Events are collected from event providers by an Eventarc Advanced bus and routed through an Eventarc Advanced pipeline to a specified destination. Only one destination can be the target of messages forwarded by a pipeline.
Supported providers
Supported providers include Google providers and direct publishers of events (using the Eventarc Publishing API).
Google providers send Google events directly from the source (for example, the creation of a Cloud Run function or a status change to a Dataflow job). You must first enable support for Google event types. For more information, see Publish events from Google sources.
Event publishers can publish a CloudEvents event directly to a message bus in a supported format such as Avro or Protobuf. For more information, see Publish events directly.
Supported destinations
An Eventarc Advanced pipeline enables the delivery of events between a bus and a destination. The following destinations are supported:
Cloud Run—Use the stable, auto-assigned
URL provided on the first deployment of the Cloud Run-hosted service. You can also target a Cloud Run job. You can use a network attachment to establish a connection to the service or job. A network attachment is a resource that lets a producer VPC network initiate connections to a consumer VPC network through a Private Service Connect interface.Eventarc Advanced bus—You can use a network attachment to establish a connection to the bus. A network attachment is a resource that lets a producer VPC network initiate connections to a consumer VPC network through a Private Service Connect interface. The message bus must be deployed in the same project as the pipeline.
HTTP endpoint—You can use a network attachment to establish a connection to the HTTP endpoint hosted in a Virtual Private Cloud (VPC) network. A network attachment is a resource that lets a producer VPC network initiate connections to a consumer VPC network through a Private Service Connect interface.
Note that you can specify an HTTP endpoint for Cloud Run functions (1st gen and current version). When you specify an HTTP trigger for a Cloud Run function, the function is assigned a URL at which it can receive requests.
Pub/Sub topic—The Pub/Sub topic must be located in the same Google Cloud project as the pipeline.
Workflows—You can trigger the execution of a workflow which is a single run of the logic contained in a workflow definition. This lets you run services in an order that you specify. The workflow must be deployed in the same project as the pipeline.