-MM-DD, where YYYY is the year, MM is the two-digit month, and DD is the two-digit day. The resulting Timestamp contains the specified date and the time 00:00:00.000 UTC.

Creates a Timestamp that represents the date 2023-02-01 and the time 00:00:00.000 UTC:

  value: string

Converts an amount of time from a string to a Duration.

value: A Duration in seconds, followed by s.

Creates a duration that represents 1.5 minutes:


Creates a duration that represents 30 days:

  value: string

Converts a string to a Timestamp.


value: A UTC timestamp that complies with RFC 3339.


Creates a timestamp that represents April 12, 2023, at 23:20:50.52 in UTC:

, , ,

Compares two Timestamp values.


Returns true if the request time is before April 12, 2022, at 00:00:00 UTC:

request.time < timestamp("2022-04-12T00:00:00.00Z")

Returns true if the request time is before or equal to April 12, 2022, at 00:00:00 UTC:

request.time <= timestamp("2022-04-12T00:00:00.00Z")

Returns true if the request time is after April 12, 2022, at 00:00:00 UTC:

request.time > timestamp("2022-04-12T00:00:00.00Z")

Returns true if the request time is after or equal to April 12, 2022, at 00:00:00 UTC:

request.time >= timestamp("2022-04-12T00:00:00.00Z")
  • timestamp + duration   Timestamp
  • timestamp - duration   Timestamp

Add or subtract a Duration from a Timestamp.


Returns the Timestamp that falls 30 minutes after 14:30:00 UTC on 2024-04-12:

timestamp("2024-04-12T14:30:00.00Z") + duration("1800s")

Returns the Timestamp that falls 60 days before 14:30:00 UTC on 2024-04-12:

timestamp("2024-04-12T14:30:00.00Z") - duration("5184000s")

Extract information from a timestamp

The functions in this section let you extract information from a timestamp, such as the day of the week that the timestamp falls on.

In IAM Conditions, all timestamps are in UTC. However, you might want to extract information based on a different time zone. For example, you might want to know whether a UTC timestamp falls on a Monday in the time zone for Berlin, Germany.

To specify a different time zone, pass the time zone into the function. Use a name or UTC offset from the IETF Time Zone Database. For example, you could use Europe/Berlin or +01:00 for Central European Time (CET).

Supported functions and operators Description
  timeZone: string

Gets the day of the month from the Timestamp. The value uses one-based indexing; the first day of the month is 1.

timeZone: The time zone for which to calculate the result. Defaults to UTC.

Returns true if the request is sent after the 15th day of the month in UTC:

request.time.getDate() > 15
  timeZone: string

Gets the day of the month from the Timestamp. The value uses zero-based indexing; the first day of the month is 0.

timeZone: The time zone for which to calculate the result. Defaults to UTC.

Returns true if the request is sent after the 15th day of the month in UTC:

request.time.getDayOfMonth() > 14
  timeZone: string

Gets the day of the week from the Timestamp. The value uses zero-based indexing; for example, Sunday is 0.

timeZone: The time zone for which to calculate the result. Defaults to UTC.

Returns true if the request is sent between Monday and Friday in Berlin, Germany:

request.time.getDayOfWeek("Europe/Berlin") > 0 &&
    request.time.getDayOfWeek("Europe/Berlin") < 6
  timeZone: string

Gets the day of the year from the Timestamp. The value uses zero-based indexing; the first day of the year is 0.

timeZone: The time zone for which to calculate the result. Defaults to UTC.

Returns true if the request is sent during the first 5 days of the year in Mountain View, California:

request.time.getDayOfYear("America/Los_Angeles") >= 0 &&
    request.time.getDayOfYear("America/Los_Angeles") < 5
  timeZone: string

Gets the year from the Timestamp.

timeZone: The time zone for which to calculate the result. Defaults to UTC.

Returns true if the request is sent during the year 2023 in Mountain View, California:

request.time.getFullYear("America/Los_Angeles") == 2023

Returns true if the request is sent during the year 2022 in UTC:

request.time.getFullYear() == 2022
  timeZone: string

Gets the hour of the day from the Timestamp. The value uses zero-based indexing; values range from 0 to 23.

You can combine this function with getDayofWeek() to grant access only during the permitted working hours in your jurisdiction.

timeZone: The time zone for which to calculate the result. Defaults to UTC.

Returns true if the request is sent between 09:00 (9:00 AM) and 17:00 (5:00 PM) on a weekday in Berlin, Germany:

request.time.getDayOfWeek("Europe/Berlin") >= 1 &&
    request.time.getDayOfWeek("Europe/Berlin") <= 5 &&
    request.time.getHours("Europe/Berlin") >= 9 &&
    request.time.getHours("Europe/Berlin") <= 17
  timeZone: string

Gets the number of milliseconds from the Timestamp. The value uses zero-based indexing; values range from 0 to 999.

timeZone: The time zone for which to calculate the result. Defaults to UTC.
  timeZone: string

Gets the number of minutes after the hour from the Timestamp. The value uses zero-based indexing; values range from 0 to 59.

timeZone: The time zone for which to calculate the result. Defaults to UTC.

Returns true if the request is sent at or after 09:30 (9:30 AM) in Berlin, Germany:

request.time.getHours("Europe/Berlin") >= 9 &&
    request.time.getMinutes("Europe/Berlin") >= 30
  timeZone: string

Gets the month of the year from the Timestamp. The value uses zero-based indexing; values range from 0 to 11.

timeZone: The time zone for which to calculate the result. Defaults to UTC.

Returns true if the request is sent during the month of April in Mountain View, California:

request.time.getMonth("America/Los_Angeles") == 3
  timeZone: string

Gets the number of seconds from the Timestamp. The value uses zero-based indexing; values range from 0 to 59.

timeZone: The time zone for which to calculate the result. Defaults to UTC.
, , ,

Compares the output of two functions in this table.

Destination IP/port attributes

The destination IP/port attribute enables users to manage access based on the internal destination IP address and port for a request. You can use destination IP/port attributes in allow policy role bindings.

For example, a Compute Engine VM instance might map the external IP address and port to the internal IP address and port for general usage. In contrast, the internal IP address and port might only be available internally for administrative usage. You can use the destination IP/port attributes to grant different amounts of access based on the internal IP address and port.

For more information about TCP forwarding, see the Identity-Aware Proxy documentation.

destination.ip attribute

Attribute variable destination.ip
Attribute type string
Supported operators ,

The variable destination.ip identifies an internal IP address in IPv4 format.


Returns true if the destination IP address is

destination.ip == ""

Returns true unless the destination IP address is

destination.ip != ""
Supported resource types Available for requests that use Identity-Aware Proxy to access a tunnel instance

destination.port attribute

Attribute variable destination.port
Attribute type int
Supported operators , , , , ,

The variable destination.port identifies an internal TCP port number.


Returns true if the destination port is 21:

destination.port == 21

Returns true if the destination port is less than 3001:

destination.port < 3001
Supported resource types Available for requests that use Identity-Aware Proxy to access a tunnel instance

Forwarding rule attributes

The forwarding rule attributes enable you to specify the types of forwarding rules that a principal can create. For example, you could allow a principal to create forwarding rules for internal Google Cloud load balancers, which handle traffic that originates inside a Google Cloud network, but not for external Google Cloud load balancers, which handle traffic that originates from the internet. You can use forwarding rule attributes in allow policy role bindings.

For Cloud Load Balancing, the forwarding rule attributes don't affect the ability to create other components of a Google Cloud load balancer, such as backend services, target proxies, health checks, and URL maps.

Supported functions

Function Description
compute.isForwardingRuleCreationOperation()   bool

Checks whether the request is creating a forwarding rule.

See the example for compute.matchLoadBalancingSchemes().
  schemes: list<string>

Checks whether the request affects one of the specified types of load balancing scheme. To find the identifier for each load balancing scheme, as well as more details, see Using IAM Conditions on Google Cloud load balancers.

schemes: The load balancing schemes that the request is allowed to affect.

Returns one of the following:

  • If the request is not creating a forwarding rule, returns true.
  • If the request is creating a forwarding rule, returns true only if the forwarding rule affects an INTERNAL, INTERNAL_MANAGED, or INTERNAL_SELF_MANAGED load balancing scheme.
!compute.isForwardingRuleCreationOperation() || (
  compute.isForwardingRuleCreationOperation() &&

Supported resource types

This attribute is available for requests to create the following resource types:

Service Resource types
Cloud Load Balancing Forwarding rules
Cloud VPN Forwarding rules (global and regional)
Compute Engine Forwarding rules (for protocol forwarding)
Cloud Service Mesh1 Forwarding rules

1 Uses the resource attributes for Compute Engine.

URL path/host attribute

The URL path/host attribute enables users to manage access based on the URL path and host of a request. For example, a condition could specify that is the main application accessible by a general domain of users, while is used to access a page in the application where only Human Resources admins can access this portion.

You can use the URL path/host attribute in allow policy role bindings.

request.path attribute

Attribute variable request.path
Attribute type string
Supported functions and operators , startsWith(), endsWith()
Details We don't recommend using the operator with this attribute. Instead of checking for inequality, as in request.path != "/admin", check the attribute's prefix, as in !request.path.startsWith("/admin"). By checking the prefix, you also protect URL paths within the /admin hierarchy, such as /admin/payroll/.

Returns true if the request path is equal to the specified URL path:

request.path == "/admin"
request.path == "/admin/payroll"

Returns true if the request path starts with the specified URL path:


Returns true if the request path ends with the specified URL path:

Supported resource types
  • Identity-Aware Proxy app service versions (App Engine): Available for requests that use Identity-Aware Proxy to access a web application running on App Engine or Compute Engine
  • Cloud Run services attribute

Attribute variable
Attribute type string
Supported functions and operators , endsWith()
Details We don't recommend using the .startsWith() function or the operator with this attribute. These functions and operators might give you unexpected results.

Returns true if the hostname is equal to the specified value: == "" == ""

Returns true if the hostname ends with the specified value:"")
Supported resource types
  • Identity-Aware Proxy app service versions (App Engine): Available for requests that use Identity-Aware Proxy to access an app service version.
  • Cloud Run services

Extract values from attributes

You can use the extract() function to extract a value from an attribute. For example, you can extract an arbitrary part of a resource name, then write a condition expression that refers to the text you extracted.

To use the extract() function, you provide an extraction template, which specifies the part of the attribute to extract. For example, if you want to extract a project ID from the resource name of a Compute Engine VM instance, you might use the template projects/{project}/.

An extraction template contains the following parts:

  • An identifier, enclosed in curly braces, that identifies the substring to extract.

    Choose a short, meaningful identifier that makes it clear what value you want to extract. You can use uppercase and lowercase letters from A to Z; numeric digits; and underscores (_).

    In the template projects/{project}/, the identifier is project.

  • Optional: A prefix, which must appear before the substring to extract.

    In the template projects/{project}/, the prefix is projects/.

  • Optional: A suffix, which must appear after the substring to extract.

    In the template projects/{project}/, the suffix is /.

The extract() function extracts different parts of the attribute based on whether the extraction template has a prefix, a suffix, or both:

Has prefix Has suffix Extracted value
The entire attribute
The characters after the first occurrence of the prefix, or an empty string if there are no characters after the prefix
The characters before the first occurrence of the suffix, or an empty string if there are no characters before the suffix
The characters between the first occurrence of the prefix and the first subsequent occurrence of the suffix, or an empty string if there are no characters between the prefix and the suffix

If you specify a prefix or suffix that don't appear in the attribute, or if the suffix appears only before the prefix, the extract() function returns an empty string.

The following examples show the output from several different extraction templates. These examples refer to a resource name for a Cloud Storage object, projects/_/buckets/acme-orders-aaa/objects/data_lake/orders/order_date=2019-11-03/aef87g87ae0876:

Extraction template Output
/order_date={date}/ 2019-11-03
buckets/{name}/ acme-orders-aaa
/orders/{empty}order_date Empty string
{start}/objects/data_lake projects/_/buckets/acme-orders-aaa
orders/{end} order_date=2019-11-03/aef87g87ae0876
{all} projects/_/buckets/acme-orders-aaa/objects/data_lake/orders/order_date=2019-11-03/aef87g87ae0876
/orders/{none}/order_date= Empty string
/orders/order_date=2019-11-03/{id}/data_lake Empty string

If you extract a string that represents a date, you can use the date/time functions and operators on this page to convert the extracted value to a Timestamp. For examples, see Configuring resource-based access.