Understand quotas and system limits

Google Cloud provides tools so that you can monitor your usage of these resources, create alerts, and request adjustments.

  • Quotas specify the amount of a countable, shared resource that you can use, and they are defined by Google Cloud services such as Compute Engine.

  • System limits are fixed values that cannot be changed.

The following table lists additional quota terminology and definitions.




A resource that can have its quota value adjusted up or down.


A resource that can be tracked, and thus counted towards the value allocated by the quota system.


A dimension is an attribute that represents a region or a zone, or a service-specific dimension, such as gpu_family or network_id.

The Cloud Quotas API represents dimensions as key-value pairs, where the key is the dimension name, and the value is the value of the named dimension—for example, {"key" : "region", "value" : "us-central1"}.


The amount of a countable, shared resource that you can use.

Quota adjustment

A request to increase or decrease a quota value. Quota increase adjustments are subject to approval and fulfillment. Quota decrease adjustments are immediately approved.

Quota info

QuotaInfo is a read-only resource that provides metadata and quota value information about a particular quota for a given project, folder or organization. The QuotaInfo resource contains:

  • Metadata such as name and dimension.
  • Quota values for different quota dimensions.
  • Cloud Quotas obtains information from the quotas defined by Google Cloud services and any fulfilled quota adjustments that you initiate.

    Note: Because QuotaInfo is constructed by incorporating information from different sources, a default quota configuration exists even if you have not created a QuotaPreference resource. Until you express a preferred state through quotaPreference.create or quotaPreference.update, QuotaInfo relies on the default quota information available to determine what quota value to enforce.

    Quota preference

    A QuotaPreference resource represents your preference for a particular dimension combination. Use this resource to make quota increase adjustments to quotas in your projects and to make quota decrease adjustments to quotas in your projects, folders or organizations. Quota increase adjustments are subject to approval and fulfillment. Quota decreases are fulfilled immediately. Use the Cloud Quotas console UI or API to set a quota preference.

    System limit

    A fixed value; typically, an architectural constraint. System limits cannot be adjusted.

    However, some system limits are countable, and in such cases, Cloud Quotas provides tools so that you can monitor your usage against these values and create alerts.


    A field that denotes a resource as a quota (adjustable) or system limit (not adjustable). Some quotas might also be non-adjustable.


    The current effective maximum that has been applied to a countable resource or system limit. Quotas are typically adjustable, and you are able to modify the value of a quota through manual or automated quota adjustments.

    Manage quota

    The amount of a shared resource you can use is specific to your project and organization. For example, if you're using a free trial account, you might have lower quotas for some resources compared to a billed account. When you enable billing for your project, the quota increases for most services. Your use of Google Cloud over time also increases quotas for most services.

    Some quotas are unlimited, so you can use as much of that resource as you want. On the other hand, some quotas cannot be increased from their default values. For example, where higher usage is counterproductive or where resources are very limited. These limitations are typically documented in the relevant Quotas and system limits page for that service, for example, the rate limits documentation for Cloud Run functions.

    Outside of these extreme cases, shared resources are set to a default value that should be sufficient for most projects. However, if your project needs more of a particular resource than your current values allow, you can set a quota preference for a higher value, or if you want to limit (or cap) a resource, you can set a quota preference for a lower value. To request more quota, see Requesting a higher quota value.

    When you run out of quota

    Usually, if you run out of quota the task that you're trying to perform fails and you get a quota error. Tasks that throw this error might include deploying an application, creating a new project, or calling an API. Subsequently, the task continues to fail until you free up resources (for allocation quota), the time period resets (for rate quota), or you're granted a quota increase.

    How the quota error appears depends on the tool or client that you use to interact with Google Cloud. You can see details of quota errors in Quota errors.

    To avoid quota errors, try the following:

    • Use the quota adjuster to automatically create quota increase requests before you exceed quota.
    • Create an alert you when you are nearing your maximum quota value. For more information, see Set up quota alerts.

    About quota adjustments

    Most quota increase requests are evaluated by automated systems. Their decision is based on criteria including the availability of resources, the length of time you've used Google Cloud, and other factors. Requests that don't meet the criteria are denied.

    Evaluation criteria for automated reviews is not disclosed to ensure fairness for all customers and prevent attempts to manipulate the process. Sometimes quota increase requests are escalated to human reviewers, who also follow criteria, but can consider your unique circumstances.

    You might be asked to pay in advance for some quota increases. For example, you might be asked to make a payment if you request more projects that will use paid Google Cloud services. The payment can be applied to any charges you incur in the future and will be visible as a credit in your account.

    To learn how to request more quota, see Requesting a higher quota value. You don't need to have a paid Customer Care service to request a quota increase. Quota increase requests are typically completed within 2-3 business days. You're sent an email when your request is received, which you can reply to. Use this feature if you have questions or want to provide additional information about your request (for example, if your increase request is urgent). You then get another email after the request is processed, notifying you whether the quota increase was approved or denied. The email provides the effective date of the increase, if applicable.