Cómo enumerar los tipos de procesadores

Muestra todos los tipos de procesadores disponibles.

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Para obtener más información, consulta la documentación de referencia de la API de Document AI Python.

Para autenticarte en Document AI, configura las credenciales predeterminadas de la aplicación. Si deseas obtener más información, consulta Configura la autenticación para un entorno de desarrollo local.

from google.api_core.client_options import ClientOptions
from google.cloud import documentai  # type: ignore

# TODO(developer): Uncomment these variables before running the sample.
# project_id = 'YOUR_PROJECT_ID'
# location = 'YOUR_PROCESSOR_LOCATION' # Format is 'us' or 'eu'

def fetch_processor_types_sample(project_id: str, location: str) -> None:
    # You must set the api_endpoint if you use a location other than 'us'.
    opts = ClientOptions(api_endpoint=f"{location}-documentai.googleapis.com")

    client = documentai.DocumentProcessorServiceClient(client_options=opts)

    # The full resource name of the location
    # e.g.: projects/project_id/locations/location
    parent = client.common_location_path(project_id, location)

    # Fetch all processor types
    response = client.fetch_processor_types(parent=parent)

    print("Processor types:")
    # Print the available processor types
    for processor_type in response.processor_types:
        if processor_type.allow_creation:

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