ManagedZones: update

Updates an existing ManagedZone.


HTTP request



Parameter name Value Description
Path parameters
managedZone string Identifies the managed zone addressed by this request. Can be the managed zone name or ID.
project string Identifies the project addressed by this request.
Optional query parameters
clientOperationId string For mutating operation requests only. An optional identifier specified by the client. Must be unique for operation resources in the Operations collection.


This request requires authorization with at least one of the following scopes:


Request body

In the request body, supply a ManagedZones resource.


If successful, this method returns a response body with the following structure:

  "kind": "dns#operation",
  "id": string,
  "startTime": string,
  "status": string,
  "user": string,
  "type": string,
  "zoneContext": {
    "oldValue": managedZones Resource,
    "newValue": managedZones Resource
  "dnsKeyContext": {
    "oldValue": dnsKeys Resource,
    "newValue": dnsKeys Resource
Property name Value Description Notes
kind string Identifies what kind of resource this is. Value: the fixed string "dns#operation".
id string Unique identifier for the resource. This is the client_operation_id if the client specified it when the mutation was initiated, otherwise, it is generated by the server. The name must be 1-63 characters long and match the regular expression [-a-z0-9]? (output only)
startTime string The time that this operation was started by the server. This is in RFC3339 text format (output only).
status string Status of the operation. Can be one of the following: "PENDING" or "DONE" (output only). A status of "DONE" means that the request to update the authoritative servers has been sent, but the servers might not be updated yet.

Acceptable values are:
  • "done"
  • "pending"
user string User who requested the operation, for example: cloud-dns-system for operations automatically done by the system. (output only)
type string Type of the operation. Operations include insert, update, and delete (output only).
zoneContext nested object Only populated if the operation targeted a ManagedZone (output only).
zoneContext.oldValue nested object The pre-operation ManagedZone resource.
zoneContext.newValue nested object The post-operation ManagedZone resource.
dnsKeyContext nested object Only populated if the operation targeted a DnsKey (output only).
dnsKeyContext.oldValue nested object The pre-operation DnsKey resource.
dnsKeyContext.newValue nested object The post-operation DnsKey resource.