Create and manage clusters

This page describes how to create and manage Google Distributed Cloud connected cluster resources.

For more information about Distributed Cloud connected clusters, see How Distributed Cloud connected works.

Distributed Cloud connected servers and multi-rack deployments of Distributed Cloud connected, in which a base rack aggregates the resources of one or more standalone racks, only support local control plane clusters. You cannot create Cloud control plane clusters on those deployment types.

Create a cluster

To create a Distributed Cloud connected cluster, complete the steps in this section. Creating a cluster is one of multiple steps required to deploy a workload on Distributed Cloud connected.

To create a cluster with a local control plane that can run workloads while temporarily disconnected from Google Cloud, first read Survivability mode.

To complete this task, you must have the Edge Container Admin role (roles/edgecontainer.admin) in your Google Cloud project.

  1. In the Google Cloud console, go to the Clusters page.

    Go to Clusters

  2. Click Create cluster.

  3. On the Create a cluster page, click the On-premises tab.

  4. Next to the Distributed Cloud Edge option, click Configure.

  5. On the Cluster basics page, provide the following information:

    • Name: a unique name that identifies this cluster. This name must be RFC 1213-compliant and consist only of lowercase alphanumeric characters and hyphens (-). It must begin and end with an alphanumeric character.
    • Location: the Google Cloud region in which you want to create this cluster.
    • Default max pods per node: the desired maximum number of Kubernetes Pods to execute on each node in this cluster.
    • Labels: lets you add one or more labels to this cluster by clicking Add label.
  6. In the left navigation, click Networking.

  7. On the Networking page, provide the following information:

    • Cluster default pod address range: the desired IPv4 CIDR block for Kubernetes Pods that run on this cluster.
    • Service address range: the desired IPv4 CIDR block for Kubernetes Services that run on this cluster.

    For more information, see Distributed Cloud Pod and Service network address allocation.

  8. In the left navigation, click Authorization.

  9. On the Authorization page, provide the name of the user account within the target Google Cloud project that is authorized to modify cluster resources.

  10. In the left navigation, click Maintenance policy.

  11. On the Maintenance policy page, provide the following information:

    • Enable Maintenance Window: select this checkbox to configure a maintenance window for the cluster. To prevent unexpected downtime caused by Distributed Cloud connected software updates, we strongly recommend that you always configure a maintenance window for each Distributed Cloud cluster that you create. For more information, see Understand software updates and maintenance windows.
    • Start time: the desired date and time at which the maintenance window starts for this cluster.
    • End time: the desired date and time at which the maintenance window ends for this cluster.
    • RRule: the frequency of the maintenance window in the FREQ=WEEKLY|DAILY;BYDAY=MO,TU,WE,TH,FR,SA,SU format:
      • FREQ can be DAILY or WEEKLY.
      • BYDAY: a comma-delimited list of days during which maintenance can occur if FREQ is set to WEEKLY. If you omit the BYDAY parameter, Google chooses the day of the week for you.
      • If you set FREQ to DAILY, maintenance windows occur every day during the specified hours.
  12. Assign a node pool to the cluster by doing one of the following:

    • To assign an existing node pool to this cluster, in the Node pools section in the left navigation, select the existing node pool and verify that the node pool configuration on the Node pool details page is correct.
    • To create a new node pool to assign to this cluster, click Add node pool and provide the following information on the Node pool details page:
      • Node pool name: a unique name that identifies this node pool.
      • Node pool labels: click Add label to add one or more labels to this node pool.
      • Worker nodes preference: select the Distributed Cloud connected nodes to assign to this node pool.
  13. To create the Distributed Cloud connected cluster, click Create.

Use the gcloud edge-cloud container clusters create command:

gcloud edge-cloud container clusters create CLUSTER_ID \
    --project=PROJECT_ID \
    --location=REGION \
    --fleet-project=FLEET_PROJECT_ID \
    --cluster-ipv4-cidr=CLUSTER_IPV4_CIDR_BLOCK \
    --services-ipv4-cidr=SERVICE_IPV4_CIDR_BLOCK \
    --default-max-pods-per-node=MAX_PODS_PER_NODE \
    --release-channel RELEASE_CHANNEL \
    --control-plane-kms-key=CONTROL_PLANE_KMS_KEY \
    --control-plane-node-location=CONTROL_PLANE_LOCATION \
    --control-plane-node-count=CONTROL_PLANE_NODE_COUNT \
    --control-plane-machine-filter=CONTROL_PLANE_NODE_FILTER \
    --control-plane-shared-deployment-policy=CONTROL_PLANE_NODE_SHARING \
    --external-lb-ipv4-address-pools=IPV4_DATA_PLANE_ADDRESSES \
    --version SOFTWARE_VERSION \
    --offline-reboot-ttl REBOOT_TIMEOUT


Replace the following:

  • CLUSTER_ID: a unique name that identifies this cluster. This name must be RFC 1213-compliant and consist only of lowercase alphanumeric characters and hyphens (-). It must begin and end with an alphanumeric character.
  • PROJECT_ID: the ID of the target Google Cloud project.
  • REGION: the Google Cloud region in which the cluster is created and in which the Kubernetes control plane for the cluster is provisioned.
  • FLEET_PROJECT_ID: the ID of the Fleet host project in which the cluster is registered. If this flag is omitted, the Distributed Cloud connected cluster project is used as the Fleet host project.
  • CLUSTER_IPV4_CIDR_BLOCK: the desired IPv4 CIDR block for Kubernetes Pods that run on this cluster.
  • SERVICE_IPV4_CIDR_BLOCK: the desired IPv4 CIDR block for Kubernetes Services that run on this cluster.
  • MAX_PODS_PER_NODE (optional): the desired maximum number of Kubernetes Pods to execute on each node in this cluster.
  • RELEASE_CHANNEL: (optional): specifies the release channel for the version of the Distributed Cloud software you want this cluster to run. Valid values are REGULAR (enable automatic cluster upgrades) and NONE (disable automatic cluster upgrades). If omitted, defaults to REGULAR.
  • CONTROL_PLANE_KMS_KEY (optional): the full path to the Cloud KMS key that you want to use with this cluster's control plane node. For example:


    This flag only applies if you have integrated Distributed Cloud connected with Cloud Key Management Service as described in Enable support for customer-managed encryption keys (CMEK) for local storage.

If you are creating a cluster with a local control plane, in addition to replacing the previous variables, also replace the following:

  • CONTROL_PLANE_LOCATION: instructs Distributed Cloud to deploy the control plane workloads for this cluster locally. The value is the name of the target Distributed Cloud connected zone.
  • CONTROL_PLANE_NODE_COUNT (optional): specifies the number of nodes on which to run the local control plane workloads. Valid values are 3 for high availability and 1 for standard operation. If omitted, defaults to 3.
  • CONTROL_PLANE_NODE_FILTER (optional): specifies a regex-formatted list of nodes that run the local control plane workloads. If omitted, Distributed Cloud selects the nodes automatically at random.
  • CONTROL_PLANE_NODE_SHARING: (optional) specifies whether application workloads can run on the nodes that run the local control plane workloads. Valid values are DISALLOWED an ALLOWED. If omitted, If omitted, defaults to DISALLOWED.
  • IPV4_DATA_PLANE_ADDRESSES: specifies a comma-delimited list of IPv4 addresses, address ranges, or subnetworks for ingress traffic for Services that run behind the Distributed Cloud load balancer when the cluster is running in survivability mode.
  • SOFTWARE_VERSION: specifies the Distributed Cloud connected software version that you want this cluster to run in the format 1.X.Y where X is the minor version, and Y is the patch version, for example 1.5.1. If omitted, defaults to the server-default software version, which typically is the latest available version of Distributed Cloud connected. To get the software versions available for cluster creation, including the server-default version, see Get the available software versions for a cluster. You must set the RELEASE_CHANNEL flag to NONE to specify a cluster software version.
  • REBOOT_TIMEOUT: (requires gcloud alpha) specifies a time window in seconds during which a cluster node can rejoin a cluster after rebooting while the cluster is running in survivability mode. If omitted, defaults to 0 which does not allow rebooted nodes to rejoin the cluster until connection to Google Cloud has been re-established. This is a preview-level feature.

    CAUTION: If you specify a reboot timeout window, nodes that have gone offline can reboot and rejoin the cluster even if you disable or delete the storage key for the specified time.

Make a POST request to the projects.locations.clusters method:

POST /v1/projects/PROJECT_ID/locations/REGION/clusters?clusterId=CLUSTER_ID&requestId=REQUEST_ID&fleetId=FLEET_PROJECT_ID

  "labels": { LABELS,
  "authorization": {
    "adminUsers": {
      "username": "USERNAME"
  "fleet": {
    "project": "FLEET_PROJECT_ID"
  "networking": {
    "clusterIpv4CidrBlocks": CLUSTER_IPV4_CIDR_BLOCK,
    "servicesIpv4CidrBlocks": SERVICE_IPV4_CIDR_BLOCK,
  "defaultMaxPodsPerNode": MAX_PODS_PER_NODE,
  "releaseChannel": "RELEASE_CHANNEL",
  "controlPlaneEncryption": {
  "controlPlane": {
    "local": {
      "nodeLocation": "CONTROL_PLANE_LOCATION",
      "nodeCount": CONTROL_PLANE_NODE_COUNT,
      "machineFilter": "CONTROL_PLANE_NODE_FILTER",
      "sharedDeploymentPolicy": "CONTROL_PLANE_NODE_SHARING"
  "externalLoadBalancerIpv4AddressPools": [
  "targetVersion": "SOFTWARE_VERSION",
  "offlineRebootTtl": "REBOOT_TIMEOUT",

Replace the following:

  • PROJECT_ID: the ID of the target Google Cloud project.
  • REGION: the Google Cloud region in which the target Distributed Cloud connected cluster is created.
  • CLUSTER_ID: a unique name that identifies this cluster. This name must be RFC 1213-compliant and consist only of lowercase alphanumeric characters and hyphens (-). It must begin and end with an alphanumeric character.
  • REQUEST_ID: a unique programmatic ID that identifies this request.
  • FLEET_PROJECT_ID: the ID of the Fleet host project in which the cluster is registered. This can be either a separate project or the Distributed Cloud connected project to which this cluster belongs (PROJECT_ID). Fleet registration is mandatory.
  • LABELS: a list of labels to apply to this cluster resource.
  • USERNAME: the name of the user account within the target Google Cloud project authorized to modify cluster resources.
  • CLUSTER_IPV4_CIDR_BLOCK: the desired IPv4 CIDR block for Kubernetes Pods that run on this cluster.
  • SERVICE_IPV4_CIDR_BLOCK: the desired IPv4 CIDR block for Kubernetes Services that run on this cluster.
  • MAX_PODS_PER_NODE: the desired maximum number of Kubernetes Pods to execute on each node in this cluster.
  • RELEASE_CHANNEL: (optional): specifies the release channel for the version of the Distributed Cloud connected software you want this cluster to run. Valid values are REGULAR (enable automatic cluster upgrades) and NONE (disable automatic cluster upgrades). If omitted, defaults to REGULAR.
  • CONTROL_PLANE_KMS_KEY (optional): the full path to the Cloud KMS key that you want to use with this cluster's control plane node. For example:


    This parameter only applies if you have integrated Distributed Cloud connected with Cloud Key Management Service as described in Enable support for customer-managed encryption keys (CMEK) for local storage.

If you are creating a cluster with a local control plane, in addition to replacing the previous variables, also replace the following:

  • CONTROL_PLANE_LOCATION: instructs Distributed Cloud to deploy the control plane workloads for this cluster locally. The value is the name of the target Distributed Cloud zone.
  • CONTROL_PLANE_NODE_COUNT: specifies the number of nodes on which to run the local control plane workloads. Valid values are 3 for high availability and 1 for standard operation.
  • CONTROL_PLANE_NODE_FILTER (optional): specifies a regex-formatted list of nodes that run the local control plane workloads. If omitted, Distributed Cloud selects the nodes automatically at random.
  • CONTROL_PLANE_NODE_SHARING: specifies whether application workloads can run on the nodes that run the local control plane workloads. Valid values are DISALLOWED an ALLOWED. If omitted, defaults to DISALLOWED.
  • IPV4_DATA_PLANE_ADDRESSES: specifies a comma-delimited list of IPv4 addresses, address ranges, or subnetworks for ingress traffic for Services that run behind the Distributed Cloud load balancer on a local control plane cluster. Does not apply to Cloud control plane clusters.
  • SOFTWARE_VERSION: specifies the Distributed Cloud software version that you want this cluster to run in the format 1.X.Y where X is the minor version, and Y is the patch version, for example 1.5.1. If omitted, defaults to the server-default software version, which typically is the latest available version of Distributed Cloud connected. To get the software versions available for cluster creation, including the server-default version, see Get the available software versions for a cluster. You must set the RELEASE_CHANNEL field to NONE to specify a cluster software version.
  • REBOOT_TIMEOUT: (requires v1alpha1) specifies a time window in seconds during which a cluster node can rejoin a cluster after rebooting while the cluster is running in survivability mode. If omitted, defaults to 0 which does not allow rebooted nodes to rejoin the cluster until connection to Google Cloud has been re-established. This is a preview-level feature.

    CAUTION: If you specify a reboot timeout window, nodes that have gone offline can reboot and rejoin the cluster even if you disable or delete the storage key for the specified time.

List clusters in a region

To list the Distributed Cloud connected clusters provisioned in a Google Cloud region, complete the steps in this section.

To complete this task, you must have the Edge Container Viewer role (roles/edgecontainer.viewer) in your Google Cloud project.

  1. In the Google Cloud console, go to the Clusters page.

    Go to Clusters

  2. Examine the list of clusters.

Use the gcloud edge-cloud container clusters list command:

gcloud edge-cloud container clusters list \
    --project=PROJECT_ID \

Replace the following:

  • PROJECT_ID: the ID of the target Google Cloud project.
  • REGION: the Google Cloud region in which you created your Distributed Cloud connected cluster.

Make a GET request to the projects.locations.clusters.list method:

GET /v1/projects/PROJECT_ID/locations/REGION/clusters?clusterId=CLUSTER_ID&filter=FILTER&pageSize=PAGE_SIZE&orderBy=SORT_BY&pageToken=PAGE_TOKEN

Replace the following:

  • PROJECT_ID: the ID of the target Google Cloud project.
  • REGION: the Google Cloud region in which the target Distributed Cloud cluster is created.
  • CLUSTER_ID: the name of the target cluster.
  • FILTER: an expression that constrains the returned results to specific values.
  • PAGE_SIZE: the number of results to return per page.
  • SORT_BY: a comma-delimited list of field names by which the returned results are sorted. The default sort order is ascending; for descending sort order, prefix the desired field with ~.
  • PAGE_TOKEN: a token received in the response to the last list request in the nextPageToken field in the response. Send this token to receive a page of results.

Get information about a cluster

To get information about a Distributed Cloud connected cluster, complete the steps in this section.

To complete this task, you must have the Edge Container Viewer role (roles/edgecontainer.viewer) in your Google Cloud project.

  1. In the Google Cloud console, go to the Clusters page.

    Go to Clusters

  2. Select the desired cluster.

    A fold-out panel with detailed information about the cluster appears in the right pane.

Use the gcloud edge-cloud container clusters describe command:

gcloud edge-cloud container clusters describe CLUSTER_ID \
    --project=PROJECT_ID \

Replace the following:

  • CLUSTER_ID: the name of the target cluster.
  • PROJECT_ID: the ID of the target Google Cloud project.
  • REGION: the Google Cloud region in which you created your Distributed Cloud connected zone.

Make a GET request to the projects.locations.clusters.get method:

GET /v1/projects/PROJECT_ID/locations/REGION/clusters/CLUSTER_ID

Replace the following:

  • PROJECT_ID: the ID of the target Google Cloud project.
  • REGION: the Google Cloud region in which the target Distributed Cloud connected cluster is created.
  • CLUSTER_ID: the name of the target cluster.

Get the available software versions for a cluster

To find out which Distributed Cloud connected software versions are available on your Distributed Cloud connected zone to create clusters, complete the steps in this section.

To complete this task, you must have the Edge Container Viewer role (roles/edgecontainer.viewer) in your Google Cloud project.

Use the gcloud edge-cloud container get-server-config command:

gcloud edge-cloud container get-server-config --location=REGION

Replace REGION: with the Google Cloud region in which you created your Distributed Cloud connected zone.

Make a GET request to the projects.locations.serverConfig method:

GET /v1/projects/PROJECT_ID/locations/REGION/serverConfig

Replace the following:

  • PROJECT_ID: the ID of the target Google Cloud project.
  • REGION: the Google Cloud region in which the target Distributed Cloud connected cluster is created.

Upgrade the software version of a local control plane cluster

To upgrade the software version of a Distributed Cloud connected local control plane cluster, complete the steps in this section. This feature is not available for Cloud control plane clusters.

Depending on your deployment type, Distributed Cloud connected software upgrades as follows:

  • For Distributed Cloud connected server deployments and Distributed Cloud connected rack deployments using one rack per zone, nodes in a zone are upgraded and rebooted one at a time.
  • For Distributed Cloud connected rack deployments using multiple racks per zone, all nodes in the zone are upgraded simultaneously.

To complete this task, you must have the Edge Container Admin role (roles/edgecontainer.admin) in your Google Cloud project.

Use the gcloud edge-cloud container clusters upgrade command:

gcloud edge-cloud container clusters upgrade CLUSTER_ID \
   --location=REGION \
   --project=PROJECT_ID \
   --schedule=UPGRADE_SCHEDULE \

Replace the following:

  • CLUSTER_ID: the name of the target cluster.
  • REGION: the Google Cloud region in which the target Distributed Cloud cluster has been created.
  • PROJECT_ID: the ID of the target Google Cloud project.
  • UPGRADE_SCHEDULE: specifies when to trigger the software upgrade. The only valid value is IMMEDIATELY.
  • SOFTWARE_VERSION: specifies the Distributed Cloud software version that you want this cluster to run in the format 1.X.Y where X is the minor version, and Y is the patch version, for example 1.5.1. To get the software versions available for cluster creation, including the server-default version, see Get the available software versions for a cluster.

Make a POST request to the projects.locations.clusters.upgrade method:

POST /v1/projects/PROJECT_ID/locations/REGION/clusters/CLUSTER_ID:upgrade?requestId=REQUEST_ID
  "name": "projects/PROJECT_ID/locations/REGION/clusters/CLUSTER_ID",
  "targetVersion": "SOFTWARE_VERSION",
    "schedule": "UPGRADE_SCHEDULE",

Replace the following:

  • PROJECT_ID: the ID of the target Google Cloud project.
  • REGION: the Google Cloud region in which the target Distributed Cloud connected cluster is created.
  • CLUSTER_ID: the name of the target cluster.
  • REQUEST_ID: a unique programmatic ID that identifies this request.
  • UPGRADE_SCHEDULE: specifies when to trigger the software upgrade. The only valid value is IMMEDIATELY.
  • SOFTWARE_VERSION: specifies the Distributed Cloud connected software version that you want this cluster to run in the format 1.X.Y where X is the minor version, and Y is the patch version, for example 1.5.1. To get the software versions available for cluster creation, including the server-default version, see Get the available software versions for a cluster.

A software upgrade typically takes about 2 hours per each node that's part of the cluster's node pool. The command returns an operation that lets you track the progress of the software upgrade. While the software upgrade is in progress, the status of the cluster is set to Reconciling and returns to Running once the upgrade completes. A cluster status of Error indicates the software upgrade failed. In such cases, run the upgrade process again. See Get information about a cluster for information about checking the cluster's status.

Obtain credentials for a cluster

To obtain credentials for a Distributed Cloud connected cluster, complete the steps in this section.

To complete this task, you must have the Edge Container Viewer role (roles/edgecontainer.viewer) in your Google Cloud project.

Use the gcloud edge-cloud container clusters get-credentials command:

gcloud edge-cloud container clusters get-credentials CLUSTER_ID \
    --project=PROJECT_ID \

Replace the following:

  • CLUSTER_ID: the name of the target cluster.
  • PROJECT_ID: the ID of the target Google Cloud project.
  • REGION: the Google Cloud region in which the target Distributed Cloud connected cluster is created.

Make a GET request to the projects.locations.clusters method:

GET /v1/projects/PROJECT_ID/locations/REGION/clusters/CLUSTER_ID

Replace the following:

  • PROJECT_ID: the ID of the target Google Cloud project.
  • REGION: the Google Cloud region in which the target Distributed Cloud zone is created.
  • CLUSTER_ID: the name of the target cluster.

Configure a maintenance window for a cluster

This section describes how to specify a maintenance window and clear a maintenance window for a Distributed Cloud connected cluster.

Specify a maintenance window for a cluster

To specify a maintenance window for a Distributed Cloud connected cluster, complete the steps in this section. For more information about cluster maintenance, see Understand software updates and maintenance windows.

For date and time formats, use RFC 5545.

To complete this task, you must have the Edge Container Admin role (roles/edgecontainer.admin) in your Google Cloud project.

If you are using the Google Cloud console, you can only specify a maintenance window when you create a cluster. To specify a maintenance window on an existing cluster, you must use the Google Cloud CLI or the Distributed Cloud Edge Container API connected.

Use the gcloud edge-cloud container clusters update command:

gcloud edge-cloud container clusters update CLUSTER_ID \
    --project=PROJECT_ID \
    --location=REGION \
    --maintenance-window-start=MAINTENANCE_START \
    --maintenance-window-end=MAINTENANCE_END \

Replace the following:

  • CLUSTER_ID: the name of the target cluster.
  • PROJECT_ID: the ID of the target Google Cloud project.
  • REGION: the Google Cloud region in which the target Distributed Cloud connected cluster is created.
  • MAINTENANCE_START: the start time of the maintenance window in the YYYY-MM-DDTHH:MM:SSZ format.
  • MAINTENANCE_END: the end time of the maintenance window in the YYYY-MM-DDTHH:MM:SSZ format.
  • MAINTENANCE_FREQUENCY: the frequency of the maintenance window in the FREQ=WEEKLY|DAILY;BYDAY=MO,TU,WE,TH,FR,SA,SU format:
    • BYDAY: a comma-delimited list of days during which maintenance can occur if FREQ is set to WEEKLY. If you omit the BYDAY parameter, Google chooses the day of the week for you.
    • If you set FREQ to daily, maintenance windows occur every day during the specified hours.

Make a PATCH request to the projects.locations.clusters.update method:

PATCH /v1/projects/PROJECT_ID/locations/REGION/clusters/CLUSTER_ID?updateMask=maintenancePolicy&requestId=REQUEST_ID
 "maintenance_policy": {
   "window": {
     "recurring_window": {
       "window": {
         "start_time": "MAINTENANCE_START",
         "end_time": "MAINTENANCE_END"
       "recurrence": "MAINTENANCE_FREQUENCY"

Replace the following:

  • PROJECT_ID: the ID of the target Google Cloud project.
  • REGION: the Google Cloud region in which the target Distributed Cloud connected cluster is created.
  • CLUSTER_ID: the name of the target cluster.
  • UPDATE_MASK: a comma-separated list of fully qualified field names to update in this request in FieldMask format.
  • REQUEST_ID: a unique programmatic ID that identifies this request.
  • CLUSTER_ID: the name of the target cluster.
  • USERNAME: the name of the user account within the target Google Cloud project authorized to modify cluster resources.
  • MAINTENANCE_START: the start time of the maintenance window in the YYYY-MM-DDTHH:MM:SSZ format.
  • MAINTENANCE_END: the end time of the maintenance window in the YYYY-MM-DDTHH:MM:SSZ format.
  • MAINTENANCE_FREQUENCY: the frequency of the maintenance window in the FREQ=WEEKLY|DAILY;BYDAY=MO,TU,WE,TH,FR,SA,SU format:
    • FREQ can be DAILY or WEEKLY.
    • BYDAY: a comma-delimited list of days during which maintenance can occur if FREQ is set to WEEKLY. If you omit the BYDAY parameter, Google chooses the day of the week for you.
    • If you set FREQ to daily, maintenance windows occur every day during the specified hours.

For more information, see Resource: cluster.

Clear the maintenance window for a cluster

To clear the maintenance window for a Distributed Cloud connected cluster, complete the steps in this section. For more information about cluster maintenance, see Understand software updates and maintenance windows.

To complete this task, you must have the Edge Container Admin role (roles/edgecontainer.admin) in your Google Cloud project.

Use the gcloud edge-cloud container clusters update command:

gcloud edge-cloud container clusters update CLUSTER_ID \
    --project=PROJECT_ID \
    --location=REGION \

Replace the following:

  • CLUSTER_ID: the name of the target cluster.
  • PROJECT_ID: the ID of the target Google Cloud project.
  • REGION: the Google Cloud region in which the target Distributed Cloud cluster is created.

Make a PATCH request to the projects.locations.clusters.update method:

PATCH /v1/projects/PROJECT_ID/locations/REGION/clusters/CLUSTER_ID?updateMask=maintenancePolicy&requestId=REQUEST_ID
 "maintenance_policy": null

Replace the following:

  • PROJECT_ID: the ID of the target Google Cloud project.
  • REGION: the Google Cloud region in which the target Distributed Cloud connected cluster is created.
  • CLUSTER_ID: the name of the target cluster.
  • UPDATE_MASK: a comma-separated list of fully qualified field names to update in this request in FieldMask format.
  • REQUEST_ID: a unique programmatic ID that identifies this request.
  • USERNAME: the name of the user account within the target Google Cloud project authorized to modify cluster resources.

For more information, see Resource: cluster.

Delete a cluster

To delete a Distributed Cloud connected cluster, complete the steps in this section. Before you can delete a cluster, you must first do the following:

To complete this task, you must have the Edge Container Admin role (roles/edgecontainer.admin) in your Google Cloud project.

Use the gcloud edge-cloud container clusters delete command:

gcloud edge-cloud container clusters delete CLUSTER_ID \
    --project=PROJECT_ID \

Replace the following:

  • CLUSTER_ID: the name of the target cluster.
  • PROJECT_ID: the ID of the target Google Cloud project.
  • REGION: the Google Cloud region in which the target Distributed Cloud connected cluster is created.

Make a DELETE request to the projects.locations.clusters.delete method:

DELETE /v1/projects/PROJECT_ID/locations/REGION/clusters/CLUSTER_ID?requestId=REQUEST_ID

Replace the following:

  • PROJECT_ID: the ID of the target Google Cloud project.
  • REGION: the Google Cloud region in which the target Distributed Cloud connected cluster is created.
  • CLUSTER_ID: the name of the target cluster.
  • REQUEST_ID: a unique programmatic ID that identifies this request.

What's next