Trend Micro Cloud App Security
Integration version: 6.0
Product Use Cases
Perform active actions - enrich entities, search email, update block list, mitigate emails/accounts..
How to generate API token
- Navigate to Administration > Automation and Integration APIs.
- Press on the "Add" button.
- Select "For External Application".
- Provide "Name" and select all checkboxes.
- Press on the "Create Token".
- Copy "Token".
- Update "API Key" parameter in the integration configuration.
- Test the connectivity.
Configure Trend Micro Cloud App Security integration in Google Security Operations SOAR
For detailed instructions on how to configure an integration in Google Security Operations SOAR, see Configure integrations.
Integration parameters
Use the following parameters to configure the integration:
Parameter Display Name | Type | Default Value | Is Mandatory | Description |
API Root | String | | Yes | API root of the Trend Micro Cloud App Security instance. |
API Key | Password | N/A | Yes | API Key of the Trend Micro Cloud App Security instance. |
Verify SSL | Checkbox | Checked | Yes | If enabled, verifies that the SSL certificate for the connection to the Trend Micro Cloud App Security server is valid. |
Test connectivity to Trend Micro Cloud App Security with parameters provided at the integration configuration page in the Google Security Operations Marketplace tab.
Run On
This action doesn't run on entities.
Action Results
Script Result
Script Result Name | Value Options |
is_success | is_success=False |
is_success | is_success=True |
Case Wall
Result Type | Value / Description | Type |
Output message* | If Successful (is success = true) - Successfully connected to the Trend Micro Cloud App Security server with the provided connection parameters! If not Successful (is success = false) - Failed to connect to the Trend Micro Cloud App Security server! Error: {0}".format(exception.stacktrace) |
General |
Add Entities To Blocklist
Add entities to a blocklist in Trend Micro Cloud App Security. Supported entities: URL, Hash and Email (User entity that matches email address pattern).
Name | Default Value | Is Mandatory | Description |
N/A | N/A | N/A | N/A |
Run On
This action runs on the following entities:
- Hash
Action Results
Script Result
Script Result Name | Value Options | Example |
is_success | True/False | is_success:False |
Case Wall
Case | Success | Fail | Message |
if successful for 1 entity | true | false | Successfully added the following entities to blocklist in Trend Micro Cloud App Security: {\n entity.identifier} |
if not successful for 1 entity | true | false | Action wasn't able to add the following entities to blocklist in Trend Micro Cloud App Security: {\n entity.identifier} |
If duplicates | true | false | The following entities are already a part of blocklist in Trend Micro Cloud App Security: {\n entity.identifier} |
not successful for all | false | false | No entities were added using information from Trend Micro Cloud App Security |
Fatal error, invalid creds, API root | false | true | Error executing action "Add Entities To Blocklist". Reason: {error traceback} |
Mitigate Emails
Delete or quarantine emails using Trend Micro Cloud App Security. Note: for Gmail you can only delete emails.
Name | Default Value | Is Mandatory | Description |
Message IDs | N/A | Yes | Specify a comma-separated list of message ids that need to be mitigated. |
Mitigation Action | Delete Possible Values: Delete Quarantine |
Yes | Specify what mitigation action should be applied. |
Service | Gmail Possible Values Gmail Exchange |
Yes | Specify the service the is used for emails. |
Run On
This action doesn't run on entities.
Action Results
Script Result
Script Result Name | Value Options | Example |
is_success | True/False | is_success:False |
Case Wall
Case | Success | Fail | Message |
if successful for 1 message_id | True | false | Successfully mitigated the following emails in Trend Micro Cloud App Security: {\n unique message ids} |
if not successful for 1 message_id | True | false | Action wasn't able to mitigate the following emails in Trend Micro Cloud App Security: {\n unique message ids} |
not successful for all | false | false | No emails were mitigated Trend Micro Cloud App Security. |
Fatal error, invalid creds, API root | false | true | Error executing action "Mitigate Emails". Reason: {error traceback} |
If "Quarantine" is selected and "Gmail" is the service | false | true | Error executing action "Mitigate Emails". Reason: you can only delete emails in gmail service. |
Entity Email Search
Search emails based on entities in Trend Micro Cloud App Security. Supported entities: URL, Hash, Email (User entity that matches email address pattern), Email Subject, File Name, IP.
Name | Default Value | Is Mandatory | Description |
Max Days Backwards | 30 | No | Specify how many days backwards to look for emails. Maximum is 90. Default: 30. |
Max Emails To Return | 100 | No | Specify how many emails to return. Default: 100. |
Run On
This action runs on the following entities:
- Hash
- Email Subject
- File Name
- IP Address
Action Results
Script Result
Script Result Name | Value Options | Example |
is_success | True/False | is_success:False |
JSON Result
emails=[{list of unique emails}]
Case Wall
Case | Success | Fail | Message |
if data is available: | true | false | Successfully returned information about emails related to the provided entities in Trend Micro Cloud App Security. |
if data is not available | false | false | No information about emails related to entities were found in Trend Micro Cloud App Security. |
Fatal error, invalid creds, API root | false | true | Error executing action "Entity Email Search". Reason: {error traceback} |
If "Max Days Backwards" > 90 | false | true | Error executing action "Entity Email Search". Reason: "Max Days Backwards" should be in range from 1 to 90. |
Enrich Entities
Enrich entities with information from Trend Micro Cloud App Security. Supported entities: URL, Hash and Email (User entity that matches email address pattern).
Name | Default Value | Is Mandatory | Description |
N/A | N/A | N/A | N/A |
Run On
This action runs on the following entities:
- Hash
Action Results
Script Result
Script Result Name | Value Options | Example |
is_success | True/False | is_success:False |
JSON Result
blocked_url = [URL entities that were found]
blocked_hashes = [hashes entities that were found]
blocked_senders = [User entities that were found]
Case Wall
Case | Success | Fail | Message |
if successful for 1 entity | true | false | Successfully retrieved information about the following entities from Trend Micro Cloud App Security: {\n entity.identifier} |
if not successful for 1 entity | true | false | Action wasn't able to retrieve information about the following entities from Trend Micro Cloud App Security: {\n entity.identifier} |
not successful for all | false | false | No entities were enriched using information from Trend Micro Cloud App Security |
Fatal error, invalid creds, API root | false | true | Error executing action "Enrich Entities". Reason: {error traceback} |
Mitigate Accounts
Perform mitigation actions on the user account via Trend Micro Cloud App Security.
Name | Default Value | Is Mandatory | Description |
Email Addresses | N/A | Yes | Specify a comma-separated list of email addresses that need to be mitigated. |
Mitigation Action | Disable Account Enable MFA Reset Password Revoke Sign In Sessions |
Yes | Specify a what mitigation action should be applied. |
Run On
This action doesn't run on entities.
Action Results
Script Result
Script Result Name | Value Options | Example |
is_success | True/False | is_success:False |
Case Wall
Case | Success | Fail | Message |
if successful for 1 email address. | true | false | Successfully mitigated the following accounts in Trend Micro Cloud App Security: {\n email addresses} |
if not successful for 1 entity | true | false | Action wasn't able to mitigate the following accounts in Trend Micro Cloud App Security: {\n email addresses} |
not successful for all | false | false | No account were mitigated using information from Trend Micro Cloud App Security. |
Async Message | false | false | Waiting for mitigation actions to finish… |
Fatal error, invalid creds, API root | false | true | Error executing action "Mitigate Account". Reason: {error traceback} |
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