
Integration version: 5.0

Configure Humio integration in Google Security Operations SOAR

For detailed instructions on how to configure an integration in Google Security Operations SOAR, see Configure integrations.

Integration parameters

Use the following parameters to configure the integration:

Parameter Display Name Type Default Value Is Mandatory Description
API Root String Yes API root of the Humio instance.
API Token Password N/A Yes API token of the Humio instance.
Verify SSL Checkbox Checked Yes If enabled, verify the SSL certificate for the connection to the Humio server is valid.

Use Cases

  1. Perform ingestion of the events from repositories
  2. Perform searching




Test connectivity to the Humio with parameters provided at the integration configuration page in the Google Security Operations Marketplace tab.



Run On

This action doesn't run on entities, nor has mandatory input parameters.

Action Results

Script Result
Script Result Name Value Options Example
is_success True/False is_success:False
Case Wall
Result type Value / Description Type
Output message*

The action should not fail nor stop a playbook execution:

If successful: "Successfully connected to the Humio server with the provided connection parameters!"

The action should fail and stop a playbook execution:

If not successful: "Failed to connect to the Humio server! Error is {0}".format(exception.stacktrace)



Search events based on parameters in Humio.


Parameter Display Name Type Default Value Is Mandatory Description
Repository Name String N/A Yes Specify the name of the repository that should be searched.
Query Filter String N/A No

Specify the query that should be executed during the search.

Note: The "head()" and "select()" functions shouldn't be provided.

Time Frame DDL

Last Hour

Possible Values:

  • Last Hour
  • Last 6 Hours
  • Last 24 Hours
  • Last Week
  • Last Month
  • Custom

Specify a time frame for the results.

If "Custom" is selected, you also need to provide the "Start Time" parameter.

Start Time String N/A No

Specify the start time for the results.

This parameter is mandatory, if "Custom" is selected for the "Time Frame" parameter.

Format: ISO 8601

End Time String N/A No

Specify the end time for the results.

Format: ISO 8601.

If nothing is provided and "Custom" is selected for the "Time Frame" parameter then this parameter uses current time.

Fields To Return CSV N/A No

Specify the fields to return.

If nothing is provided, the action returns all fields.

Sort Field String N/A No

Specify what parameter should be used for sorting.

By default the query sorts data by timestamp in the ascending order.

Sort Field Type DDL


Possible Values:

  • String
  • Number
  • Hex

Specify the type of the field that is used for sorting.

This parameter is needed to ensure that the correct results are returned.

Sort Order DDL


Possible Values:

  • ASC
  • DESC
No Specify the order of sorting.
Max Results To Return Integer 50 No Specify the number of results to return.

Run On

This action doesn't run on entities.

Action Results

Script Result
Script Result Name Value Options Example
is_success True/False is_success:False
JSON Result
    "@timestamp": 1636028056292,
    "@rawstring": {
      "actor": {
        "ip": "",
        "orgRoot": false,
        "organizationId": "z4ApqmrB7XbvsQB5E1muelI4WAKz4buZ",
        "proxyRequest": false,
        "type": "orgUser",
        "user": {
          "id": "MgPXnBAKQ4gCg25hW5jKhYTo",
          "isRoot": false,
          "username": ""
      "method": "google",
      "sensitive": false,
      "timestamp": "2021-11-04T12:14:16.292Z",
      "type": "user.signin"
    "@id": "gZPMhXMMcScGXHwxZ7bRH6Ns_88_264_1636028056"
    "@timestamp": 1636028057934,
    "@rawstring": {
      "actor": {
        "ip": "",
        "orgRoot": false,
        "organizationId": "z4ApqmrB7XbvsQB5E1muelI4WAKz4buZ",
        "proxyRequest": false,
        "type": "orgUser",
        "user": {
          "id": "MgPXnBAKQ4gCg25hW5jKhYTo",
          "isRoot": false,
          "username": ""
      "sensitive": false,
      "timestamp": "2021-11-04T12:14:17.934Z",
      "type": "notifications.user.create"
    "@id": "lSLLg2gMDW8GwHtpZTGD8GU1_65_108_1636028057"
Case Wall
Result type Value / Description Type
Result type Value/Description Type
Output message*

The action should not fail nor stop a playbook execution:

If found at least one result (is_success=true): "Successfully returned results for the query "{query}" in Humio."

If no results are found (is_succees=true): "No results were found for the query "{query}" in Humio."

The action should fail and stop a playbook execution:

If a fatal error, like wrong credentials, no connection to the server, other: "Error executing action "Execute Simple Search". Reason: {0}''.format(error.Stacktrace)

If the 400 status code is reported: "Error executing action "Execute Simple Search". Reason: {0}''.format(response)

If the 404 status code is reported: "Error executing action "Execute Custom Search". Reason: {0}''.format(response)

Case Wall Name: Results General


Search events using custom query in Humio.


Parameter Display Name Type Default Value Is Mandatory Description
Repository Name String N/A Yes Specify the name of the repository that should be searched.
Query String N/A Yes

Specify the query that needs to be executed in Humio.

Note: The "head()" function shouldn't be a part of this string.

Max Results To Return Integer 50 No Specify the number of results to return.

Run On

This action doesn't run on entities.

Action Results

Script Result
Script Result Name Value Options Example
is_success True/False is_success:False
JSON Result
    "@timestamp": 1636028056292,
    "@rawstring": {
      "actor": {
        "ip": "",
        "orgRoot": false,
        "organizationId": "z4ApqmrB7XbvsQB5E1muelI4WAKz4buZ",
        "proxyRequest": false,
        "type": "orgUser",
        "user": {
          "id": "MgPXnBAKQ4gCg25hW5jKhYTo",
          "isRoot": false,
          "username": ""
      "method": "google",
      "sensitive": false,
      "timestamp": "2021-11-04T12:14:16.292Z",
      "type": "user.signin"
    "@id": "gZPMhXMMcScGXHwxZ7bRH6Ns_88_264_1636028056"
    "@timestamp": 1636028057934,
    "@rawstring": {
      "actor": {
        "ip": "",
        "orgRoot": false,
        "organizationId": "z4ApqmrB7XbvsQB5E1muelI4WAKz4buZ",

              "proxyRequest": false,
        "type": "orgUser",
        "user": {
          "id": "MgPXnBAKQ4gCg25hW5jKhYTo",
          "isRoot": false,
          "username": ""
      "sensitive": false,
      "timestamp": "2021-11-04T12:14:17.934Z",
      "type": "notifications.user.create"
    "@id": "lSLLg2gMDW8GwHtpZTGD8GU1_65_108_1636028057"
Case Wall
Result type Value / Description Type
Output message*

The action should not fail nor stop a playbook execution:

If found at least one result (is_success=true): "Successfully returned results for the query "{query}" in Humio."

If no results are found (is_succees=true): "No results were found for the query "{query}" in Humio"

The action should fail and stop a playbook execution:

If a fatal error, like wrong credentials, no connection to the server, other is reported: "Error executing action "Execute Custom Search". Reason: {0}''.format(error.Stacktrace)

If the 400 status code is reported: "Error executing action "Execute Custom Search". Reason: {0}''.format(response)

If the 404 status code is reported: "Error executing action "Execute Custom Search". Reason: {0}''.format(response)

Case Wall Name: Results General


Humio - Events Connector


Pull information about events in the repository from Humio.

Configure Humio - Events Connector in Google Security Operations SOAR

For detailed instructions on how to configure a connector in Google Security Operations SOAR, see Configuring the connector.

Connector parameters

Use the following parameters to configure the connector:

Parameter Display Name Type Default Value Is Mandatory Description
Product Field Name String Product Name Yes Enter the source field name in order to retrieve the Product Field name.
Event Field Name String event_field Yes Enter the source field name in order to retrieve the Event Field name.
Environment Field Name String "" No

Describes the name of the field where the environment name is stored.

If the environment field isn't found, the environment is the default environment.

Environment Regex Pattern String .* No

A regex pattern to run on the value found in the "Environment Field Name" field.

Default is .* to catch all and return the value unchanged.

Used to allow the user to manipulate the environment field via regex logic.

If the regex pattern is null or empty, or the environment value is null, the final environment result is the default environment.

Script Timeout (Seconds) Integer 360 Yes Timeout limit for the python process running the current script.
API Root String Yes API root of the Humio instance.
API Token Password N/A No API token of the Humio instance.
Repository Name String N/A Yes Name of the repository from the results will be fetched.
Query String N/A No Query for the events. Note: select() and head() functions should not be added here.
Alert Field Name String N/A No Name of the key that should be used for Alert Name. If nothing or invalid value is provided, the connector will use "Humio Alert" as fallback.
Severity Field Name CSV N/A Yes A comma-separated list of keys that should be used for mapping of the severity. Note: if the key contains "string" values, they should be mapped with "Severity Mapping JSON". If invalid key is provided, "Default" from the "Severity Mapping JSON" parameter will be used.
Severity Mapping JSON JSON


"fieldName": {

"value_1": 100,

"value_2": 75,

"value_3": -1


"Default": 50


Yes JSON object that contains all of the keys with mapped string values. Note: "Default" key is mandatory.
Max Hours Backwards Integer 1 No Amount of hours from where to fetch events.
Max Events To Fetch Integer 20 No How many events to process per one connector iteration.
Use whitelist as a blacklist Checkbox Checked Yes If enabled, whitelist will be used as a blacklist.
Verify SSL Checkbox Checked Yes If enabled, verifies that the SSL certificate for the connection to the Humio is valid.
Proxy Server Address String N/A No The address of the proxy server to use.
Proxy Username String N/A No The proxy username to authenticate with.
Proxy Password Password N/A No The proxy password to authenticate with.

Connector Rules

Proxy Support

The connector supports proxy.