Sem estado

Um exemplo do que as instâncias de função de estado variável armazenam e não armazenam.

Exemplo de código

Para autenticar nas funções do Cloud Run, configure o Application Default Credentials. Para mais informações, consulte Configurar a autenticação para um ambiente de desenvolvimento local.

using Google.Cloud.Functions.Framework;
using Microsoft.AspNetCore.Http;
using System.Threading;
using System.Threading.Tasks;

namespace ExecutionCount;

public class Function : IHttpFunction
    // Note that this variable must be static, because a new instance is
    // created for each request. An alternative approach would be to use
    // dependency injection with a singleton resource injected into the function
    // constructor.
    private static int _count;

    public async Task HandleAsync(HttpContext context)
        // Note: the total function invocation count across
        // all servers may not be equal to this value!
        int currentCount = Interlocked.Increment(ref _count);
        await context.Response.WriteAsync($"Server execution count: {currentCount}", context.RequestAborted);

Para autenticar nas funções do Cloud Run, configure o Application Default Credentials. Para mais informações, consulte Configurar a autenticação para um ambiente de desenvolvimento local.

// Package http provides a set of HTTP Cloud Functions samples.
package http

import (


// count is a global variable, but only shared within a function instance.
var count = 0

func init() {
	functions.HTTP("ExecutionCount", ExecutionCount)

// ExecutionCount is an HTTP Cloud Function that counts how many times it
// is executed within a specific instance.
func ExecutionCount(w http.ResponseWriter, r *http.Request) {

	// Note: the total function invocation count across
	// all instances may not be equal to this value!
	fmt.Fprintf(w, "Instance execution count: %d", count)

Para autenticar nas funções do Cloud Run, configure o Application Default Credentials. Para mais informações, consulte Configurar a autenticação para um ambiente de desenvolvimento local.

import java.util.concurrent.atomic.AtomicInteger;

public class ExecutionCount implements HttpFunction {

  private final AtomicInteger count = new AtomicInteger(0);

  public void service(HttpRequest request, HttpResponse response)
      throws IOException {

    // Note: the total function invocation count across
    // all instances may not be equal to this value!
    BufferedWriter writer = response.getWriter();
    writer.write("Instance execution count: " + count);

Para autenticar nas funções do Cloud Run, configure o Application Default Credentials. Para mais informações, consulte Configurar a autenticação para um ambiente de desenvolvimento local.

const functions = require('@google-cloud/functions-framework');

// Global variable, but only shared within function instance.
let count = 0;

 * HTTP Cloud Function that counts how many times
 * it is executed within a specific instance.
 * @param {Object} req Cloud Function request context.
 * @param {Object} res Cloud Function response context.
functions.http('executionCount', (req, res) => {

  // Note: the total function invocation count across
  // all instances may not be equal to this value!
  res.send(`Instance execution count: ${count}`);

Para autenticar nas funções do Cloud Run, configure o Application Default Credentials. Para mais informações, consulte Configurar a autenticação para um ambiente de desenvolvimento local.

import functions_framework

# Global variable, modified within the function by using the global keyword.
count = 0

def statelessness(request):
    HTTP Cloud Function that counts how many times it is executed
    within a specific instance.
        request (flask.Request): The request object.
        The response text, or any set of values that can be turned into a
        Response object using `make_response`
    global count
    count += 1

    # Note: the total function invocation count across
    # all instances may not be equal to this value!
    return f"Instance execution count: {count}"

Para autenticar nas funções do Cloud Run, configure o Application Default Credentials. Para mais informações, consulte Configurar a autenticação para um ambiente de desenvolvimento local.

require "functions_framework"

# Global variable, but scoped only within one function instance.
$count = 0

FunctionsFramework.http "execution_count" do |_request|
  $count += 1

  # NOTE: the total function invocation count across all instances
  # may not be equal to this value!
  "Instance execution count: #{$count}"

A seguir

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