RSA Archer

Integration version: 11.0

Configure RSA Archer integration in Google Security Operations SOAR

For detailed instructions on how to configure an integration in Google Security Operations SOAR, see Configure integrations.

Integration parameters

Use the following parameters to configure the integration:

Parameter Display Name Type Default Value Is Mandatory
API Root String http://x.x.x.x/rsaarcher Yes
Instance Name String N/A Yes
Username String N/A Yes
Password Password N/A Yes
Verify SSL Checkbox Checked Yes


Create Incident


Create a new incident. In the Create an Incident dialog, analysts can create an incident from selected events in the events view. The incident is then available to incident responders working in respond.


Parameter Display Name Type Default Value Is Mandatory Description
Application Name String Incidents No Specify an application name for the incident. Default: Incidents.
Custom Mapping File String N/A No Specify an absolute path to the file that contains all of the required mapping. If "Remote File" is enabled, then provide a URL that contains the mapping file. Please refer to action documentation for the additional information.
Custom Fields String N/A No Specify a JSON object of fields that need to be used, when creating an incident . Example: {"Category": "Malware"}
Remote File Checkbox N/A If enabled, action will treat value provided in "Custom Mapping File" as a URL and try to fetch a file from it.

Use cases


Run On

This action runs on all entities.

Action Results

Entity Enrichment




Script Result
Script Result Name Value Options Example
content_id N/A N/A
Structure of the Mapping File

In order to work with a mapping file you need to use the proper format. Currently, mapping allows you to define cross-reference field entries.

The structure of the file is the following:

    "type_9": {
        "{Cross-reference field name}": {
            "{Cross-reference field value}": "{content id of the cross-reference field value}",
            "{Cross-reference field value 2}": "{content id of the cross-reference field value 2}"

Example. You have an incident application that you want to link to a certain facility application. In that case the mapping file will look like this:

    "type_9": {
        "Facility": {
            "Business Department": "20202021",
            "Developers": "20011101"


You need to use a mapping file, when actions are not able to automatically
retrieve content id. In all of the other cases, this step is not needed.

#####  JSON Result

    "@odata.context": "$metadata#Incidents/$entity",
    "Incidents_Id": 249459,
    "Additional_Access": [],
    "Additional_Notification_Recipients": [],
    "Address": "<p>Fifth street </p>",
    "Affected_Business_Unit": [],
    "Batch_File_Format": [],
    "Business_Continuity_Plans": [],
    "Business_Impact_Analysis_Archive": [],
    "Category": [
    "Cause": null,
    "City": "Vienna",
    "Corrective_Actions": null,
    "Country": [],
    "Current_Status": [],
    "Customer_Data": [],
    "Customer_Data_Details": null,
    "Data_Encrypted": [],
    "Date_Created": "2020-05-08T12:17:37.187+02:00",
    "DateTime_Closed": null,
    "DateTime_Occurred": "2020-05-06T05:00:00+02:00",
    "DateTime_Reported": "2020-05-08T12:15:00+02:00",
    "Days_Open": 6,
    "Default_Record_Permissions": [
        "IM: Admin",
        "IM: Read Only",
        "BCM: Admin"
    "Desktop_Policy_Enabled": [],
    "Discovery_Policy_Enabled": [],
    "DLP_Policy": [],
    "DLP_Source_Product": [],
    "Emergency_Notifications": [],
    "Encryption_Details": null,
    "Escalated_Incident_Status": [],
    "Estimated_Hours": 0,
    "Facility": [],
    "Filing_Name": null,
    "From_Date__Time": null,
    "Google_Map": "&lt;a target='_new' href='<p>Fifth street </p>, Vienna, , 5000'>Google Map",
    "Impacted_Information_Assess": [],
    "Incident_Analysis_Q1": [],
    "Incident_Analysis_Q2": [],
    "Incident_Analysis_Q3": [],
    "Incident_Analysis_Q4": [],
    "Incident_Analysis_Q5": [],
    "Incident_Analysis_Q6": [],
    "Incident_Analysis_Q7": [],
    "Incident_Analysis_Q8": [],
    "Incident_Analysis_Score": 0,
    "Incident_Analysis_Severity": [
    "Incident_Details": "Closed!",
    "Incident_ID": 2,
    "Incident_Manager": [],
    "Incident_Owner": [],
    "Incident_Resolution_Detail": null,
    "Incident_Result": [
        "To Be Determined"
    "Incident_Status": [
    "Incident_Summary": "TEST!!!!",
    "Incident_Trend": [],
    "Individuals_Involved": [],
    "Inherited_From_Third_Party_Profile": [],
    "Inherited_Permissions_Engagement_Stakeho": [],
    "Inherited_Permissions_Supplier_Request_F": [],
    "Inherited_RP": [],
    "Investigations": [],
    "Involved_Third_Parties": [],
    "Is_BSA_Bank_Secrecy_Act_reporting_requir": [
    "Last_Updated": "2020-05-15T12:40:18.987+02:00",
    "Law_Enforcement_Agency": null,
    "Law_Enforcement_Agent": null,
    "Law_Enforcement_Case_No": null,
    "Legal_Involvement": [],
    "Legal_Involvement_Details": null,
    "Loss": 0,
    "Loss_Description": null,
    "Loss_Events": [],
    "Network_Policy_Enabled": [],
    "Notification_Execution": [],
    "Notify_Crisis_Team": [
        " No, do not send an email notification"
    "Notify_Incident_Owner": [
        "No, do not send an email notification to the incident owner"
    "Open_TasksActivities": [],
    "Organization_Affected_By_Incident": [],
    "Override_Rejected_Submission": [
    "Policy_Enabled": [],
    "Priority": [
    "Range_Type": [],
    "Recovery_": 0,
    "Recovery_Description": null,
    "Region": [],
    "Related_Incidents": [],
    "Related_Incidents1": [],
    "Reported_to_Police": [],
    "Responder_Hours_Entry": [],
    "Risks": [],
    "Source": [],
    "State": [],
    "Status_Change": [
    "Status_Prior_Value": [],
    "Top_Offending_Users": [],
    "Total_Hours": 0,
    "Workflow_Assignees": [],
    "Workflow_Stage": [],
    "Zip_Code": "5000"
Case Wall
Result type Value/Description Type
Output message*

Error Messages:

If invalid key - "Action wasn't able to create a new incident. Reason: {0} field was not found."format(invalid key)

If application not found - "Action wasn't able to create a new incident. Reason: {0} application was not found."format(application)

If invalid value for type 4 and 9 - "Action wasn't able to create a new incident. Reason: {0} field contains an invalid value."format(key)

If user not found for type 8 - "Action wasn't able to create a new incident. Reason: Username {0} was not found."f.ormat(user name)




Test Connectivity.



Use cases


Run On

This action runs on all entities.

Action Results

Entity Enrichment




Script Result
Script Result Name Value Options Example
success True/False success:False

Update Incident


Update an incident.


Parameter Type Default Value Is Mandatory Description
Application Name String Incidents No Specify an application name for the incident. Default: Incidents.
Custom Mapping File String N/A No Specify an absolute path to the file that contains all of the required mapping. If "Remote File" is enabled, then provide a URL that contains the mapping file. Please refer to action documentation for the additional information.
Content ID String N/A Content ID of the incident to update.
Incident Summary String N/A The new summary of the incident.
Incident Details String N/A The new details (description) of the incident.
Incident Owner String N/A The new owner of the incident.
Incident Status String N/A The new status of the incident.
Priority String N/A The new priority of the incident.
Category String N/A The new category of the incident.
Custom Fields String N/A No Specify a JSON object of fields that need to be updated. Example: {"Category": "Malware"}.
Remote File Checkbox N/A If enabled, action will treat value provided in "Custom Mapping File" as a URL and try to fetch a file from it.

Use cases


Run On

This action runs on all entities.

Action Results

Entity Enrichment




Script Result
Script Result Name Value Options Example
content_id N/A N/A
Structure of the Mapping File

In order to work with a mapping file you need to use the proper format. Currently, mapping allows you to define cross-reference field entries.

The structure of the file is the following:

    "type_9": {
        "{Cross-reference field name}": {
            "{Cross-reference field value}": "{content id of the cross-reference field value}",
            "{Cross-reference field value 2}": "{content id of the cross-reference field value 2}"

Example. You have an incident application that you want to link to a certain facility application. In that case the mapping file will look like this:

    "type_9": {
        "Facility": {
            "Business Department": "20202021",
            "Developers": "20011101"

You need to use a mapping file, when actions are not able to automatically retrieve content id. In all of the other cases, this step is not needed.

JSON Result
    "@odata.context": "$metadata#Incidents/$entity",
    "Incidents_Id": 249459,
    "Additional_Access": [],
    "Additional_Notification_Recipients": [],
    "Address": "<p>Fifth street </p>",
    "Affected_Business_Unit": [],
    "Batch_File_Format": [],
    "Business_Continuity_Plans": [],
    "Business_Impact_Analysis_Archive": [],
    "Category": [
    "Cause": null,
    "City": "Vienna",
    "Corrective_Actions": null,
    "Country": [],
    "Current_Status": [],
    "Customer_Data": [],
    "Customer_Data_Details": null,
    "Data_Encrypted": [],
    "Date_Created": "2020-05-08T12:17:37.187+02:00",
    "DateTime_Closed": null,
    "DateTime_Occurred": "2020-05-06T05:00:00+02:00",
    "DateTime_Reported": "2020-05-08T12:15:00+02:00",
    "Days_Open": 6,
    "Default_Record_Permissions": [
        "IM: Admin",
        "IM: Read Only",
        "BCM: Admin"
    "Desktop_Policy_Enabled": [],
    "Discovery_Policy_Enabled": [],
    "DLP_Policy": [],
    "DLP_Source_Product": [],
    "Emergency_Notifications": [],
    "Encryption_Details": null,
    "Escalated_Incident_Status": [],
    "Estimated_Hours": 0,
    "Facility": [],
    "Filing_Name": null,
    "From_Date__Time": null,
    "Google_Map": "&lt;a target='_new' href='<p>Fifth street </p>, Vienna, , 5000'>Google Map",
    "Impacted_Information_Assess": [],
    "Incident_Analysis_Q1": [],
    "Incident_Analysis_Q2": [],
    "Incident_Analysis_Q3": [],
    "Incident_Analysis_Q4": [],
    "Incident_Analysis_Q5": [],
    "Incident_Analysis_Q6": [],
    "Incident_Analysis_Q7": [],
    "Incident_Analysis_Q8": [],
    "Incident_Analysis_Score": 0,
    "Incident_Analysis_Severity": [
    "Incident_Details": "Closed!",
    "Incident_ID": 2,
    "Incident_Manager": [],
    "Incident_Owner": [],
    "Incident_Resolution_Detail": null,
    "Incident_Result": [
        "To Be Determined"
    "Incident_Status": [
    "Incident_Summary": "TEST!!!!",
    "Incident_Trend": [],
    "Individuals_Involved": [],
    "Inherited_From_Third_Party_Profile": [],
    "Inherited_Permissions_Engagement_Stakeho": [],
    "Inherited_Permissions_Supplier_Request_F": [],
    "Inherited_RP": [],
    "Investigations": [],
    "Involved_Third_Parties": [],
    "Is_BSA_Bank_Secrecy_Act_reporting_requir": [
    "Last_Updated": "2020-05-15T12:40:18.987+02:00",
    "Law_Enforcement_Agency": null,
    "Law_Enforcement_Agent": null,
    "Law_Enforcement_Case_No": null,
    "Legal_Involvement": [],
    "Legal_Involvement_Details": null,
    "Loss": 0,
    "Loss_Description": null,
    "Loss_Events": [],
    "Network_Policy_Enabled": [],
    "Notification_Execution": [],
    "Notify_Crisis_Team": [
        " No, do not send an email notification"
    "Notify_Incident_Owner": [
        "No, do not send an email notification to the incident owner"
    "Open_TasksActivities": [],
    "Organization_Affected_By_Incident": [],
    "Override_Rejected_Submission": [
    "Policy_Enabled": [],
    "Priority": [
    "Range_Type": [],
    "Recovery_": 0,
    "Recovery_Description": null,
    "Region": [],
    "Related_Incidents": [],
    "Related_Incidents1": [],
    "Reported_to_Police": [],
    "Responder_Hours_Entry": [],
    "Risks": [],
    "Source": [],
    "State": [],
    "Status_Change": [
    "Status_Prior_Value": [],
    "Top_Offending_Users": [],
    "Total_Hours": 0,
    "Workflow_Assignees": [],
    "Workflow_Stage": [],
    "Zip_Code": "5000"
Case Wall
Result type Value/Description Type
Output message*

Error Messages:

If invalid key - "Action wasn't able to update the incident. Reason: {0} field was not found."format(invalid key)

If application not found - "Action wasn't able to update the incident. Reason: {0} application was not found."format(application)

If invalid value for type 4 and 9 - "Action wasn't able to update the incident. Reason: {0} field contains an invalid value."format(key)

If user not found for type 8 - "Action wasn't able to update the incident. Reason: Username {0} was not found."f.ormat(user name)


Get Incident Details


Retrieve information about the incident from RSA Archer.


Parameter Display Name Type Default Value Is Mandatory Description
Application Name String Incidents No Specify an application name for the incident. Default: Incidents.
Content ID Integer N/A Yes Specify ID of the content for which you want to retrieve details.

Use cases


Run On

This action doesn't run on entities.

Action Results

Script Result
Script Result Name Value Options
is_success is_success=False
is_success is_success=True
JSON Result
    "@odata.context": "$metadata#Incidents/$entity",
    "Incidents_Id": 249459,
    "Additional_Access": [],
    "Additional_Notification_Recipients": [],
    "Address": "<p>Fifth street </p>",
    "Affected_Business_Unit": [],
    "Batch_File_Format": [],
    "Business_Continuity_Plans": [],
    "Business_Impact_Analysis_Archive": [],
    "Category": [
    "Cause": null,
    "City": "Vienna",
    "Corrective_Actions": null,
    "Country": [],
    "Current_Status": [],
    "Customer_Data": [],
    "Customer_Data_Details": null,
    "Data_Encrypted": [],
    "Date_Created": "2020-05-08T12:17:37.187+02:00",
    "DateTime_Closed": null,
    "DateTime_Occurred": "2020-05-06T05:00:00+02:00",
    "DateTime_Reported": "2020-05-08T12:15:00+02:00",
    "Days_Open": 6,
    "Default_Record_Permissions": [
        "IM: Admin",
        "IM: Read Only",
        "BCM: Admin"
    "Desktop_Policy_Enabled": [],
    "Discovery_Policy_Enabled": [],
    "DLP_Policy": [],
    "DLP_Source_Product": [],
    "Emergency_Notifications": [],
    "Encryption_Details": null,
    "Escalated_Incident_Status": [],
    "Estimated_Hours": 0,
    "Facility": [],
    "Filing_Name": null,
    "From_Date__Time": null,
    "Google_Map": "&lt;a target='_new' href='<p>Fifth street </p>, Vienna, , 5000'>Google Map",
    "Impacted_Information_Assess": [],
    "Incident_Analysis_Q1": [],
    "Incident_Analysis_Q2": [],
    "Incident_Analysis_Q3": [],
    "Incident_Analysis_Q4": [],
    "Incident_Analysis_Q5": [],
    "Incident_Analysis_Q6": [],
    "Incident_Analysis_Q7": [],
    "Incident_Analysis_Q8": [],
    "Incident_Analysis_Score": 0,
    "Incident_Analysis_Severity": [
    "Incident_Details": "Closed!",
    "Incident_ID": 2,
    "Incident_Manager": [],
    "Incident_Owner": [],
    "Incident_Resolution_Detail": null,
    "Incident_Result": [
        "To Be Determined"
    "Incident_Status": [
    "Incident_Summary": "TEST!!!!",
    "Incident_Trend": [],
    "Individuals_Involved": [],
    "Inherited_From_Third_Party_Profile": [],
    "Inherited_Permissions_Engagement_Stakeho": [],
    "Inherited_Permissions_Supplier_Request_F": [],
    "Inherited_RP": [],
    "Investigations": [],
    "Involved_Third_Parties": [],
    "Is_BSA_Bank_Secrecy_Act_reporting_requir": [
    "Last_Updated": "2020-05-15T12:40:18.987+02:00",
    "Law_Enforcement_Agency": null,
    "Law_Enforcement_Agent": null,
    "Law_Enforcement_Case_No": null,
    "Legal_Involvement": [],
    "Legal_Involvement_Details": null,
    "Loss": 0,
    "Loss_Description": null,
    "Loss_Events": [],
    "Network_Policy_Enabled": [],
    "Notification_Execution": [],
    "Notify_Crisis_Team": [
        " No, do not send an email notification"
    "Notify_Incident_Owner": [
        "No, do not send an email notification to the incident owner"
    "Open_TasksActivities": [],
    "Organization_Affected_By_Incident": [],
    "Override_Rejected_Submission": [
    "Policy_Enabled": [],
    "Priority": [
    "Range_Type": [],
    "Recovery_": 0,
    "Recovery_Description": null,
    "Region": [],
    "Related_Incidents": [],
    "Related_Incidents1": [],
    "Reported_to_Police": [],
    "Responder_Hours_Entry": [],
    "Risks": [],
    "Source": [],
    "State": [],
    "Status_Change": [
    "Status_Prior_Value": [],
    "Top_Offending_Users": [],
    "Total_Hours": 0,
    "Workflow_Assignees": [],
    "Workflow_Stage": [],
    "Zip_Code": "5000"
Case Wall
Result type Value/Description Type
Output message*

The action should not fail nor stop a playbook execution:

if successful(is_success = true): print "Successfully returned information about the incident with ID {0} in RSA Archer.".format(content ID)

if status code 404 (is_success = false): print "Action wasn't able to return information about the incident with ID {0} in RSA Archer. Reason: Incident with ID {0} was not found.".format(content id)

The action should fail and stop a playbook execution:

if fatal error, like wrong credentials, no connection to server, other: print "Error executing action "Get Incident Details". Reason: {0}''.format(error.Stacktrace)


Add Incident Journal Entry


Add a journal entry to the Security Incident in RSA Archer.


Parameter Display Name Type Default Value Is Mandatory Description
Destination Content ID String N/A True Specify a content id of the security incident to which you want to add journal entry.
Text String N/A True Specify the text for the journal entry.

Run On

This action doesn't run on entities.

Action Results

Script Result
Script Result Name Value Options
is_success is_success=False
is_success is_success=True
JSON Result
    "Links": [],
    "RequestedObject": {
        "Id": 267754
    "IsSuccessful": true,
    "ValidationMessages": []
Case Wall
Result type Value/Description Type
Output message*

The action should not fail nor stop a playbook execution:
if Successful == true (is_success = true): "Successfully added new journal entry to the Security Incident {0} in RSA Archer.".format(content_id)

if Successful == false(is_success = false): "Action wasn't able to add new journal entry to the Security Incident {0} in RSA Archer..format(content_id)

The action should fail and stop a playbook execution:

if fatal error, like wrong credentials, no connection to server, other: "Error executing action "Add Incident Journal Entry". Reason: {0}''.format(error.Stacktrace)

If incident doesn't exist (404 status code): "Error executing action "Add Incident Journal Entry". Reason: Security Incident {0} was not found''.format(content_id).



RSA Archer - Security Incidents Connector


Pull Security Incidents from RSA Archer.

Configure RSA Archer - Security Incidents Connector in Google Security Operations SOAR

For detailed instructions on how to configure a connector in Google Security Operations SOAR, see Configuring the connector.

Connector parameters

Use the following parameters to configure the connector:

Parameter Display Name Type Default Value Is Mandatory Description
Product Field Name String Product Name Yes Enter the source field name in order to retrieve the Product Field name.
Event Field Name String event_type Yes Enter the source field name in order to retrieve the Event Field name.
Environment Field Name String "" No

Describes the name of the field where the environment name is stored.

If the environment field isn't found, the environment is the default environment.

Environment Regex Pattern String .* No

A regex pattern to run on the value found in the "Environment Field Name" field.

Default is .* to catch all and return the value unchanged.

Used to allow the user to manipulate the environment field via regex logic.

If the regex pattern is null or empty, or the environment value is null, the final environment result is the default environment.

Script Timeout (Seconds) Integer 180 Yes Timeout limit for the python process running the current script.
API Root String http://x.x.x.x/RSAarcher Yes API Root of the RSA Archer instance.
Instance Name String N/A Yes Name of the RSA Archer instance.
Username String N/A Yes Username of the RSA Archer account.
Password Password N/A Yes Password of the RSA Archer account.
Fetch Max Hours Backwards Integer 1 No Amount of hours from where to fetch security incidents.
Max Security Incidents To Fetch Integer 50 No How many security incidents to process per one connector iteration.
Process Security Alerts Checkbox Checked No If enabled, action will process Security Alerts related to the Security Incident.
Process Incident Journal Checkbox Checked No If enabled, action will process Incident Journal related to the Security Incident.
Time Format String %Y-%m-%d %H:%M:%S Yes Specify, what should be the time format for the searching of Security Incidents.
Use whitelist as a blacklist Checkbox Unchecked Yes If enabled, whitelist will be used as a blacklist.
Verify SSL Checkbox Unchecked Yes If enabled, verify the SSL certificate for the connection to the RSA Archer server is valid.
Proxy Server Address String N/A No The address of the proxy server to use.
Proxy Username String N/A No The proxy username to authenticate with.
Proxy Password Password N/A No The proxy password to authenticate with.

Connector rules

Proxy support

The connector supports proxy.


Sync Security Incidents


This job will synchronize security incidents in RSA Archer and Google Security Operations SOAR.


Parameter Display Name Type Default Value Is Mandatory Description
API Root String http://x.x.x.x/RSAarcher Yes API Root of the RSA Archer instance.
Instance Name String N/A Yes Name of the RSA Archer instance.
Username String N/A Yes Username of the RSA Archer account.
Password Password N/A Yes Password of the RSA Archer account.
Sync Fields CSV N/A Yes Specify a comma-separated list of fields that need to be synced
Verify SSL Checkbox Checked Yes If enabled, verify the SSL certificate for the connection to the RSA Archer server is valid.