Configurare un progetto e le autorizzazioni

Questa pagina mostra come creare un progetto Google Cloud, attivare l'IA AML, creare credenziali di autenticazione e assegnare al tuo account uno o più ruoli IAM.

  1. Sign in to your Google Cloud account. If you're new to Google Cloud, create an account to evaluate how our products perform in real-world scenarios. New customers also get $300 in free credits to run, test, and deploy workloads.
  2. Install the Google Cloud CLI.
  3. To initialize the gcloud CLI, run the following command:

    gcloud init
  4. Create or select a Google Cloud project.

    • Create a Google Cloud project:

      gcloud projects create PROJECT_ID

      Replace PROJECT_ID with a name for the Google Cloud project you are creating.

    • Select the Google Cloud project that you created:

      gcloud config set project PROJECT_ID

      Replace PROJECT_ID with your Google Cloud project name.

  5. Make sure that billing is enabled for your Google Cloud project.

  6. Enable the required APIs:

    gcloud services enable
  7. If you're using a local shell, then create local authentication credentials for your user account:

    gcloud auth application-default login

    You don't need to do this if you're using Cloud Shell.

  8. Grant roles to your user account. Run the following command once for each of the following IAM roles: roles/financialservices.admin, roles/cloudkms.admin, roles/bigquery.admin

    gcloud projects add-iam-policy-binding PROJECT_ID --member="user:USER_IDENTIFIER" --role=ROLE
    • Replace PROJECT_ID with your project ID.
    • Replace USER_IDENTIFIER with the identifier for your user account. For example,

    • Replace ROLE with each individual role.
  9. Install the Google Cloud CLI.
  10. To initialize the gcloud CLI, run the following command:

    gcloud init
  11. Create or select a Google Cloud project.

    • Create a Google Cloud project:

      gcloud projects create PROJECT_ID

      Replace PROJECT_ID with a name for the Google Cloud project you are creating.

    • Select the Google Cloud project that you created:

      gcloud config set project PROJECT_ID

      Replace PROJECT_ID with your Google Cloud project name.

  12. Make sure that billing is enabled for your Google Cloud project.

  13. Enable the required APIs:

    gcloud services enable
  14. If you're using a local shell, then create local authentication credentials for your user account:

    gcloud auth application-default login

    You don't need to do this if you're using Cloud Shell.

  15. Grant roles to your user account. Run the following command once for each of the following IAM roles: roles/financialservices.admin, roles/cloudkms.admin, roles/bigquery.admin

    gcloud projects add-iam-policy-binding PROJECT_ID --member="user:USER_IDENTIFIER" --role=ROLE
    • Replace PROJECT_ID with your project ID.
    • Replace USER_IDENTIFIER with the identifier for your user account. For example,

    • Replace ROLE with each individual role.
  16. Questi ruoli soddisfano le seguenti autorizzazioni richieste:

    Autorizzazioni obbligatorie

    Per completare la guida introduttiva e per eseguire molte operazioni fondamentali nell'AI AML sono necessarie le seguenti autorizzazioni.

    Autorizzazione Descrizione
    resourcemanager.projects.getOttenere un progetto Google Cloud
    resourcemanager.projects.listElenca i progetti Google Cloud
    cloudkms.keyRings.createCreare una raccolta di chiavi Cloud KMS
    cloudkms.cryptoKeys.createCrea una chiave Cloud KMS
    financialservices.v1instances.createCrea un'istanza AML AI
    financialservices.operations.getRecuperare un'operazione AML AI
    cloudkms.cryptoKeys.getIamPolicyRecupera il criterio IAM su una chiave Cloud KMS
    cloudkms.cryptoKeys.setIamPolicyImposta il criterio IAM su una chiave Cloud KMS
    bigquery.datasets.createCrea un set di dati BigQuery
    bigquery.datasets.getOttenere un set di dati BigQuery
    bigquery.transfers.getRicevere un trasferimento di BigQuery Data Transfer Service
    bigquery.transfers.updateCreare o eliminare un trasferimento di BigQuery Data Transfer Service
    bigquery.datasets.setIamPolicyImpostare il criterio IAM su un set di dati BigQuery
    bigquery.datasets.updateAggiornare un set di dati BigQuery
    financialservices.v1datasets.createCreare un set di dati di IA AML
    financialservices.v1engineconfigs.createCrea una configurazione del motore AML AI
    financialservices.v1models.createCreare un modello AML AI
    financialservices.v1backtests.createCreare un risultato del backtest dell'IA AML
    financialservices.v1backtests.exportMetadataEsportare i metadati da un risultato del backtest di IA AML
    financialservices.v1instances.importRegisteredPartiesImportare le parti registrate in un'istanza di AI AML
    financialservices.v1predictions.createCreare un risultato di previsione AML AI un job BigQuery
    bigquery.tables.getDataRecuperare i dati da una tabella BigQuery
    financialservices.v1predictions.deleteEliminare un risultato di previsione IA AML
    financialservices.v1backtests.deleteEliminare un risultato del backtest AML AI
    financialservices.v1models.deleteEliminare un modello AML AI
    financialservices.v1engineconfigs.deleteEliminare la configurazione di un motore AML AI
    financialservices.v1datasets.deleteEliminare un set di dati di IA AML
    financialservices.v1instances.deleteEliminare un'istanza AML AI
    bigquery.datasets.deleteEliminare un set di dati BigQuery