Export your Google Cloud resources to Terraform format

You've deployed resources in Google Cloud, and now need to manage your infrastructure as code (IaC) with Terraform. Google provides a tool that you can use to generate Terraform code for resources in a project, folder, or organization.

Before you begin

  • Prepare Cloud Shell.

    Launch Cloud Shell, and set the default Google Cloud project where you want to generate Terraform code for the deployed resources.

    You only need to run this command once per project, and you can run it in any directory.


    Environment variables are overridden if you set explicit values in a Terraform configuration file.

  • In Cloud Shell, install the command-line interface (CLI) for Config Connector.

    gcloud components install config-connector

    Config Connector lets you use Google Cloud's Terraform bulk-export tool.

    If you see ERROR: (gcloud.components.install) You cannot perform this action because the Google Cloud CLI component manager is disabled for this installation, run the following command instead:

    sudo apt-get install google-cloud-sdk-config-connector
  • Enable the Cloud Asset API.

    gcloud services enable cloudasset.googleapis.com
  • Create a service account to use for this export:

    gcloud beta services identity create --service=cloudasset.googleapis.com
  • Ensure that the Cloud Asset Service Agent (gcp-sa-cloudasset.iam.gserviceaccount.com) has the roles/servicenetworking.serviceAgent role:

    gcloud projects add-iam-policy-binding PROJECT_ID \
      --member=serviceAccount:service-PROJECT_NUMBER@gcp-sa-cloudasset.iam.gserviceaccount.com \
  • Ensure that the Cloud Asset Service Agent (gcp-sa-cloudasset.iam.gserviceaccount.com) has the roles/storage.objectAdmin role:

    gcloud projects add-iam-policy-binding PROJECT_ID \
      --member=serviceAccount:service-PROJECT_NUMBER@gcp-sa-cloudasset.iam.gserviceaccount.com \


Some resource types aren't supported for export to Terraform format even though they are supported by the Terraform Google provider. For a list of resource types that are supported for export to Terraform format, run the gcloud beta resource-config list-resource-types command.

Export the entire project configuration to Terraform HCL code

The gcloud beta resource-config bulk-export --resource-format=terraform command exports resources configured in the project, folder, or organization and prints them to the screen in HCL code format.

gcloud beta resource-config bulk-export \
  --project=PROJECT_ID \

Write the output to a directory structure

  1. If you haven't done so already, create the directory where you want to output the project's configuration:

  2. Export the project's entire configuration to the directory:

    gcloud beta resource-config bulk-export \
     --path=OUTPUT_DIRECTORY \
     --project=PROJECT_ID \

    The --path flag specifies the location to output the HCL code.

After running the command, the HCL code for each resource is output to a separate .tf file in the following directory structure:


Write the output to a single file

If you don't want to print the output to the screen or create separate .tf files, you can write all of the output to a single file, as shown in this example:

gcloud beta resource-config bulk-export \
  --resource-format=terraform \
  --project=PROJECT_ID \
  >> gcp_resources.tf

Filter the output

Filter the output of the bulk export command by specifying resource types.

List the supported resource types to filter on

For a list of resource types that are supported for export to Terraform format, run the gcloud beta resource-config list-resource-types command:

gcloud beta resource-config list-resource-types

Optionally, write the output to a file:

gcloud beta resource-config list-resource-types >> strings.txt

In the output, the resource type for Compute Engine VMs is listed as:

KRM KIND: ComputeInstance

You can ignore the KRM KIND: prefix.

Export a single resource type

Use a string, such as ComputeInstance, to export specific resource types for your project in HCL code format:

gcloud beta resource-config bulk-export \
  --resource-types=RESOURCE_TYPE \
  --project=PROJECT_ID \

The --resource-types flag specifies the resource type to output.

Export multiple resource types

Export VM instances and firewall rules in HCL code format:

gcloud beta resource-config bulk-export \
  --resource-types=ComputeFirewall,ComputeInstance \
  --project=PROJECT_ID \

Use a file to specify the resource types to export

  1. Create a directory called tf-output.

    cd && mkdir tf-output && cd tf-output
  2. Create a file called types.txt, and add a list of resource types. For example:

  3. Run the gcloud beta resource-config bulk-export command with the --resource-types-file flag:

    gcloud beta resource-config bulk-export \
     --resource-types-file=types.txt \
     --path=tf-output \
     --project=PROJECT_ID \

If the project doesn't contain any of a particular resource type, the command succeeds but nothing is output for that resource type.


If you see the following error:

"Permission denied during export. Please ensure the Cloud Asset Inventory API is enabled."

Make sure that you have followed the instructions in the Before you begin section.

Next steps