
Integration version: 15.0

Configure Sophos integration in Google Security Operations SOAR

For detailed instructions on how to configure an integration in Google Security Operations SOAR, see Configure integrations.

Integration parameters

Use the following parameters to configure the integration:

Parameter Display Name Type Default Value Is Mandatory Description
API Root String Yes API root of the Sophos instance.
Client ID String N/A Yes Client ID of the Sophos account.
Client Secret Secret N/A Yes Client Secret of the Sophos account.
SIEM API Root String N/A No

SIEM API root of the Sophos instance.

Required for the "Get Events Log" action.

API Key Password N/A No

Sophos API key.

Required for the "Get Events Log" action.

Base 64 Auth Payload Password N/A No

Sophos Base 64 Auth Payload.

Note: "Basic" shouldn't be a part of it.

Required for the "Get Events Log" parameter.

Verify SSL Checkbox Checked Yes If enabled, verifies that the SSL certificate for the connection to the Sophos server is valid.

Where to find SIEM API Root, API Key, and Base64 Auth Payload

  1. Navigate to Global Settings" -> "API Token Management.
  2. Click Add Token and provide a token name.
  3. Copy "API Access URL" and paste it into the "SIEM API Root" field in the connector configuration.
  4. Copy "x-api-key" and paste it into the "API Key" field in the connector configuration.
  5. Copy the "Authorization" header value but without the "Basic" string and paste it into the "Base 64 Auth Payload" field.


Where to find Client ID and Client Secret

  1. Navigate to Global Settings" -> "API Credentials Management.
  2. Click Add Credential and provide a token name.
  3. Provide "Credential name" and select "Service Principal Super Admin" role.
  4. Copy "Client ID" and "Client Secret".

Product Use Cases

Enrich entities.




Test connectivity to Sophos with parameters provided at the integration configuration page in the Google Security Operations Marketplace tab.



Run On

This action doesn't run on entities, nor has mandatory input parameters.

Action Results

Script Result
Script Result Name Value Options Example
is_success True/False is_success=False
JSON Result
Entity Enrichment




Case Wall
Result type Value/Description Type
Output message*

The action should not fail nor stop a playbook execution:

If successful: "Successfully connected to the Sophos server with the provided connection parameters!"

The action should fail and stop a playbook execution:

If not successful: "Failed to connect to the Sophos server! Error is {0}".format(exception.stacktrace)


Get Service Status


Retrieve information about services on endpoints in Sophos. Supported entities: IP Address, Hostname.



Run On

This action runs on the following entities:

  • IP Address
  • Hostname

Action Results

Script Result
Script Result Name Value Options Example
is_success True/False is_success=False
JSON Result
                "services": {
                    "status": "good",
                    "serviceDetails": [
                            "name": "HitmanPro.Alert service",
                            "status": "running"
                            "name": "Sophos Anti-Virus",
                            "status": "running"
                            "name": "Sophos Anti-Virus Status Reporter",
                            "status": "running"
                            "name": "Sophos AutoUpdate Service",
                            "status": "running"
                            "name": "Sophos Clean",
                            "status": "running"
                            "name": "Sophos Clean Service",
                            "status": "running"
                            "name": "Sophos Device Control Service",
                            "status": "running"
                            "name": "Sophos Endpoint Defense",
                            "status": "running"
                            "name": "Sophos Endpoint Defense Service",
                            "status": "running"
                            "name": "Sophos File Scanner",
                            "status": "running"
                            "name": "Sophos File Scanner Service",
                            "status": "running"
                            "name": "Sophos IPS",
                            "status": "running"
                            "name": "Sophos MCS Agent",
                            "status": "running"
                            "name": "Sophos MCS Client",
                            "status": "running"
                            "name": "Sophos Network Threat Protection",
                            "status": "running"
                            "name": "Sophos Safestore",
                            "status": "running"
                            "name": "Sophos Safestore Service",
                            "status": "running"
                            "name": "Sophos System Protection Service",
                            "status": "running"
                            "name": "Sophos Web Control Service",
                            "status": "running"
                            "name": "Sophos Web Intelligence Filter Service",
                            "status": "running"
                            "name": "Sophos Web Intelligence Service",
                            "status": "running"
Entity Enrichment




Case Wall
Result type Value/Description Type
Output message*

The action should not fail nor stop a playbook execution:

If data is available for one entity (is_success=true): "Successfully retrieved service information from the following entities in Sophos: {entity.identifier}."

If not found one entity (is_success=true): "The following entities were not found in Sophos: {entity.identifier}."

If not found all entities (is_success=false): "None of the provided entities were found in Sophos."

The action should fail and stop a playbook execution:

If a fatal error, like wrong credentials, no connection to the server, other is reported: "Error executing action "Get Service Status". Reason: {0}''.format(error.Stacktrace)

Case Wall Table

Table Title: {entity.identifier}

Table Columns:

  • Name - "serviceDetails/name"
  • Status - Capitalized (serviceDetails/status)

Scan Endpoints


Initiate a scan on endpoints in Sophos. Supported entities: IP Address, Hostname.



Run On

This action runs on the following entities:

  • IP Address
  • Hostname

Action Results

Script Result
Script Result Name Value Options Example
is_success True/False is_success=False
JSON Result
Entity Enrichment




Case Wall
Result type Value/Description Type
Output message*

The action should not fail nor stop a playbook execution:

If data is available for one entity (is_success=true): "Successfully initiated scan on the following entities in Sophos: {entity.identifier}."

If not found one (is_success = true): The following entities were not found in Sophos: {entity.identifier}

If not found all (is_success = false): None of the provided entities were found in Sophos.

The action should fail and stop a playbook execution:

If a fatal error, like wrong credentials, no connection to the server, other is reported: "Error executing action "Scan Endpoints". Reason: {0}''.format(error.Stacktrace)


Get Events Log


Retrieve logs related to the endpoints in Sophos. Supported entities: IP Address, Hostname.


Parameter Display Name Type Default Value Is Mandatory Description
Timeframe Integer 12 Yes

Specify the number of hours backwards events should be retrieved.

Note: If the user provides more than 24 hours, the action still uses 24.

Max Events To Return Integer 50 Yes

Specify the number events to return per entity.

Maximum: 1000

Run On

This action runs on the following entities:

  • IP Address
  • Hostname

Action Results

Script Result
Script Result Name Value Options Example
is_success True/False is_success=False
JSON Result
    "events": [
            "when": "2021-08-25T12:11:59.959Z",
            "appSha256": "7282879dee5b483f07e05e81c610e352f146d29390c7a4bbf6d8bc3335cfeeec",
            "appCerts": [
                    "signer": "KnowBe4 Inc.",
                    "thumbprint": "20f1ff543d8b5cbe14398a440ddd8c8ec63373f6271d796387b414214ccd9a50"
            "threat": "KnowBe4 Ransomware Simulator",
            "created_at": "2021-08-25T12:12:11.432Z",
            "source_info": {
                "ip": ""
            "customer_id": "dfb85412-db6e-4289-b5a1-03523a0178b8",
            "severity": "medium",
            "endpoint_id": "5fc739f3-dcab-4a1a-a4cc-d77902621e3b",
            "endpoint_type": "computer",
            "user_id": "61238d60b382960e83de9f54",
            "origin": "SAV",
            "core_remedy_items": null,
            "source": "SOPHOS-H01\\Admin",
            "type": "Event::Endpoint::CorePuaDetection",
            "name": "PUA detected: 'KnowBe4 Ransomware Simulator' at 'C:\\Users\\Admin\\Desktop\\SimulatorSetup.exe'",
            "location": "Sophos-H01",
            "id": "18e3b4a6-86af-4ca1-87ce-5d7a8f29c438",
            "group": "PUA"
Entity Enrichment




Case Wall
Result type Value/Description Type
Output message*

The action should not fail nor stop a playbook execution:

If data is available for one entity (is_success=true): "Successfully retrieved events related to the following endpoints in Sophos: {entity.identifier}."

If not found one entity (is_success=true): "The following entities were not found in Sophos: {entity.identifier}."

If not found all entities (is_success=false): "None of the provided entities were found in Sophos."

If no events for one endpoint (is_success=true): "No events were found for the following endpoints in Sophos: {entity.identifier}."

If no events for all endpoints (is_success=true): "No events were found for the provided endpoints in Sophos."

The action should fail and stop a playbook execution:

If a fatal error, like wrong credentials, no connection to the server, other is reported: "Error executing action "Get Events Logs". Reason: {0}''.format(error.Stacktrace)

Case Wall Table

Table Name: {entity.identifier}

Table Columns:

  • Name
  • Type
  • Source
  • Threat
  • Severity
  • Timestamp

Isolate Endpoint


Isolate endpoints in Sophos. Supported entities: IP Address, Hostname.


Parameter Display Name Type Default Value Is Mandatory Description
Comment String N/A Yes Specify the comment explaining why the isolation is needed.

Run On

This action runs on the following entities:

  • IP Address
  • Hostname

Action Results

Script Result
Script Result Name Value Options Example
is_success True/False is_success=False
JSON Result
Entity Enrichment




Case Wall
Result type Value/Description Type
Output message*

The action should not fail nor stop a playbook execution:

If data is available for one entity (is_success=true): "Successfully isolated the following endpoints in Sophos: {entity.identifier}."

If not found one entity (is_success=true): "The following entities were not found in Sophos: {entity.identifier}."

If not found all entities (is_success=false): "None of the provided entities were found in Sophos."

Async Message: "Waiting for isolation to finish on the following entities: {pending entities}."

The action should fail and stop a playbook execution:

If a fatal error, like wrong credentials, no connection to the server, other is reported: "Error executing action "Isolate Endpoint". Reason: {0}''.format(error.Stacktrace)"

If ran into a timeout: "Error executing action "Isolate Endpoint". Reason: action ran into a timeout. Pending entities: {pending entities}. Please increase the timeout in the IDE."


Unisolate Endpoint


Unisolate endpoints in Sophos. Supported entities: IP Address, Hostname.


Parameter Display Name Type Default Value Is Mandatory Description
Comment String N/A Yes Specify the comment explaining why the unisolation is needed.

Run On

This action runs on the following entities:

  • IP Address
  • Hostname

Action Results

Script Result
Script Result Name Value Options Example
is_success True/False is_success=False
JSON Result
Entity Enrichment




Case Wall
Result type Value/Description Type
Output message*

The action should not fail nor stop a playbook execution:

If data is available for one entity (is_success=true): "Successfully unisolated the following endpoints in Sophos: {entity.identifier}."

If not found one entity (is_success=true): "The following entities were not found in Sophos: {entity.identifier}."

If not found all entities (is_success=false): "None of the provided entities were found in Sophos."

Async Message: "Waiting for unisolation to finish on the following entities: {pending entities}."

The action should fail and stop a playbook execution:

If a fatal error, like wrong credentials, no connection to the server, other is reported: "Error executing action "Unisolate Endpoint". Reason: {0}''.format(error.Stacktrace)"

If ran into a timeout: "Error executing action "Unisolate Endpoint". Reason: action ran into a timeout. Pending entities: {pending entities}. Please increase the timeout in the IDE."


List Alert Actions


Retrieve actions that can be executed on the alert in Sophos.


Parameter Display Name Type Default Value Is Mandatory Description
Alert ID String N/A Yes Specify the ID of the alert for which you want to retrieve details.

Run On

This action doesn't run on entities.

Action Results

Script Result
Script Result Name Value Options Example
is_success True/False is_success=False
JSON Result
    "allowedActions": [
Entity Enrichment




Case Wall
Result type Value/Description Type
Output message*

The action should not fail nor stop a playbook execution:

If data is available for one alert (is_success=true): "Successfully retrieved available actions for the Alert with ID {alert_id} in Sophos."

If no actions are available for the alert (is_success=false): "No actions are available for the alert with ID {alert_id} in Sophos."

The action should fail and stop a playbook execution:

If a fatal error, like wrong credentials, no connection to the server, other is reported: "Error executing action "List Alert Actions". Reason: {0}''.format(error.Stacktrace)

If the 400 status code is reported: "Error executing action "List Alert Actions". Reason: {0}''.format(message)

If the 404 status code is reported: "Error executing action "List Alert Actions". Reason: alert with ID {alert_id} was not found in Sophos.''


Execute Alert Action


Initiate action execution on the alert in Sophos. Use the "List Alert Actions" action to get a list of available actions for the alert.


Parameter Display Name Type Default Value Is Mandatory Description
Alert ID String N/A Yes Specify the ID of the alert on which you want to execute the action.
Action DDL


Possible Values:

  • Acknowledge
  • Clean PUA
  • Clean Virus
  • Auth PUA
  • Clear Threat
  • Clear HMPA
  • Send Message PUA
  • Send Message Threats
Yes Specify the action that should be executed on the alert.
Message String N/A No Specify a message explaining why the action was executed.

Run On

This action doesn't run on entities.

Action Results

Script Result
Script Result Name Value Options Example
is_success True/False is_success=False
JSON Result
Entity Enrichment




Case Wall
Result type Value/Description Type
Output message*

The action should not fail nor stop a playbook execution:

If the 201 status code is reported for one action (is_success=true): "Successfully initiated execution of the action "{action name}" for the Alert with ID {alert_id} in Sophos."

The action should fail and stop a playbook execution:

If a fatal error, like wrong credentials, no connection to server, other: "Error executing action "Execute Alert Actions". Reason: {0}''.format(error.Stacktrace)

If the 404 status code is reported: "Error executing action "Execute Alert Actions". Reason: alert with ID {alert_id} was not found in Sophos.''

If the 400 status code is reported (is_success=false): "Error executing action "Execute Alert Action". Reason: Invalid action was provided for the alert. Please check what actions are available for the provided alert with action "List Alert Actions"."


Add Entities To Blocklist


Add entities to blocklist in Sophos. Supported entities: Filehash.


Parameter Display Name Type Default Value Is Mandatory Description
Comment String N/A Yes Specify the comment explaining why the hash was sent to blocklist.

Run On

This action runs on the Filehash entity.

Action Results

Script Result
Script Result Name Value Options Example
is_success True/False is_success=False
JSON Result
Entity Enrichment

N/A ##### Insights


Case Wall
Result type Value/Description Type
Output message*

The action should not fail nor stop a playbook execution:

If the 201 status code is reported (is_success=true): "Successfully added the following entities to blocklist in Sophos: {entity.identifier}."

If the 409 status code is reported (is_success=true): "The following entities are already a part of the blocklist in Sophos: {entity.identifier}."

If one hash is invalid (is_success=true): "Action wasn't able to add the following entities to blocklist in Sophos: {entity.identifier}".

If all hashes are invalid (is_success=false): "None of the provided entities were added to the blocklist in Sophos."

The action should fail and stop a playbook execution:

If a fatal error, like wrong credentials, no connection to the server, other is reported: "Error executing action "Add Entities To Blocklist". Reason: {0}''.format(error.Stacktrace)


Add Entities To Allowlist


Add entities to allowlist in Sophos. Supported entities: Filehash.


Parameter Display Name Type Default Value Is Mandatory Description
Comment String N/A Yes Specify the comment explaining why the hash was sent to allowlist.

Run on

This action runs on the Filehash entity.

Action Results

Script Result
Script Result Name Value Options Example
is_success True/False is_success=False
JSON Result
Entity Enrichment




Case Wall
Result type Value/Description Type
Output message*

The action should not fail nor stop a playbook execution:

If the 201 status code is reported (is_success=true): "Successfully added the following entities to allowlist in Sophos: {entity.identifier}."

If the 409 status code is reported (is_success=true): "The following entities are already a part of the allowlist in Sophos: {entity.identifier}."

If one hash is invalid (is_success=true): "Action wasn't able to add the following entities to allowlist in Sophos: {entity.identifier}."

If all hashes are invalid (is_success=false): "None of the provided entities were added to the allowlist in Sophos."

The action should fail and stop a playbook execution:

If a fatal error, like wrong credentials, no connection to the server, other is reported: "Error executing action "Add Entities To Allowlist". Reason: {0}''.format(error.Stacktrace)


Case Enrich Entities


Enrich entities using information from Sophos. Supported entities: Hostname, IP Address, Filehash.


Parameter Display Name Type Default Value Is Mandatory Description
Create Insight Checkbox Checked No If enabled, the action creates an insight containing all of the retrieved information about the entity.

Run On

This action runs on the following entities:

  • Hostname
  • IP Address
  • Filehash

Action Results

Script Result
Script Result Name Value Options Example
is_success True/False is_success=False
JSON Result for Host
    "id": "5fc739f3-dcab-4a1a-a4cc-d77902621e3b",
    "type": "computer",
    "tenant": {
        "id": "dfb85412-db6e-4289-b5a1-03523a0178b8"
    "hostname": "Sophos-H01",
    "health": {
        "overall": "suspicious",
        "threats": {
            "status": "suspicious"
        "services": {
            "status": "good",
            "serviceDetails": [
                    "name": "HitmanPro.Alert service",
                    "status": "running"
    "os": {
        "isServer": false,
        "platform": "windows",
        "name": "Windows 10 Enterprise Evaluation",
        "majorVersion": 10,
        "minorVersion": 0,
        "build": 19043
    "ipv4Addresses": [
    "macAddresses": [
    "associatedPerson": {
        "name": "SOPHOS-H01\\Admin",
        "viaLogin": "SOPHOS-H01\\Admin",
        "id": "3d5b16cc-cc1c-4adc-97fb-b57adc9b16d8"
    "tamperProtectionEnabled": true,
    "assignedProducts": [
            "code": "endpointProtection",
            "version": "",
            "status": "installed"
            "code": "interceptX",
            "version": "2.0.22",
            "status": "installed"
            "code": "coreAgent",
            "version": "2.19.6",
            "status": "installed"
    "lastSeenAt": "2021-09-09T11:02:22.259Z"
JSON Result
    "id": "2c43575d-7b8c-4b8a-a65c-4248662ef369",
    "createdAt": "2021-09-01T12:50:34.879Z",
    "properties": {
        "sha256": "ca978112ca1bbdcafac231b39a23dc4da786eff8147c4e72b9807785afee48ba"
    "comment": "asdasda",
    "type": "sha256"
Entity Enrichment
Enrichment Table for Host
Enrichment Field Name Logic - When to apply
health When available in JSON
threat\_status When available in JSON
services\_status When available in JSON
type When available in JSON
hostname When available in JSON
os When available in JSON
os\_build When available in JSON
ipv4 When available in JSON
mac\_address When available in JSON
associated\_person When available in JSON
is\_server When available in JSON
last\_seen When available in JSON
isolated When available in JSON
Enrichment Table for Hash
Enrichment Field Name Logic - When to apply
type When available in JSON
comment When available in JSON
createdAt When available in JSON


Case Wall
Result type Value/Description Type
Output message*

The action should not fail nor stop a playbook execution:

If data is available for one entity (is_success=true): "Successfully enriched the following entities using information from Sophos: {entity.identifier}."

If data is not available for one entity (is_success=true): "Action wasn't able to enrich the following entities using information from Sophos: {entity.identifier}".

If data is not available for all entities (is_success=false): "None of the provided entities were enriched."

The action should fail and stop a playbook execution:

If a fatal error, like wrong credentials, no connection to the server, other is reported: "Error executing action "Enrich Entities". Reason: {0}''.format(error.Stacktrace)

Case Wall Table

Table Title: {entity.identifier}

Table Columns:

  • Key
  • Value


Sophos Central - Alerts Connector


Pull alerts from Sophos Central into Google Security Operations SOAR.

Configure Sophos Central - Alerts Connector in Google Security Operations SOAR

For detailed instructions on how to configure a connector in Google Security Operations SOAR, see Configuring the connector.

Connector parameters

Use the following parameters to configure the connector:

Parameter Display Name Type Default Value Is Mandatory Description
Product Field Name String Product Name Yes Enter the source field name in order to retrieve the Product Field name.
Event Field Name String type Yes Enter the source field name in order to retrieve the Event Field name.
Environment Field Name String "" No

Describes the name of the field where the environment name is stored.

If the environment field isn't found, the environment is the default environment.

Environment Regex Pattern String .* No

A regex pattern to run on the value found in the "Environment Field Name" field.

Default is .* to catch all and return the value unchanged.

Used to allow the user to manipulate the environment field via regex logic.

If the regex pattern is null or empty, or the environment value is null, the final environment result is the default environment.

Script Timeout (Seconds) Integer 180 Yes Timeout limit for the python process running the current script.
API Root String https:/{{api root}} Yes API root of the Sophos instance.
API Key Password N/A Yes Sophos API key.
Base 64 Auth Payload Password N/A Yes

Sophos Base 64 Auth Payload.

Note: "Basic" shouldn't be a part of it.

Lowest Severity To Fetch String N/A No

Severity that is used to fetch alerts.

If nothing is specified, the action ingests all alerts.

Possible values:

Low, Medium, High.

Max Hours Backwards Integer 1 No

Number of hours from where to fetch alerts.

Maximum: 24 hours

Max Alerts To Fetch Integer 10 No

Number of alerts to process per one connector iteration.

Maximum: 1000

Use whitelist as a blacklist Checkbox Unchecked Yes If enabled, whitelist is used as a blacklist.
Verify SSL Checkbox Checked Yes If enabled, verifies that the SSL certificate for the connection to the Sophos Central server is valid.
Proxy Server Address String N/A No The address of the proxy server to use.
Proxy Username String N/A No The proxy username to authenticate with.
Proxy Password Password N/A No The proxy password to authenticate with.

Connector rules

Proxy support

The connector supports proxy.