Step 2: Clone repository

This page describes the second step to deploy Cortex Framework Data Foundation, the core of Cortex Framework. In this step, you clone the Cortex Framework Data Foundation repository.

Clone the Cortex Framework Data Foundation repository with the following commands, using Cloud Shell. If you are using your terminal, install the gcloud sdk (which is already installed in Cloud Shell).

  1. Clone the repository using the following command:

    git clone
  2. Navigate into the downloaded repository with the following command:

    cd cortex-data-foundation

    If you have already cloned this repository before, pull the latest changes with the following command:

    git pull

Next steps

After you complete this step, move on to the following deployment steps:

  1. Establish workloads.
  2. Clone repository (this page).
  3. Determine integration mechanism.
  4. Set up components.
  5. Configure deployment.
  6. Execute deployment.