View and filter database fleet health information

This page shows you how to view and filter database fleet inventory and health issue information that is displayed on your Database Center dashboard.

Before you begin

View database fleet health information

  1. In the Google Cloud console, go to the Database Center page.

    Database Center

  2. To define the scope of your database fleet, use the drop-down in the Google Cloud console menu bar, select a Google Cloud project, folder, or organization.

  3. Select the products and versions, regions, and labels filters you want to apply to your dashboard. For more information about filtering by labels, see Labels.

  4. To view a summary of your database fleet inventory, click Overview and view the Fleet inventory pane.

  5. To view a summary of database fleet health issues, view the Fleet issues pane. To learn more about a specific issue, click the issue to see details and any relevant recommendations or next steps.

  6. Optional: To view a list of health issues that passed database health checks, click Show Passing Issue Checks.

Filter database fleet health information

You can filter your database resources information to focus on the database fleet information that's important to you. Your filtering choices are applied to the Overview and All Resources pages on the Database Center dashboard.

Your database fleet is represented as resource groups and individual resources. A resource group represents all database resources that serve the same data and replicate together (parents and children together as a family).

An individual resource is anything you provisioned that represents compute and storage (a single family member).

To filter your database resources, follow these steps:

  1. In the Google Cloud console, go to the Database Center page.

    Database Center

  2. To define the scope of your database fleet, use the drop-down in the Google Cloud console menu bar, select a Google Cloud project, folder, or organization.

  3. Select the products and versions, regions, and labels filters you want to apply to your dashboard. The data that's displayed in your Database Center dashboard view changes based on your filter selections.

  4. Click Overview. This page shows a summary of your database fleet inventory and fleet health issues.

    Overview page.

  5. In the Fleet inventory pane, select the filters you want to apply to your database fleet inventory summary.

  6. Optional: To customize the health issues displayed in your Database Center dashboard, click Customize and then select the health issues you want to view.

What's next