Compute Engine v1 API - Class Regions.RegionsBase (2.17.0)

[BindServiceMethod(typeof(Regions), "BindService")]
public abstract class Regions.RegionsBase

Reference documentation and code samples for the Compute Engine v1 API class Regions.RegionsBase.

Base class for server-side implementations of Regions


object > Regions.RegionsBase






Get(GetRegionRequest, ServerCallContext)

public virtual Task<Region> Get(GetRegionRequest request, ServerCallContext context)

Returns the specified Region resource. To decrease latency for this method, you can optionally omit any unneeded information from the response by using a field mask. This practice is especially recommended for unused quota information (the quotas field). To exclude one or more fields, set your request's fields query parameter to only include the fields you need. For example, to only include the id and selfLink fields, add the query parameter ?fields=id,selfLink to your request.

Name Description
request GetRegionRequest

The request received from the client.

context ServerCallContext

The context of the server-side call handler being invoked.

Type Description

The response to send back to the client (wrapped by a task).

List(ListRegionsRequest, ServerCallContext)

public virtual Task<RegionList> List(ListRegionsRequest request, ServerCallContext context)

Retrieves the list of region resources available to the specified project. To decrease latency for this method, you can optionally omit any unneeded information from the response by using a field mask. This practice is especially recommended for unused quota information (the items.quotas field). To exclude one or more fields, set your request's fields query parameter to only include the fields you need. For example, to only include the id and selfLink fields, add the query parameter ?fields=id,selfLink to your request.

Name Description
request ListRegionsRequest

The request received from the client.

context ServerCallContext

The context of the server-side call handler being invoked.

Type Description

The response to send back to the client (wrapped by a task).