Binary Authorization API v1 - Package (v1.8.7)

Package binaryauthorization is an auto-generated package for the Binary Authorization API.

The management interface for Binary Authorization, a system providing policy control for images deployed to Kubernetes Engine clusters, Anthos clusters on VMware, and Cloud Run.

General documentation

For information that is relevant for all client libraries please reference Some information on this page includes:

Example usage

To get started with this package, create a client.

ctx := context.Background()
// This snippet has been automatically generated and should be regarded as a code template only.
// It will require modifications to work:
// - It may require correct/in-range values for request initialization.
// - It may require specifying regional endpoints when creating the service client as shown in:
c, err := binaryauthorization.NewBinauthzManagementClient(ctx)
if err != nil {
    // TODO: Handle error.
defer c.Close()

The client will use your default application credentials. Clients should be reused instead of created as needed. The methods of Client are safe for concurrent use by multiple goroutines. The returned client must be Closed when it is done being used.

Using the Client

The following is an example of making an API call with the newly created client.

ctx := context.Background()
// This snippet has been automatically generated and should be regarded as a code template only.
// It will require modifications to work:
// - It may require correct/in-range values for request initialization.
// - It may require specifying regional endpoints when creating the service client as shown in:
c, err := binaryauthorization.NewBinauthzManagementClient(ctx)
if err != nil {
    // TODO: Handle error.
defer c.Close()

req := &binaryauthorizationpb.CreateAttestorRequest{
    // TODO: Fill request struct fields.
    // See
resp, err := c.CreateAttestor(ctx, req)
if err != nil {
    // TODO: Handle error.
// TODO: Use resp.
_ = resp

Use of Context

The ctx passed to NewBinauthzManagementClient is used for authentication requests and for creating the underlying connection, but is not used for subsequent calls. Individual methods on the client use the ctx given to them.

To close the open connection, use the Close() method.


func DefaultAuthScopes

func DefaultAuthScopes() []string

DefaultAuthScopes reports the default set of authentication scopes to use with this package.


type AttestorIterator struct {

	// Response is the raw response for the current page.
	// It must be cast to the RPC response type.
	// Calling Next() or InternalFetch() updates this value.
	Response interface{}

	// InternalFetch is for use by the Google Cloud Libraries only.
	// It is not part of the stable interface of this package.
	// InternalFetch returns results from a single call to the underlying RPC.
	// The number of results is no greater than pageSize.
	// If there are no more results, nextPageToken is empty and err is nil.
	InternalFetch func(pageSize int, pageToken string) (results []*binaryauthorizationpb.Attestor, nextPageToken string, err error)
	// contains filtered or unexported fields

AttestorIterator manages a stream of *binaryauthorizationpb.Attestor.

func (*AttestorIterator) Next

Next returns the next result. Its second return value is iterator.Done if there are no more results. Once Next returns Done, all subsequent calls will return Done.

func (*AttestorIterator) PageInfo

func (it *AttestorIterator) PageInfo() *iterator.PageInfo

PageInfo supports pagination. See the package for details.


type BinauthzManagementCallOptions struct {
	GetPolicy      []gax.CallOption
	UpdatePolicy   []gax.CallOption
	CreateAttestor []gax.CallOption
	GetAttestor    []gax.CallOption
	UpdateAttestor []gax.CallOption
	ListAttestors  []gax.CallOption
	DeleteAttestor []gax.CallOption

BinauthzManagementCallOptions contains the retry settings for each method of BinauthzManagementClient.


type BinauthzManagementClient struct {

	// The call options for this service.
	CallOptions *BinauthzManagementCallOptions
	// contains filtered or unexported fields

BinauthzManagementClient is a client for interacting with Binary Authorization API. Methods, except Close, may be called concurrently. However, fields must not be modified concurrently with method calls.

Google Cloud Management Service for Binary Authorization admission policies and attestation authorities.

This API implements a REST model with the following objects:



func NewBinauthzManagementClient

func NewBinauthzManagementClient(ctx context.Context, opts ...option.ClientOption) (*BinauthzManagementClient, error)

NewBinauthzManagementClient creates a new binauthz management service v1 client based on gRPC. The returned client must be Closed when it is done being used to clean up its underlying connections.

Google Cloud Management Service for Binary Authorization admission policies and attestation authorities.

This API implements a REST model with the following objects:




package main

import (

	binaryauthorization ""

func main() {
	ctx := context.Background()
	// This snippet has been automatically generated and should be regarded as a code template only.
	// It will require modifications to work:
	// - It may require correct/in-range values for request initialization.
	// - It may require specifying regional endpoints when creating the service client as shown in:
	c, err := binaryauthorization.NewBinauthzManagementClient(ctx)
	if err != nil {
		// TODO: Handle error.
	defer c.Close()

	// TODO: Use client.
	_ = c

func NewBinauthzManagementRESTClient

func NewBinauthzManagementRESTClient(ctx context.Context, opts ...option.ClientOption) (*BinauthzManagementClient, error)

NewBinauthzManagementRESTClient creates a new binauthz management service v1 rest client.

Google Cloud Management Service for Binary Authorization admission policies and attestation authorities.

This API implements a REST model with the following objects:




package main

import (

	binaryauthorization ""

func main() {
	ctx := context.Background()
	// This snippet has been automatically generated and should be regarded as a code template only.
	// It will require modifications to work:
	// - It may require correct/in-range values for request initialization.
	// - It may require specifying regional endpoints when creating the service client as shown in:
	c, err := binaryauthorization.NewBinauthzManagementRESTClient(ctx)
	if err != nil {
		// TODO: Handle error.
	defer c.Close()

	// TODO: Use client.
	_ = c

func (*BinauthzManagementClient) Close

func (c *BinauthzManagementClient) Close() error

Close closes the connection to the API service. The user should invoke this when the client is no longer required.

func (*BinauthzManagementClient) Connection (deprecated)

func (c *BinauthzManagementClient) Connection() *grpc.ClientConn

Connection returns a connection to the API service.

Deprecated: Connections are now pooled so this method does not always return the same resource.

func (*BinauthzManagementClient) CreateAttestor

CreateAttestor creates an attestor, and returns a copy of the new attestor. Returns NOT_FOUND if the project does not exist, INVALID_ARGUMENT if the request is malformed, ALREADY_EXISTS if the attestor already exists.


package main

import (

	binaryauthorization ""
	binaryauthorizationpb ""

func main() {
	ctx := context.Background()
	// This snippet has been automatically generated and should be regarded as a code template only.
	// It will require modifications to work:
	// - It may require correct/in-range values for request initialization.
	// - It may require specifying regional endpoints when creating the service client as shown in:
	c, err := binaryauthorization.NewBinauthzManagementClient(ctx)
	if err != nil {
		// TODO: Handle error.
	defer c.Close()

	req := &binaryauthorizationpb.CreateAttestorRequest{
		// TODO: Fill request struct fields.
		// See
	resp, err := c.CreateAttestor(ctx, req)
	if err != nil {
		// TODO: Handle error.
	// TODO: Use resp.
	_ = resp

func (*BinauthzManagementClient) DeleteAttestor

DeleteAttestor deletes an attestor. Returns NOT_FOUND if the attestor does not exist.


package main

import (

	binaryauthorization ""
	binaryauthorizationpb ""

func main() {
	ctx := context.Background()
	// This snippet has been automatically generated and should be regarded as a code template only.
	// It will require modifications to work:
	// - It may require correct/in-range values for request initialization.
	// - It may require specifying regional endpoints when creating the service client as shown in:
	c, err := binaryauthorization.NewBinauthzManagementClient(ctx)
	if err != nil {
		// TODO: Handle error.
	defer c.Close()

	req := &binaryauthorizationpb.DeleteAttestorRequest{
		// TODO: Fill request struct fields.
		// See
	err = c.DeleteAttestor(ctx, req)
	if err != nil {
		// TODO: Handle error.

func (*BinauthzManagementClient) GetAttestor

GetAttestor gets an attestor. Returns NOT_FOUND if the attestor does not exist.


package main

import (

	binaryauthorization ""
	binaryauthorizationpb ""

func main() {
	ctx := context.Background()
	// This snippet has been automatically generated and should be regarded as a code template only.
	// It will require modifications to work:
	// - It may require correct/in-range values for request initialization.
	// - It may require specifying regional endpoints when creating the service client as shown in:
	c, err := binaryauthorization.NewBinauthzManagementClient(ctx)
	if err != nil {
		// TODO: Handle error.
	defer c.Close()

	req := &binaryauthorizationpb.GetAttestorRequest{
		// TODO: Fill request struct fields.
		// See
	resp, err := c.GetAttestor(ctx, req)
	if err != nil {
		// TODO: Handle error.
	// TODO: Use resp.
	_ = resp

func (*BinauthzManagementClient) GetPolicy

GetPolicy a policy specifies the attestors that must attest to a container image, before the project is allowed to deploy that image. There is at most one policy per project. All image admission requests are permitted if a project has no policy.

Gets the policy for this project. Returns a default policy if the project does not have one.


package main

import (

	binaryauthorization ""
	binaryauthorizationpb ""

func main() {
	ctx := context.Background()
	// This snippet has been automatically generated and should be regarded as a code template only.
	// It will require modifications to work:
	// - It may require correct/in-range values for request initialization.
	// - It may require specifying regional endpoints when creating the service client as shown in:
	c, err := binaryauthorization.NewBinauthzManagementClient(ctx)
	if err != nil {
		// TODO: Handle error.
	defer c.Close()

	req := &binaryauthorizationpb.GetPolicyRequest{
		// TODO: Fill request struct fields.
		// See
	resp, err := c.GetPolicy(ctx, req)
	if err != nil {
		// TODO: Handle error.
	// TODO: Use resp.
	_ = resp

func (*BinauthzManagementClient) ListAttestors

ListAttestors lists attestors. Returns INVALID_ARGUMENT if the project does not exist.


package main

import (

	binaryauthorization ""
	binaryauthorizationpb ""

func main() {
	ctx := context.Background()
	// This snippet has been automatically generated and should be regarded as a code template only.
	// It will require modifications to work:
	// - It may require correct/in-range values for request initialization.
	// - It may require specifying regional endpoints when creating the service client as shown in:
	c, err := binaryauthorization.NewBinauthzManagementClient(ctx)
	if err != nil {
		// TODO: Handle error.
	defer c.Close()

	req := &binaryauthorizationpb.ListAttestorsRequest{
		// TODO: Fill request struct fields.
		// See
	it := c.ListAttestors(ctx, req)
	for {
		resp, err := it.Next()
		if err == iterator.Done {
		if err != nil {
			// TODO: Handle error.
		// TODO: Use resp.
		_ = resp

		// If you need to access the underlying RPC response,
		// you can do so by casting the `Response` as below.
		// Otherwise, remove this line. Only populated after
		// first call to Next(). Not safe for concurrent access.
		_ = it.Response.(*binaryauthorizationpb.ListAttestorsResponse)

func (*BinauthzManagementClient) UpdateAttestor

UpdateAttestor updates an attestor. Returns NOT_FOUND if the attestor does not exist.


package main

import (

	binaryauthorization ""
	binaryauthorizationpb ""

func main() {
	ctx := context.Background()
	// This snippet has been automatically generated and should be regarded as a code template only.
	// It will require modifications to work:
	// - It may require correct/in-range values for request initialization.
	// - It may require specifying regional endpoints when creating the service client as shown in:
	c, err := binaryauthorization.NewBinauthzManagementClient(ctx)
	if err != nil {
		// TODO: Handle error.
	defer c.Close()

	req := &binaryauthorizationpb.UpdateAttestorRequest{
		// TODO: Fill request struct fields.
		// See
	resp, err := c.UpdateAttestor(ctx, req)
	if err != nil {
		// TODO: Handle error.
	// TODO: Use resp.
	_ = resp

func (*BinauthzManagementClient) UpdatePolicy

UpdatePolicy creates or updates a project’s policy, and returns a copy of the new policy. A policy is always updated as a whole, to avoid race conditions with concurrent policy enforcement (or management!) requests. Returns NOT_FOUND if the project does not exist, INVALID_ARGUMENT if the request is malformed.


package main

import (

	binaryauthorization ""
	binaryauthorizationpb ""

func main() {
	ctx := context.Background()
	// This snippet has been automatically generated and should be regarded as a code template only.
	// It will require modifications to work:
	// - It may require correct/in-range values for request initialization.
	// - It may require specifying regional endpoints when creating the service client as shown in:
	c, err := binaryauthorization.NewBinauthzManagementClient(ctx)
	if err != nil {
		// TODO: Handle error.
	defer c.Close()

	req := &binaryauthorizationpb.UpdatePolicyRequest{
		// TODO: Fill request struct fields.
		// See
	resp, err := c.UpdatePolicy(ctx, req)
	if err != nil {
		// TODO: Handle error.
	// TODO: Use resp.
	_ = resp


type SystemPolicyCallOptions struct {
	GetSystemPolicy []gax.CallOption

SystemPolicyCallOptions contains the retry settings for each method of SystemPolicyClient.


type SystemPolicyClient struct {

	// The call options for this service.
	CallOptions *SystemPolicyCallOptions
	// contains filtered or unexported fields

SystemPolicyClient is a client for interacting with Binary Authorization API. Methods, except Close, may be called concurrently. However, fields must not be modified concurrently with method calls.

API for working with the system policy.

func NewSystemPolicyClient

func NewSystemPolicyClient(ctx context.Context, opts ...option.ClientOption) (*SystemPolicyClient, error)

NewSystemPolicyClient creates a new system policy v1 client based on gRPC. The returned client must be Closed when it is done being used to clean up its underlying connections.

API for working with the system policy.


package main

import (

	binaryauthorization ""

func main() {
	ctx := context.Background()
	// This snippet has been automatically generated and should be regarded as a code template only.
	// It will require modifications to work:
	// - It may require correct/in-range values for request initialization.
	// - It may require specifying regional endpoints when creating the service client as shown in:
	c, err := binaryauthorization.NewSystemPolicyClient(ctx)
	if err != nil {
		// TODO: Handle error.
	defer c.Close()

	// TODO: Use client.
	_ = c

func NewSystemPolicyRESTClient

func NewSystemPolicyRESTClient(ctx context.Context, opts ...option.ClientOption) (*SystemPolicyClient, error)

NewSystemPolicyRESTClient creates a new system policy v1 rest client.

API for working with the system policy.


package main

import (

	binaryauthorization ""

func main() {
	ctx := context.Background()
	// This snippet has been automatically generated and should be regarded as a code template only.
	// It will require modifications to work:
	// - It may require correct/in-range values for request initialization.
	// - It may require specifying regional endpoints when creating the service client as shown in:
	c, err := binaryauthorization.NewSystemPolicyRESTClient(ctx)
	if err != nil {
		// TODO: Handle error.
	defer c.Close()

	// TODO: Use client.
	_ = c

func (*SystemPolicyClient) Close

func (c *SystemPolicyClient) Close() error

Close closes the connection to the API service. The user should invoke this when the client is no longer required.

func (*SystemPolicyClient) Connection (deprecated)

func (c *SystemPolicyClient) Connection() *grpc.ClientConn

Connection returns a connection to the API service.

Deprecated: Connections are now pooled so this method does not always return the same resource.

func (*SystemPolicyClient) GetSystemPolicy

GetSystemPolicy gets the current system policy in the specified location.


package main

import (

	binaryauthorization ""
	binaryauthorizationpb ""

func main() {
	ctx := context.Background()
	// This snippet has been automatically generated and should be regarded as a code template only.
	// It will require modifications to work:
	// - It may require correct/in-range values for request initialization.
	// - It may require specifying regional endpoints when creating the service client as shown in:
	c, err := binaryauthorization.NewSystemPolicyClient(ctx)
	if err != nil {
		// TODO: Handle error.
	defer c.Close()

	req := &binaryauthorizationpb.GetSystemPolicyRequest{
		// TODO: Fill request struct fields.
		// See
	resp, err := c.GetSystemPolicy(ctx, req)
	if err != nil {
		// TODO: Handle error.
	// TODO: Use resp.
	_ = resp


type ValidationHelperCallOptions struct {
	ValidateAttestationOccurrence []gax.CallOption

ValidationHelperCallOptions contains the retry settings for each method of ValidationHelperClient.


type ValidationHelperClient struct {

	// The call options for this service.
	CallOptions *ValidationHelperCallOptions
	// contains filtered or unexported fields

ValidationHelperClient is a client for interacting with Binary Authorization API. Methods, except Close, may be called concurrently. However, fields must not be modified concurrently with method calls.

BinAuthz Attestor verification

func NewValidationHelperClient

func NewValidationHelperClient(ctx context.Context, opts ...option.ClientOption) (*ValidationHelperClient, error)

NewValidationHelperClient creates a new validation helper v1 client based on gRPC. The returned client must be Closed when it is done being used to clean up its underlying connections.

BinAuthz Attestor verification


package main

import (

	binaryauthorization ""

func main() {
	ctx := context.Background()
	// This snippet has been automatically generated and should be regarded as a code template only.
	// It will require modifications to work:
	// - It may require correct/in-range values for request initialization.
	// - It may require specifying regional endpoints when creating the service client as shown in:
	c, err := binaryauthorization.NewValidationHelperClient(ctx)
	if err != nil {
		// TODO: Handle error.
	defer c.Close()

	// TODO: Use client.
	_ = c

func NewValidationHelperRESTClient

func NewValidationHelperRESTClient(ctx context.Context, opts ...option.ClientOption) (*ValidationHelperClient, error)

NewValidationHelperRESTClient creates a new validation helper v1 rest client.

BinAuthz Attestor verification


package main

import (

	binaryauthorization ""

func main() {
	ctx := context.Background()
	// This snippet has been automatically generated and should be regarded as a code template only.
	// It will require modifications to work:
	// - It may require correct/in-range values for request initialization.
	// - It may require specifying regional endpoints when creating the service client as shown in:
	c, err := binaryauthorization.NewValidationHelperRESTClient(ctx)
	if err != nil {
		// TODO: Handle error.
	defer c.Close()

	// TODO: Use client.
	_ = c

func (*ValidationHelperClient) Close

func (c *ValidationHelperClient) Close() error

Close closes the connection to the API service. The user should invoke this when the client is no longer required.

func (*ValidationHelperClient) Connection (deprecated)

func (c *ValidationHelperClient) Connection() *grpc.ClientConn

Connection returns a connection to the API service.

Deprecated: Connections are now pooled so this method does not always return the same resource.

func (*ValidationHelperClient) ValidateAttestationOccurrence

ValidateAttestationOccurrence returns whether the given Attestation for the given image URI was signed by the given Attestor


package main

import (

	binaryauthorization ""
	binaryauthorizationpb ""

func main() {
	ctx := context.Background()
	// This snippet has been automatically generated and should be regarded as a code template only.
	// It will require modifications to work:
	// - It may require correct/in-range values for request initialization.
	// - It may require specifying regional endpoints when creating the service client as shown in:
	c, err := binaryauthorization.NewValidationHelperClient(ctx)
	if err != nil {
		// TODO: Handle error.
	defer c.Close()

	req := &binaryauthorizationpb.ValidateAttestationOccurrenceRequest{
		// TODO: Fill request struct fields.
		// See
	resp, err := c.ValidateAttestationOccurrence(ctx, req)
	if err != nil {
		// TODO: Handle error.
	// TODO: Use resp.
	_ = resp